The braised duck intestine roll is cut open with a knife, revealing the perfect cut.

The densely packed duck intestines are packed together and are airtight. You can imagine the tight texture.

There is also a thin layer of lettuce leaves between the pancake and duck intestines, which directly adds a sense of hierarchy to the visual sense.

There are also green cucumber shreds, golden potato shreds and other ingredients sandwiched in duck intestines. I can't help but salivate before I even eat it.

The aroma of braised pork surrounds the tip of the nose.

The diners who received the braised duck intestines eagerly took a big bite.

Then his expression turned to shock.

Why is this braised duck intestine so crispy and tender?

It broke with one bite!

The taste in the mouth was so surprising that diners subconsciously asked about it.

After hearing this, Lin Zhou thought the diners thought he had added something, so he quickly explained.

"Braised duck intestines and braised pork use different brine methods. The duck intestines are crispy, tender and chewy, so the cold brine method is used."

“First blanch the duck intestines to medium rare, and then put them in brine that has been cooled to 50 or 60 degrees to bring out the flavor, so the original characteristic taste of the duck intestines is retained.”

After hearing Lin Zhou's explanation, the diner holding the braised duck sausage roll waved his hand in apology.

"That's not what I meant, Boss Lin. I just thought it was so delicious. I didn't expect it would taste like this in the mouth. I just sighed. I didn't mean anything else."

"Really, I have eaten a lot of braised duck intestines, but none of them have such a tender and crispy texture. Boss Lin, you must have used fresh duck intestines, which taste very fresh. Frozen duck intestines will become doughy and taste completely different." Same."

"It's so tender that it breaks when you bite it. It's still chewy and refreshing. It's really amazing. It's delicious!"

Eaters who know how to eat can tell the quality of the ingredients as soon as they eat it.

Lin Zhou's stall is so popular because, on the one hand, his cooking skills are unparalleled, and on the other hand, he doesn't fool diners, and the ingredients used are basically not bad.

They all eat it themselves and then sell it to diners.

"Yes, it's the fresh duck intestines I bought this morning. You have a pretty good mouth."

Lin Zhou responded while making family photo rolls for the next diners.

Then thinking about having a rest tomorrow, he quickly warned: "By the way, I'm off this Sunday, so I won't be out at the stall tomorrow. Don't wait in line then, or you'll be empty."

As soon as the business opened, Lin Zhou put down his ultimate move.

It was a refreshing relief to the diners who had been waiting for a long time.


"Boss Lin, aren't you going to set up a stall tomorrow?"

"No, I haven't eaten my braised pork rolls yet, how can you not come out of the stall!"

"Did I hear it correctly? Did I wake up too early in the morning and hallucinate?"

"I don't believe it. Today must be April Fool's Day. Boss Lin is teasing me!"

The diners at the front were still listening carefully to Boss Lin's words, but when they heard the bad news, they cried out.

The sorrow in that voice could be heard by everyone present.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

The news spread to the ears of the diners at the back. Now, before everyone had even finished their braised pork rolls, they heard the bad news that Boss Lin was closed on Sunday.

"Hey, come to Changzhong Temple. Today is the last day of the week for Boss Lin to set up a stall. He has to rest tomorrow. If he doesn't eat, he won't be able to eat braised pork rolls in the future."

The diners who received the call jumped out of bed and went straight to Changzhong Temple in pajamas and flip-flops without sleeping.

The diners in the crowd who suddenly got the news were informing their friends.

They've already lined up, and as expected, they'll definitely be able to buy the braised pork rolls.

But it’s hard to tell the friends who didn’t come. It doesn’t matter if we give notice on the last day.

Word will get out soon anyway.

When the diners thought that there would be no braised pork rolls tomorrow, they looked at Lin Zhou with tears in their eyes, hoping to buy more.

"Boss Lin, can you please stop restricting purchases on the last day? One is really not enough to eat!"

"Yes, Boss Lin, I have a big appetite. I can eat five of these rolls in one sitting. One roll is not enough. Can I buy five?"

"Boss Lin, to tell you the truth, I won't hide it from you. I actually have terminal cancer. Now in my last days, I just want to eat more braised pork rolls and leave without regrets."

As the diner spoke, he coughed several times while covering his chest.

Looking at Lin Zhou, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

But looking at the other party's rosy complexion, he still shook his head firmly.

"I can't help it. There are too many people behind me. There is no purchase limit and everything is sold out in a moment. Isn't it sad that everyone has waited for so long and still hasn't bought anything?"

Lin Zhou thought that today was the last day for braised pork rolls. He had prepared a lot of ingredients, but looking at the number of people queuing up, he was afraid that there wouldn't be enough to sell.

"Boss Lin, please be accommodating~"

"Lord Buddha, I'm willing not to eat for the next day in exchange for Boss Lin selling me an extra braised pork roll!"

"Does Buddha care about this?"


It was 11 o'clock today, the time when Lin Zhou set up his stall. The monks in the temple looked at the endless queue and silently gave up the idea of ​​queuing.

The lunch break may not be enough time to queue up, and with too many people, they might be sold out before they even get in line.

Moreover, one vegetarian roll is not enough for everyone, and we have to go back to the temple to eat some vegetarian food. There is not enough time to go back and forth.

So the monks gave up the idea.

"Hey, there are too many people queuing up. It would be nice if there were fewer people."

"I heard from pilgrims that this braised pork roll has become very popular recently, and it has become a popular video along with our temple."

"No wonder there are more and more people queuing up."

"It's okay. Let's wait until this wave of popularity passes. Maybe there will be fewer people at the braised pork roll stall. Then we can go and eat as much as we want."

"That makes sense. Now the Internet updates quickly. Maybe it won't be popular that day."

The monks thought very well.

Then at noon the next day, they saw that it was almost 11 o'clock, and there were no so many people queuing in front of the temple. They were very happy, thinking that there were fewer people queuing up, and they could buy vegetarian rolls to eat today.

Unexpectedly, at 11 o'clock, the monks all rested, and the braised pork roll stall was not seen.

"What's going on? Where is the braised pork roll stall?"

The monks gathered at the door and looked at the street that was very busy before. Now it was empty. There was no long queue, and Lin Zhou's braised pork roll stall was not seen.

"The diners who queued up before didn't come either. Could it be that the stall is not set up today?"

The monks were still happy the last second. Not many people rushed to buy braised pork rolls today.

The next second, not only did they not line up, but they also saw that the braised pork stall had not come either, and they were dumbfounded.

"No wonder there were so few people today. There were a lot of people yesterday morning. There were a lot of people on the street a few hours in advance, and even the incense in our temple was much more prosperous."

"Oh, I waited in vain. I didn't expect the boss to not open the stall today."

A group of monks returned disappointed and could only go back to the temple to eat vegetarian food.


On the other side, Lin Zhou looked at the task rewards for this week and was very confused.

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