Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 160 Why don’t netizens listen to advice?

"What? You can only buy one?"

After the steamed buns were ready, the braised pork rolls were put on sale.

The first customer was still struggling over which flavor to order, but now he didn't have to struggle anymore.

He just ordered a family roll.

"Boss, your purchase limit can't be reduced day by day. One braised pork roll is not enough."

When they heard that each person was limited to one, everyone said it was not enough.

Lin Zhou also knew that one might not be enough.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

But seeing that he opened a stall, the monks also joined the team and the number of people increased again, there was no other way except to limit the quantity.

"Wow, which fan didn't follow the ethics of the game and posted it to Boss Lin online? Now my treasure roadside stall has been discovered. So many people came to grab food. It's so sad."

"Where is the confidentiality agreement? Why don't they hide the delicious food and expose it?"

"Boss Lin no longer belongs to us. He will soon belong to everyone."

"With so many people, we don't have enough braised pork rolls to eat."

"Why don't netizens listen to advice? They said it's not delicious, but so many people come."

"Hey, netizens are not stupid. This kind of people is just like the water army. There are too many comments. Maybe there are some netizens who are not interested at first, but they came to check in after seeing these comments. "

"Actually, I watched the video. The popularity was not that high. Then the fans of Boss Lin joined in, which led to the high popularity. At that time, it should have been handled coldly and the popularity should have been reduced. "

"It's useless to say these now. Look at the long queues at the scene. I saw many people taking videos. When these people taste the flavor, I'm afraid the popularity will get higher and higher. "

"The braised pork rolls that can be eaten immediately can't make these old diners happy.

"The diners in the fried chicken group are even more sad. They just know the location of Boss Lin's stall, and a large group of tourists come to grab food. They really want to cry.

"Gao Jiazhi, who was queuing with Dabao, looked at Dabao who was restless after smelling the fragrance, and tried his best to comfort him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we came early today and it will be our turn soon."

"Gao Jiazhi set more than a dozen alarm clocks to get up early to queue up. They started ringing at nine o'clock and rang every ten minutes, and then woke up Dabao as expected.

" Dabao ran to the room to wake up Gao Jiazhi.

The man and the dog washed up in a hurry and lined up at the stall where Lin Zhou was setting up.

Dabao looked at the distance between himself and Lin Zhou eagerly, and drooled at the smell of the braised meat. Then he abandoned his owner in line and came to Lin Zhou to wag his tail.

"Dabao, you're here."

Lin Zhou and Dabao were also familiar with each other. When he saw it coming over and wagging its tail, he shaved the bone from the elbow and threw it to Dabao to eat.

The diners waiting on the side were a little greedy when they saw the fragrant big bone.

Gao Jiazhi:......

What should I do with such a delicious dog?

Boss Lin was really willing to spend money. There was still some meat hanging on the big bone that had not been shaved clean. Needless to say, you know it must be very delicious to chew.

It's a pity that it all belongs to Dabao.

All the elbow bones from yesterday went into Dabao's stomach.

People who saw it were so greedy.

Gao Jiazhi didn't expect that there would be a day when he would envy dogs.

"Dabao is really the group's favorite. Boss Lin loves him so much. He used to eat buffet every day when he was at the fried chicken stall, but now he eats braised pork rolls and big bones. It's so delicious."

The old diners in the group also saw Dabao gnawing bones when they arrived at the stall, and they were so jealous.

"Hey, Dabao is also pitiful. He used to eat fried chicken when he was at the fried chicken stall, but now he can only eat one braised pork roll, so he can only eat bones."

Gao Jiazhi didn't say a word when he heard this in the crowd.

Yesterday, he gave half of the two braised pork rolls to Dabao. Today, he can only buy one. How can he bear it!

Dabao, don't worry, Dad will give you extra food when he goes back. There will be enough high-end dog food.


On the other side, the street interview duo looked around in the queue, but they didn't see the man who wanted to become a monk in the video yesterday, so they were very confused.

"It shouldn't be like this. The man said he didn't leave home for the braised pork rolls, so he should have lined up to buy them. Why didn't he come?"

"Maybe he disguised himself. The video went viral, so people who don't want to be exposed should cover themselves up. There are many people wearing masks here, so maybe he came, but we didn't notice him."

That made sense, and the girl nodded and continued to look.

"There are monks queuing up. If we can't find the person in question, we can interview the monks, and maybe they can get traffic."

The two of them got together and looked around, looking for all the materials that could be used to shoot videos.

Then they saw Ma Ming, who bought the braised pork rolls and took off his mask to eat.

"Is that the person in question?"

The photographer habitually moved the camera over when he was suspicious.

The host also looked over and clicked on the video to compare. Finally, he determined that it was most likely the person in question, so he stopped queuing immediately and went straight to Ma Ming with his equipment.

The diners behind the two: ? ? ?

Is there anyone who left early when queuing to buy Boss Lin's food?

Is it really informative!


Ma Ming looked at the braised pork roll in his hand and was about to eat it happily when he was caught up by two people who were interviewing on the street.

Ma Ming: "???"

"Hello, are you the person who gave up becoming a monk yesterday because of the braised pork roll?"

Ma Ming subconsciously touched the mask on his face when he heard this.

Fuck, I took off my mask just as I was about to eat!


Seeing that he was recognized, Ma Ming nodded awkwardly.

"Great, we are very curious about your story. Can we interview you? We are doing street interviews. We have 300,000 fans on dy. We are not bad people. This is our account. You can take a look."

Having been rejected by Lin Zhou just now, the female host introduced it in great detail this time, fearing that both parties would not accept the interview.

Such ready-made popularity can't be taken advantage of.

What a pity!

And she was also very curious about what kind of braised pork rolls could be so delicious that people would give up becoming a monk. The story in between must be very interesting.

Ma Ming looked at the street interview account.

Each video has thousands of likes, and the good ones have tens of thousands.

Such self-media accounts seem to be very popular in recent years. I heard that they make a lot of money?

Ma Ming's thoughts flashed through his mind, and he was interrupted by the host before he had time to think about it.

But he still caught it.

He agreed immediately.

"Shall we start now?"

The host was very happy to see Ma Ming agreed, and immediately asked the photographer to start filming.

"Why do you want to become a monk?"

As expected, the first question was this.

Ma Ming organized his sentences and said, "I have been worshipping Buddha with my grandmother since I was a child, and I have always wanted to become a monk."

"Did you really give up because the braised pork rolls were so delicious?"

Ma Ming told the truth, "Yes, I had already made an appointment with the abbot to shave my head, and I smelled the aroma of the braised pork rolls at the entrance of the temple. It was very fragrant, and I was tempted all of a sudden. I thought that I would have to avoid eating after becoming a monk, so I prepared to buy one to try."


(There will be updates after 12 o'clock. This plot is coming to an end. I am not sure when it will be posted. Everyone go to bed early and watch it tomorrow~)

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