Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 148: Kneeling in the Temple of the God of Wealth

"I ask Buddha to bless me and win the lottery. I don't ask for more, just one million!"

The diner first kowtowed three times in front of the Buddha statue, then took out a dozen scratch-off tickets from his pocket, took out his ID card from his wallet, and started scratching without saying a word.

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The pilgrims kneeling on the futon next to them stared at this scene with their eyes widened and forgot to get up.

Damn it?


Even people passing by to offer incense couldn't help but stop and watch when they saw this scene.

Passers-by who had never seen this operation were immediately shocked. Then they suddenly realized it and took out their mobile phones to open the map software and search for nearby lottery stores.

After a while, he came back with a dozen scratch-off tickets.

The Marriage Hall passed three times without entering, and the Wealth Hall chief couldn't kneel down. This was the scene he was talking about.

As the second person scratched the spot, the third and fourth also appeared.

Good guy, when you want money, you can't just talk about it, you have to take action!

For example, use your ID card to scratch off the fun in front of the God of Wealth!

"I heard from my friends that this temple is very spiritual. It seems to be quite famous. A lot of people come."

Pilgrims who had just arrived at the Temple of Wealth were shocked to see people queuing up to offer incense.

"There are too many people, and we have to queue up."

"You don't understand this. Yesterday, someone came to worship Buddha, and their wish came true on the spot. I'm so mysterious. I would rather believe it than believe it!"

"That makes sense, but what are they doing?"

Passers-by looked at the movements of the kneeling person on the futon and lying on the ground as if they were scratching their heads. They were not sure and needed to get closer and take a closer look.

Then I saw people kneeling in front of me playing scratch-off games.

This scene is outrageous yet tinged with piety.

In short, it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

But it is undeniable that they were also moved.

"No wonder there's a queue. Should we buy one too?"

The companions looked at each other and were all crazy about it, so one of them stood in line and the other went to buy scratch-offs.

When I bought the scratch tickets, the queue was still there.

"Twenty, right? I'll transfer the money to you."


Whether it's a lottery or a scratch-off, even close friends have to settle accounts with each other.

Otherwise, if you win, whose money belongs to you.

Best just in case.

The old diner who did this at first didn't just buy one, he bought a dozen.

Finally, I finished shaving all at once and went aside to count the money.

"This one wins 20, this one wins fifty, this one wins thirty..."

A scratch-off ticket cost 600, and he won more than 400, which meant that not only did he not win, but he also lost a little.

Good guy, this doesn’t work either.

The old diners put away their scratch-off tickets and gave up the idea of ​​worshiping Buddha.

It's almost 11 o'clock, so I have to queue up quickly.


Lin Zhou got stuck and came to No. 56 Dayang Street.

Today was another very busy day. If the system tricycle hadn't been fast, he might have been late.

Another stall with independent design,

The braised pork roll sign is antique, and there are small bells hanging on the top of the glass jar. It jingles when it is shaken. The sound is not loud. In the noisy street, only Lin Zhou can hear it.

The old diners who came after hearing the news didn't know the specific location of Lin Zhou's stall, so they scattered around the temple and looked around.

Until he saw Lin Zhou's figure.

"Boss Lin is here!"

This voice was not only heard by the old diners around, but also by Lin Zhou and passers-by on the street.

For a moment, his eyes focused on Lin Zhou again.

Lin Zhou:......

No, just because he was found by an old diner, does that mean he was known to a group of people?

The relationship between these people is quite good.

Lin Zhou parked the tricycle, and within a minute, the scattered diners had gathered quickly, and the familiar ones started queuing up.

Such a fast and neat team attracted the attention of passers-by, and they couldn't help but join in curiously.

"Hello, are these braised pork rolls delicious? Are you all waiting for the boss to come out?"

The queue was not long, and in front of Boss Lin, the old diner didn't dare to tell lies and just nodded.

"Then I'll try it too."

Lin Zhou parked the tricycle and immediately pulled out the folding platform for the stall. The entire usable area was immediately enlarged, making the stall appear spacious and clean.

All kinds of ingredients are put in the glass for diners to choose.

A small blackboard with prices written on it was also displayed.

After the regular diners saw it, they immediately took a photo and sent it to the group.

【Signature Braised Pork Roll-15】

【Beef Roll-20】

【Beef Tripe Roll-20】

[Additional: Braised eggs-2, meat is five pieces]

Wen Nan, who was in the company's tea room, hot-braised pork rolls, was dumbfounded when he saw the new flavor on the blackboard today.

What a mistake. He only focused on stocking up on braised pork rolls and forgot that Boss Lin liked to add flavors when he had nothing to do.

The beef tripe was not available yesterday, but it was only released today!

My God, the pork is so fragrant. How fragrant is the braised beef roll?

Wen Nan silently sent a message to Xiao Wang.

"Brother, are you there?"


All kinds of ingredients are displayed, the bright colors, and the fragrant braised pork are constantly impacting the diners' vision and taste, leaving no room for survival.

The aroma of braised pork is inherently very overbearing and completely unreasonable.

As soon as the fire on the stove heats up, and there is no lid, the aroma becomes even stronger. The aroma of the spices in the stew blends with the umami flavor from the stewed meat, and it seems to float out in substance. Standing at the door of the temple The young monk who was waiting to see off the guests smelled the fragrance and looked over uncontrollably.

He swallowed his saliva the next second and quickly looked away.

Who is this person selling braised pork rolls in front of the temple? Who are you trying to starve to death?

The little monk forced himself not to look at it, thinking in his mind that it would definitely not taste good, it would be bitter, it would be sour, and it would be sour.

It just smells good!

The diners in front of the stall didn't have too many worries.

His eyes were straight.

"Boss Lin, is there a limit?"

The same words impressed Lin Zhou deeply.

The same goes for the young man who fell down yesterday. When he was helped up, he didn't care whether he was injured or not. Instead, the first thing he said was to pull him and ask if there was any limit.

"Three flavors, each person can purchase only three."

Seeing these people, Lin Zhou knew that there would be many diners behind.

He has experience.

It’s limited to three, so needless to say, I’ll definitely buy three!

"Get one of the three flavors. If you want it spicy, add braised eggs. No lettuce, no shredded scallions, no onions, no shredded kelp, and no green peppers!"

It sounds like this eater is picky.

Lin Zhou responded, took out the dough, kneaded the dough and rolled out the dough on the spot, and then steamed it.

Along the way, the braised pork has become a little cold, so it just needs to be heated for a while, then it is finished together with the dough and it is ready to be rolled.

This kind of bread steams quickly and can be added on top.

Lin Yiyi holds the dough in one hand and the rolling pin in the other. He turns it once and twice, and a round dough ball is rolled out.

The action was quite fast, the whole process took less than a minute.

The diners watching were surprised.

"If I hadn't watched Boss Lin make it with my own eyes, I would have thought that this noodle pancake was made by a machine. It is round like this and the size is the same. How much difference is there between the two pancakes? I can't tell the difference with my naked eyes."


(Additional update from the King of Gifts!)

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