The sound startled the young monk who was standing at the door to see the pilgrims off. When he saw that he had finished his prostrations, he was quickly helped up.

People coming and going around were also surprised by this scene.

Wen Nan's mood at this moment simply cannot be expressed in words.

He held the little monk's hand and his eyes were red with excitement.

"The wish I just made came true as soon as I stepped out of the temple. It's so magical!"

The pilgrims who listened curiously suddenly looked at the temple differently.

"I'll come back soon to fulfill my wish!"

Wen Nan said and ran non-stop to Lin Zhou's stall.

The pilgrims on the side were dumbfounded by this operation.

No, you kid is hesitating between sincerity and dishonesty!

Wen Nan ran too fast in excitement, missed the step down the stairs, and fell directly in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

Lin Zhou:? ? ?

"It's not the New Year yet, brothers don't have to give such a big gift!"

Lin Zhou didn't recognize Wen Nan, but when he saw the person lying in front of his stall, he stepped forward and helped him up.

Wen Nan:......

If he says that his legs are weak because he kowtows too much in front of Buddha, will Boss Lin believe him?

But all he could think about at the moment was: "Boss Lin, is there a limit?"

As soon as he said these words, Lin Zhou understood what kind of fate this was.

I just changed the place to set up a stall and met old diners!

"I just left the stall, so I didn't even have to queue. What do you think?"

"Then give me as much as you want!"

Wen Nan understood, and with a wave of his hand, he was immediately wrapped up.

Lin Zhou:......

"I have to have more than a hundred braised pork rolls, and the pancakes are still steaming. Are you serious?"

Lin Zhou prepared according to the number of system tasks, no more than no less.

"I want them all. If I can't finish them, I'll go home and put them in the freezer. I'll just heat them up in the microwave when I eat them later."

Wen Nan said it categorically.

Okay, Lin Zhou nodded and continued to roll out the dough.

Later, someone came to buy braised pork rolls. Lin Zhou could only say apologetically that there were no more, as they were all booked.

Wen Nan on the side was extremely happy, and even took the initiative to help Lin Zhou send away the diners who came after smelling the smell. His mood could not be calmed down.

He never thought that one day he would be so lucky, so good that he still can't get over it.

Then I looked at the price on the small blackboard.

Classic Braised Pork Roll-15.

Additional dishes: braised eggs-2.

Wen Nan took out his mobile phone and silently calculated the price.

The package cost more than a thousand yuan!

Looking at my balance, my dear, it's only over 900.

It's over now!

Wen Nan panicked for a moment, but when he saw the group of diners on the chat interface, his eyes lit up.

What's the reward for finding Boss Lin's address?


Wen Nan took a photo of Lin Zhou's stall and was not in a hurry to post it. Instead, he waited until Lin Zhou was almost finished making braised pork rolls before posting it to the group to ask the group leader to collect the bonus.

Fang Jun, who was taking his lunch break:! ?

Isn't he dreaming?

what's the situation?

It's Monday, what happened?

How come someone found out where Boss Lin was setting up his stall?

Not only Fang Jun was excited, but all the diners in the group who saw the photo were extremely excited.

All in Aitwennan, ask for the address and find out the news.

The regular diners couldn't believe that someone actually found Boss Lin on Monday.

After Wen Nan sent the message, he realized that he hadn't asked Lin Zhou about the stall setting up this week, so he put away his phone and started asking.

"Boss Lin, are you setting up a stall here this week?"


Lin Zhou nodded in agreement while making braised pork rolls.

He also felt a little unbelievable that Wen Nan could meet him by such fate.

"You happened to come here to play and met me?"

"No, I came here specifically to pray to Buddha and ask Bodhisattva to bless me in finding the location where you set up your stall."

Lin Zhou:......

"This temple is so efficacious. I met Boss Lin when I went out. After a while, I sent the braised pork rolls home and went to fulfill my wish."

Lin Zhou also felt that there was something special about this temple.

How about turning around and saying goodbye to him?

"There are one hundred and eight in total. Do you really want them all?"

After finally wrapping all the braised pork rolls, Lin Zhou counted them. There were 108 in total, packed into four big bags.

"Of course I want it. This is the first time I'm so lucky. I missed it. If you know if I can come across it next time, I'll scan it for you."

Wen Nan said, clicking on the Wei letter and accepting the red envelope from Fang Jun.

By the way, I sent the information and location I just found out.

"1836, just give me 1800."

Lin Zhou took out his computer and calculated the price.

It was Lin Zhou's first experience of closing the stall as soon as he left the stall. If there were more, it was considered a gift.

"Okay! Thank you, Boss Lin."

Wen Nan paid the money without feeling any distress. The group owner gave him 1,000 as a bonus for finding Boss Lin. The designated red envelopes in the group were not confiscated, so the money was much more than he imagined.

Boss Lin is such a good person, and I gave him a good deal.

"Is Boss Lin going to close the stall?"

Wen Nan was holding the braised pork rolls and asked with some reluctance as he saw Lin Zhou packing up the empty buckets.

"Yes, you emptied everything for me. Why don't you close the stall?"

Lin Zhou just happened to be sleepy as hell. All of them were sold out all of a sudden. He quickly went back to bed because he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Okay, see you soon, Boss Lin~"

Wen Nan's face, which usually didn't smile much, was almost bursting with laughter. After saying hello to Lin Zhou, he ran away with the braised pork roll.

After getting into the taxi, I took out my mobile phone to reply to the diners in the group.

"Boss Lin is setting up a stall at the ** Temple. He will set up his stall at noon. He will be here all week. The stall has been sold out and closed today. Everyone, please go there tomorrow."

After Wen Lan finished speaking, he shared the location with the group.

Then I received the red envelope with peace of mind.

He replied to the message a little late, and there were so many red envelopes in the group that he couldn't even click on them.

Some are as large as two hundred yuan, and some are as small as tens of one hundred yuan.

They were all rewards given by the group members for Wen Nan to share Boss Lin’s address.

Woo hoo hoo, it’s so effective, it’s so effective!

Not only did he find Boss Lin, he also made a fortune!

Wen Nan was moved to tears and flowed from the corner of his mouth. He quickly took out a braised pork roll and was ready to eat it.

"Master, do you mind if I eat something?"

Before the entrance, Wen Nan remembered that he was in a taxi and asked quickly.

"I'm sorry, I turned on the air conditioner in the car, so the smell of food can't escape. Can guests get out of the car and eat?"

The driver looked at the many braised pork rolls that Wen Nan was carrying and said apologetically.

After eating, the car will be full of smell, and it will be difficult for him to accept the next customer.

"Oh ok, it's okay, I'll eat when I get back."

After being rejected, Wen Nan put down the braised pork roll and concentrated on replying to the messages from the diners in the group.

They all spent money. If I say a few words, he can feel more at ease with the money.

My colleague Xiao Wang, who was also in the group, sent a frantic message to Wen Nan after seeing the news!

"I'll go, if I had known I would have taken the day off to worship Buddha with you today!"

"Why is worshiping Buddha so useful? It's much more useful than Bixian!"

"Brother, have you bought braised pork rolls?"

"You must have bought it. How many have you bought? Do you have any for me?"

"Didn't you like my skin last time? I'll give it to you right now!"

"Are you there? Wen Nan?"


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