Zhao Qisheng's usual working hours are from 8:30 in the morning to 11:50 in the afternoon, at 14:30 in the afternoon, and off at 17:50 in the evening. His evening duty time is from 19:00 or 18:00 to about 21:30.


Urban management officers generally take turns to work, and there are people on duty on Saturdays and Sundays.

He was on duty yesterday and couldn't buy any fish with distiller's grains.

After asking the vegetable vendor next to me, I found out that their business was so good that they closed their stall early and went back.

So I took a break today to prepare myself to queue up and buy more.

Mainly because he said the wrong thing last time and made his mother angry, so she ignored him.

Since he couldn't eat the fish with distiller's grains that he longed for, he had to find a way on his own.

It just so happened that my girlfriend had a day off today, so I planned to make an appointment to go see a movie during the day, and then go to the market in the afternoon to buy fish with distiller's grains.

According to the news in the real estate group, this distiller's fish stall is very popular, with many people queuing up. The security guard said that people would be waiting for it at four o'clock.

It put him under a lot of pressure.

"According to what you say, let's not go to the movies. Let's have a good rest at home in the morning, and then go directly to the vegetable market in the afternoon to wait. There are quite a few small shops over there."

Zhao Qisheng's girlfriend has been thinking about it since she ate fish with distiller's grains last time.

But I have been very busy at work and have no time to buy.

When asked where Zhao Qisheng bought it, Zhao Qisheng would only say that his mother bought it at the door of the vegetable market.

She had a day off today, and even if Zhao Qisheng didn't say anything, she was still going to find out.

This time it was just right.

"That's okay too."

Zhao Qisheng had no objection either.

So the two people stayed at home until three or four in the afternoon, and then arranged to meet at the entrance of the vegetable market.

Come early and line up.

This a la carte market is usually empty.

People generally buy food either in the morning or in the evening, and it is rare to buy food in the afternoon.

There are only one or two fruit stalls on the roadside.

But this afternoon, there were quite a lot of people on this street.

People gathered at the nearby milk tea shops, some spicy hotpot shops, fried skewers shops and supermarkets.

Although it is autumn in September, the temperature is still very hot, and it is impossible to stand under the sun without shelter.

This caused the diners who had queued up in advance to hide in the surrounding areas where they could enjoy the shade.

After Zhao Qisheng saw it, he suddenly had an idea.

"You wait here for me, I'll go home and get something."

The girlfriend was a little confused, but before she could answer, she saw Zhao Qisheng quickly running to the opposite community and disappearing.


In less than ten minutes, Zhao Qisheng came back carrying two plastic stools.

He didn't want to stand in line under the bright sun, but it was still okay to get a seat in advance.

He had a hunch that all the extra people on this street were waiting for the lees fish.

It doesn't work without some special means.

So, Zhao Qisheng placed two plastic bags one behind the other at the place where Lin Zhou had set up his stall.

Regular diners nearby who came in advance to reserve a seat:! ! !

No, how can you cheat?

The eyes of the old diners eating popsicles standing in front of the supermarket widened in surprise. They had been queuing for so long, and this was the first time they saw such cheating.

So the female diner with the bag followed suit and put her bag behind two plastic stools.

Immediately afterwards, a mother with a child put the stroller for her child behind the woman's bag, and the mother took her child to play with the rocker in front of the supermarket.

This set of moves was so smooth that none of the people knew each other, but they followed the trend very smoothly.

There was no communication throughout the whole process, not even eye contact, as if they were just doing it casually.

The male diner standing not far away subconsciously touched himself and found that he had nothing with him except a mobile phone.

It was over now, and only the people who came after him could be seen occupying the position.

He was running around in a hurry.

When he looked at Zhao Qisheng, who was carrying a plastic stool at the beginning, his eyes were wrong.

The male diner took a photo of the placeholder that had been postponed several places and sent it to the group of diners.

"Brothers, hurry up and grab a seat. These people don't have martial ethics and are actually waiting in line with food. You are late, but you really have nothing to eat."

Today is the last day of this week.

Boss Lin will change places next week. I don’t know if he can find someone. If he doesn’t eat, it will be too late.

Boss Lin came out of the stall at six o'clock, and these people started rolling up around three o'clock. It was really hard to live.

After seeing the news, the diners who had not yet left were immediately panicked and immediately packed up and left.

"This is the idea that that smart guy came up with. I fooled him. Ah, ah, ah, I've been here a long time ago. It's in the milk tea shop in front of the elementary school. If you do this, I have to stand in the back and wait for me to come right away."

"I'm nearby too. Damn it, I'm here too."

"Who would come up with such an evil idea of ​​occupying a seat?"


Seeing that the news was on the way, Gao Jiazhi and Dabao speeded up.

Then when he arrived at the entrance of the vegetable market, Gao Jiazhi parked the car and directed Dabao to queue up first, while he stood under the big tree to one side.

Dabao:? ? ?

Dabao's eyes flashed with confusion and he tilted his head to look at Gao Jiazhi.

In the front, dogs were asked to help run errands, and in the back, dogs were asked to help line up.

This is really easy to the extreme.

The other diners who had not found anything to occupy a seat saw that Gao Jiazhi was still using Dabao to queue up, and they immediately looked at Gao Jiazhi with reproachful eyes.

Dabao is their lucky child. They will have to rely on Dabao to find Boss Lin next week. How can they let Dabao do such a thing!

Gao Jiazhi was stared at silently by the diners with condemning eyes. He felt the murderous intent and smiled awkwardly as he led Dabao to the shade of the tree, and then turned the dog leash over to the queue.

In just a short while, a pile of things were piled up in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

There were plastic stools, bags, carts, a bag of food, etc.

The people who came later had originally planned to queue for several hours.

But when they arrived at the place, they saw that no one was queuing in the familiar place, and they were all using things to occupy seats. They suddenly realized it.

The benches in the supermarket are very popular today. The plastic stools and folding chairs on the shelves have been emptied.

"Hello, are the benches sold out? Are there any more?"

The diners who couldn't find the benches pulled the supermarket employees and asked.

The employees were confused. There were a lot of benches and shelves.

As a result, I followed the customer to the shelf selling benches and chairs. Wow, it was empty. There was no stock left.

How come the bench shelf, which was rarely visited by people, was empty today?

Was it bought by someone?

The employee apologized to the customer and went to the warehouse to pick up the goods.

Then he refilled the shelf.

Half an hour later.

"Hello, do you still have benches?"

Supermarket employee: ? ? ?

Didn't she just restock?

The employee came to the shelf and fell into deep thought as she watched the plastic stools sold out again.

So this time, she didn't leave after restocking the goods, and just stood by the shelf and watched.

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