Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 124 What kind of family dares to eat like this! ?

As a company boss, Fang Jun's management ability is beyond reproach.

The next day, he formulated a series of group rules, coupled with his money offensive.

The group of several hundred people dropped to less than two hundred people, and none of the remaining diners objected to this.

At the same time, an administrator was set up under the group owner.

The diners in the entire group suddenly had a clear mind.

After solving the group, he also found external help.

It was the errand boy who delivered fried chicken to the strong diners before.

If you want to talk about the most mobile and populous group in a city, besides the takeaways, it is the couriers.

They are highly mobile and run back and forth in the streets of various communities in the city. If you organize people to help keep an eye on the stalls, it is easy to find people.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

As long as the money is enough, it is still no problem to ask them to help pay a little attention to the roadside stalls when delivering food.

And the information between the takeaways is circulated.

It is easy to get the information he wants.

For this reason, Fang Jun also pulled the errand boy into the group.

This man also became a fan after eating Boss Lin's food.

"OK, now everyone is here, I will assign tasks now."

"I have read the regional statistics table sent to the group, and now I will assign people according to the streets in each region. Every time you go to a place, remember to upload it to the table, and count it in real time to eliminate the location."

"Today is Wednesday, and the weather is good this week. Boss Lin doesn't know where to set up the stall. We all have to hurry up!"

Fang Jun interrupted the diners' chat in time and started talking.

Everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

Those who have time take the task, and those who don't have time pay. For a while, the atmosphere was high, and it seemed that they were determined to find Boss Lin.

At the same time, the work of finding people is divided into online and offline.

Offline, Gao Jiazhi led the dog as the main force to sweep the streets.

Online, Wu Chang, the son of luck who found Boss Lin's location online last week, will lead.

Boss Lin's largest fan group was officially established.


Lin Zhou went fishing last night until dawn.

He caught a few small crucian carps in a few hours.

He was so happy.

What does this mean? The fish food he had before must not be good. He still has to make fish food himself.

He is not empty-handed. He is more and more excited as he fishes. If he hadn't had the task of setting up a stall, he might not be willing to come back.

He slept until one or two in the afternoon before getting up.

Lin Zhou opened his eyes in a daze and saw the message from Uncle Zhang on his mobile phone.

"Xiao Lin, do you want to go hiking?"

The time of the message was seven in the morning.

Lin Zhou had just fallen asleep at that time.

To be honest, he was quite interested in hiking, but after climbing Qinhuang Mountain for a week and selling porridge, he lost interest in this sport.

"I just saw the message. I have been fascinated by fishing recently. I went fishing at night yesterday and came back in the morning. I don't have time to go hiking."

Zhang Jianjun was immediately happy when he received the reply.

If he hadn't known that Lin Zhou was a young man, he would have felt that Lin Zhou was no different from him, a retired old man.

His hobbies were either mountain climbing, drinking tea or fishing, and occasionally setting up stalls.

"Fishing is also OK. I have a friend who runs a fishing ground. I'll take you there next time. The fish there are of good quality."

This is possible, Lin Zhou immediately replied with a nodding emoticon.

He is now full of confidence in his fishing skills.

"Oh, by the way, your brother Mingyuan's engagement date is set before the Mid-Autumn Festival, September 26th."


"You will come with me at that time, just stay with us. There are so many people, so don't neglect you."

Lin Zhou looked at Uncle Zhang's thoughtful consideration for him, and a trace of warmth flashed in his eyes.

This feeling of being cared for and concerned is really good.

"Okay, I will go there in advance to help."

"What do you need your help with? Just rest behind me. You can help taste the dishes at the banquet and give some suggestions."


After a simple chat, Lin Zhou's mind was clear.

He got up from the bed quickly, went straight into the bathroom to take a shower, and came out refreshed.

"Butler Sun, please help me find someone to make a suit. I don't have clothes to wear for formal occasions, so I need to prepare a few sets."

"Okay, sir, I neglected it."

Seeing that he had neglected such a simple thing and had to ask his boss to remind him, Sun Deye immediately reflected on himself with a guilty look.

"It's okay. If I hadn't gone to attend the engagement banquet, I wouldn't need a suit."

Lin Zhou waved his hand without any concern.

It's nothing. He doesn't like to wear suits and has never bought one. It's normal that Butler Sun didn't notice this demand. It's not a big deal.

"Okay, sir, I'll make an appointment with the master to measure the size immediately."

Lin Zhou nodded, ate a meal, and started to make the fermented fish needed for the stall today.

He originally wanted to make fried fish and smoked fish, but he got up late today and didn't have time. He would go to the vegetable market to buy some fresh live fish tomorrow morning and make it.

Lin Zhou hummed a song while steaming and frying the fish.

These were simple and skillful movements, and he could fry several pots in a short time.

Not to mention, this fish with fermented lees is really popular.

Looking at the crispy fried fish, Lin Zhou couldn't help but throw a small piece into his mouth and chew it while frying.

Simple fish pieces are already fragrant enough after being marinated, dried and fried.

After the fresh fish is marinated and seasoned, it will produce a special salty fragrance when dried. This is also the same as many people like to eat salty food such as bacon, which has a special fragrance.

After being fried, there is a hint of fried fragrance, a bit like the feeling of fried dried fish.

After the fried fish pieces are taken out and put aside, Lin Zhou starts to pour chili powder, black beans, garlic powder, and a series of seasonings into the oil pan, fully frying the fragrance, and then pour the fish pieces into the oil pan and fry again.

It is almost time to set up the stall again.

Lin Zhou still leaves some food for his own people, and puts the rest into the bucket to set up the stall.


On the other side, Aunt Zhao, thinking that the time is almost up, is carrying the shopping bag and preparing to go to the entrance of the vegetable market to wait for the guy selling wine lees fish to come.

She gets angry when she mentions this.

Yesterday I bought ten kilograms, and my future daughter-in-law gave me two kilograms. They ate two kilograms together at dinner.

There were six pounds left, and she was going to give two pounds to the elderly at home today, and the rest could be eaten for a day or two.

As a result, she was going to take the fermented lees fish home this morning, and when she opened the refrigerator, she saw that the glass jar was full of fish soup.

The fermented lees fish that was filled yesterday disappeared overnight, and it was gone!

Needless to say, she knew that it must have been stolen by the thief!

There were only the father and son at home, and she didn't steal it, so they ate it!

The fermented lees fish worth hundreds of yuan was gone in one night.

What kind of family dares to eat like this! ?


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