The child was sleeping soundly behind the sofa, while the parents changed the cartoon to a movie, eating lees fish with wine, enjoying the hard-earned world of two people.

"Where did you buy this lees fish? It's delicious. I don't think it goes well with wine or rice, but it's delicious as a snack."

A piece of fish meat, the meat was fried to crispy and dry, and every bite was fragrant. The fish meat was originally in pieces, and after frying, there were many more gaps, and the gaps were the most odor-absorbing.

The aroma of chili and black beans in the red oil seasoning, as well as the flavors of various seasonings and spices, all penetrated into the gaps of the fish meat.

The aroma of lees is the second most intense flavor besides spicy.

There is a kind of environment where you are in a slightly tipsy environment when you smell the aroma of wine without getting drunk, which brings endless reverie.

The oily red oil soaked the fish pieces, making the dried and fried fish meat not so dry, but a little more moist, and the soup is also the essence.

At the end of the meal, the little fish with lees left by the child was not enough to eat. The couple directly put rice in a bowl, covered the rice with fish and soup, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Even the cheers in the movie seemed to exist for this delicious fish with lees.

"I bought it in the community."

Ms. Yao ate the rice with big mouthfuls, and had no time to talk. It took a long time for her to reply.

"Then buy more tomorrow and put it at home. Eat it with porridge in the morning, bring a box lunch at noon, and come back to drink some wine at night. How exciting it will be for the whole day!"

The child's father thought it was beautiful.

"Okay, the child is really okay? How about taking him to the hospital?"

While eating, Ms. Yao was still a little worried when she saw the child sleeping soundly.

"How can you get drunk with this little lees? It's the same level as the rice balls with fermented rice wine. I guess he will be dizzy and sleepy. Just take a nap."

The child's father has been taken to drink by the elders since he was a child. How can he not know.

"That's fine."

After that, the couple continued to eat.


At the fitness equipment in the community, Lin Zhou packed up all the customers who bought wine lees fish, and the bucket of wine lees fish he brought was empty.

After all, it was a community, so it was not easy for him to set up a stall here.

Now I don’t know if the urban management outside has left or not, so it should be okay to run away?

Lin Zhou rode his tricycle to the gate.

Then he was stopped by the security guard just after he arrived at the gate.

Lin Zhou: “Huh?”

What’s going on? Why did the security guard stop him?

Lin Zhou, who encountered the urban management chasing people for the first time, is now a little scared.

In the past, I watched videos online and saw roadside stalls run away by urban management, and even diners, tables, chairs and stools were abandoned. I thought it was funny and laughed non-stop.

Until today, when he saw someone shouting that the urban management was coming, those stall owners started to pack up and run away one by one, he felt the hardship.

“Um, do you still have that wine lees fish? I want to buy one to try.”

The security guard came over and asked quietly, making it like a meeting.

Lin Zhou's heart suddenly dropped.

"Also, fifty-one kilograms, how much do you want?"

"Then give me one kilogram."

When he was at the gate of the community just now, he smelled the fragrance, but he didn't say anything when he saw a group of owners directly bringing people into the community to avoid the urban management.

Now that he saw Lin Zhou coming out, he wanted to buy some to try.

Lin Zhou didn't even leave the gate of the community, and he sold another box.

"Do urban management come to drive people away here every day?"

While packing the fermented fish, Lin Zhou looked at the empty road opposite and asked.

"Yes, the road is blocked, and urban management comes to drive people away, but it doesn't matter. Many people turn back after the urban management leaves."

It can still be like this!

Lin Zhou nodded with a look of knowing.

The news of the vegetable market must be best known by the residents living nearby.

He doesn't need to ask more, just ask and it will be clear.

Lin Zhou smiled and handed the packed fish to the security guard.

The security guard also took it with a satisfied look on his face, and opened the fence for Lin Zhou.

Then Lin Zhou walked out of the community openly, and when he saw an open space at the entrance of the vegetable market, he found a place that was not in the way and started to set up a stall.

As soon as he stopped, someone who came to buy vegetables came to ask.

There was only a word "fish" on the big sign, and the smell of fish in the iron bucket attracted the attention of passers-by.

For a while, there was no need to worry about customers.

After selling several portions in a row, Lin Zhou saw that the vegetable vendors who had just run away began to come back one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the entrance of the vegetable market became lively again.

But there were not as many people as before.

"Uncle, do you run like this every day?"

Lin Zhou looked at an old man next to him who came back with a basket of vegetables and continued to set up a stall, and asked curiously.

"What can I do? It's also my job if the urban management doesn't allow stalls."

The old man waved his hand indifferently, his dark face was full of wrinkles, but he didn't care at all, and picked up the green vegetables and cucumbers in front of him.

Seeing the uneven appearance of the cucumbers, Lin Zhou guessed that the old man must have grown them himself.

"Besides, they just drove people away and didn't fine us, which is already very good."

Lin Zhou listened and nodded.

Compared to some urban management who tore down the stalls of vegetable vendors, they just drove people away, which is really good.

They were all stall owners. When Lin Zhou had customers, he didn't talk much and focused on selling fermented fish.

There were many people in the vegetable market, and the two barrels of fermented fish he brought were surprisingly popular and sold out quickly.

Then he closed the stall and went home.

The stall was opened at 6 o'clock, and it was sold out in more than an hour.

It was still early when Lin Zhou returned home, and he had nothing to do at home, so he wanted to go fishing again.

So Lin Zhou couldn't help but came to the Puruo Bridge again with his fishing equipment.

Then he was recognized as soon as he arrived.

"Boss Lin?"

Pan Yuan's first choice for night fishing is now the Puruo Bridge.

Although he knew from the popular science of the old diners that Lin Zhou set up the stall as he pleased, it is very likely that he will not continue to sell hamburgers here in the new week.

But because he met Lin Zhou here, he became particularly fond of the Puruo Bridge fishing spot.

Unexpectedly, he met Lin Zhou who was making a nest as soon as he came here today.

Lin Zhou looked up with a confused face and saw the big brother who had exchanged fish for hamburgers with him before.


One was squatting and the other was standing. Feeling that the conversation was a bit strange, Lin Zhou put down the fish food in his hand, stood up and greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Boss Lin, are you here to fish?"

"Yes, I heard you say there are a lot of fish here last time, so I came to try."

Lin Zhou was happy to meet a customer, but also afraid of being laughed at for not catching any fish.

Especially today, he didn't wear a mask!

Pan Yuan could see Lin Zhou's awkward and uncomfortable expression at a glance.

"Then you go fishing first, I'll go to the side to make a nest."

They actually met, and Boss Lin was also out fishing, they were not familiar with each other, so naturally it was not good to disturb him too much.

But Pan Yuan still wanted to find out where Lin Zhou was setting up his stall this week, so he stopped not far from where Lin Zhou was making a nest.

Lin Zhou looked at Pan Yuan who was a few steps away from him:......

This side is really next to him?

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