Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 111: Boss Lin has two days off this week?

Lin Zhou prepared the quantity for 100 burgers.

So when the ingredients are used up, it means that the task for this week is completed.

Today happens to be Friday, and many people will not go to work tomorrow.

When Lin Zhou's location was exposed, everyone was still asleep, so half of the group came.

Then the burgers were sold out before the purchase limit was set.

Late at night, Gao Jiazhi, who had worked hard to bring his dog to find it:......

His face twisted for a long time, but he showed a strong smile.

Gao Jiazhi and his Erha were well-known figures in the fried chicken stall last week, and many diners knew him.

Seeing that he didn't buy it, he patted his shoulder distressedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I already know the location, I will come early tomorrow night, Boss Lin, what time will you open the stall tomorrow night?"

Gao Jiazhi comforted himself and the dog at the same time. When the man and the dog heard that the burgers were sold out, they almost cried.

It's not easy for him every day!

"Tomorrow is the weekend, I will rest and set up the stall next week."

A group of diners: ? ? ?


What did you say?

You're actually taking a break?

The brother who just informed everyone in the group that the burgers were sold out today and asked everyone not to come, heard this and silently added that Boss Lin would take a break on Saturdays and Sundays, so you don't have to come this week.

What is this?

The burgers were sold out just after I found someone, and Boss Lin actually took a break this week.

Double blow!

"Boss, no, I haven't even had a burger yet, why don't you set up the stall!"

"That's right, you can't be so cruel, at least let me have a taste!"

"Dabao, come on, cry to Boss Lin, beg him."

The next second, Dabao shed moving tears.

Lin Zhou's scalp numbed when he saw it.

"Boss, there are so many people waiting to be fed, who can eat these burgers? I'll tell you a number, and sell them for another month. When we get tired of them, you can change to something else."

Lin Zhou:......

Lin Zhou pretended not to hear and hurried to make burgers.

Just chatting with the diners, curious about how they found me and chatted for a long time, but I haven't finished yet.

Hearing that today is the last day of selling burgers, the diners who have already got the burgers hold the burgers in their hands more cherishingly.

This is a short-lived burger.

How hard it is to come by!

He is sure that many of Boss Lin's fans didn't get to eat it before it was gone.

They don't know if there will be a return of burgers in the future.

But the diners holding burgers in their hands are definitely the brightest in the crowd.

"Brother, can you finish such a big burger? How about AA? I'll pay half."

The buddies who came late and didn't get to eat, smelling the sizzling aroma of beef patties, have already begun to seek other ways.

The big brother who was asked: ? ? ?

Are you kidding me? I'm a 183cm strong man, can't finish a small burger?

"I can finish it, don't even think about it!"

This burger is so delicious, who would be willing to share it? It's a limited edition burger, and there are still people who want to share a piece of it.

"How about this, I'll pay twice as much, can you sell me the burger?"

"No, I owe you the two hundred yuan?"

The 183cm strong man refused with a face full of refusal, turned his back and began to eat the burger, fearing that the man would rob him if his business failed.

The diner was defeated and turned to fight alone.

"Hello, burgers? Two hundred yuan?"

The diner who just got the burger and hadn't eaten it yet: ? ? ?

To be honest, he was a little hesitant.

A burger worth one hundred yuan, a net profit of one hundred yuan after selling it!

He only earns four or five thousand a month, to be honest, he was a little tempted.

But his body seemed to have its own consciousness, and his hand held the burger more and more tightly.

The diner seemed to see his hesitation and immediately increased the money.

"Three hundred!"

"Four hundred!"

The man's face became more tangled, and then he silently said a number.

"One thousand!"

He thought that if he asked too much, the man would not offer to tempt him, and he could keep the burger without any burden.

But he underestimated the perseverance of the diner who made the offer.

"Deal, show me the QR code and I'll scan it for you."

Man: ? ? ?

No, brother, you can buy any burger for 1,000 yuan, why do you have to buy this burger from me!

He waited in line for a long time, his stomach growling with greed.

But 1,000 yuan!

It can be equivalent to his salary for many days, so he can't refuse it at all.

Although he also loves the food made by Boss Lin, he also loves money.

So he handed over the money and the goods.

The burger he just got was transferred to someone else.

The diner who spent 1,000 yuan to buy a burger returned to the car happily and began to enjoy his delicious burger.

This is a limited burger this week. Some people may not know that the burger has been sold out.

Under the condition of not knowing whether they can eat it in the future.

As a foodie with full level and no shortage of money, of course he is willing to pay a high price to buy it.

The fragrant burger, this bite, for the man, is more fragrant than the dish he spent 1,000 or 2,000 yuan on yesterday!

Well, it's delicious!

Boss Lin's cooking skills are impeccable.


The man who stayed near the stall stood aside and watched the excitement, holding the 1,000 yuan that had just been deposited into his account.

Hundreds of people gathered under the dark bridge at night because of Lin Zhou's presence.

Everyone gathered together, some chatted, some talked, and even if you were watching from the sidelines, you could feel the lively atmosphere.

Some people saw someone paying a high price to buy a hamburger, and they also learned to imitate him.

Many people just knew that Boss Lin was selling hamburgers at the bottom of the Puluo Bridge this week, and when they arrived, they learned that it was only for one day and the hamburgers were sold out.

This kind of hamburger that was sold out before you could eat it, and you couldn't eat it again, undoubtedly made this hamburger more mysterious.

According to the reactions of the diners who had already eaten it, the hamburger was very delicious, and it was the kind of delicacy that subverted the impression that fast food hamburgers were not delicious.

This feeling of only being able to see others eat but never being able to eat it again was really torturous.

So there were still many people willing to pay a high price to buy hamburgers at the scene.

Some people didn't care about money, but only about eating, and some people were willing to bow down for money and sell the hamburgers they queued up to buy.

Knowing that someone in the crowd was thinking about the hamburger.

The diners who had just received the hamburger turned around and ran away with the packed bag.

He didn't want to accept the temptation of money. If someone asked him to buy a hamburger, would he sell it or not?

It's better to leave quickly so that you don't have to accept the test.

As Lin Zhou finished making all the burgers and began to close the stall, the remaining diners began to leave one after another.

Lin Zhou also submitted the task and rode home.

This week's task was completed more smoothly than he thought. He didn't expect that diners would come to such a place, which also subverted his cognition.

But as the magical desire to win and lose increased, Lin Zhou had an uncontrollable idea.

I hope the system will help next week and try to make these diners unable to find it!

Chinese men never admit defeat!


(I owed extra updates yesterday!)

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