Later, when they saw Lin Zhou selling out portions of fried chicken and starting to close the stall, everyone realized that they wouldn't be able to eat it tomorrow.

The diners who had not yet left looked at Lin Zhou packing up the stall and putting him on the tricycle, with reluctance in their eyes.

"Boss Lin, you have to be good!"

"I won't come to set up a stall tomorrow. I will miss you."

"Boss Lin, remember to miss me on days when I don't come to buy fried chicken!"

"Boss Lin, I can't bear to leave you!!!"


As Lin Zhou started to start the battery car, he slowly left.

There were also diners who had not bought the fried chicken chasing after him.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

"Boss Lin, don't leave, save the child, he wants to eat fried chicken!"

"If we don't have fried chicken, let's fry something else. There are ingredients at other stalls, let's go buy them!"

"Boss Lin, don't leave~"

Lin Zhou heard the sound coming from far away and turned around to see a diner riding a battery car chasing after him. He was frightened and accelerated immediately.

"It's gone, it's really gone. We are destined to meet again~"

Fortunately, the tricycle provided by the system has good performance. As soon as it accelerates, the distance is immediately increased.

None of the group caught up.

Lin Zhou felt like he was on the run and returned home, only then did he relax.

The diners who were chasing after him looked at Lin Zhoufei's speed and doubted his life.

How does it feel to see a tricycle ride faster than a motorcycle?

The diners were reluctant to part with the fried chicken at first, so they chased after him for a few steps, but then they found that they couldn't catch up even if they twisted their hands. After the shock, they became unconvinced and tried their best to eat the chicken. There was also a guy riding a motorcycle. The driver of the car was stunned and no one in the group could catch up.

In this round, the diners failed miserably.

"Holy shit, you can't even catch up with me? I was nicknamed the Akina Mountain Car God when I was delivering food, but I couldn't catch up with a tricycle?"

"That's nothing to you, I can't even catch up with my motorcycle."

"Boss Lin's tricycle must have been modified. Didn't you see that when unfolded, the surface area is much larger than that of other roadside stalls? It also has a freezer."

"It makes sense, it must be the fault of the car, not my technical problem!"

After hearing this explanation, everyone agreed.

No one admitted that they had been chasing for a long time, and even the butt of Boss Lin's car was not caught. They could only blame the car.

"Let's go, let's go. I have to go to work tomorrow. I can only sleep for three or four hours at this point."

"Good guy, you are really awesome. I only dare to play like this when I have a day off tomorrow."

"You are so hard-working that even the King of Hell would be defeated."

Diners going to work:......


[Task reward: randomly select a vehicle! 】

After Lin Zhou had rested, the first thing he did was wash his hands and click on the rewards.

I saw the gift package suddenly glowing on the system screen, and a turntable appeared. Each grid was a luxury car. Lin Zhou's hand was shaking a little when he drew it.

There were so many luxury cars, some of which he didn't recognize. Fortunately, they were randomly selected, otherwise he wouldn't know which one to choose.

The needle slowly passed by Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, Pagani... and finally stopped on a Bugatti.

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: a Bugatti]

Lin Zhou walked to the garage with a very calm expression and picked up the vehicle.

For these luxury cars, it would be good if he knew a brand, but he didn't know much more.

Then I saw the grocery cart I bought for two to three million, and it was really compared to a grocery cart.

It seems that the difference between a car worth several million and a car worth tens of millions is quite obvious if you don’t own it.

Immediately thinking that the mission had also been refreshed, Lin Zhou closed the garage door and returned to the room to check.

A car worth tens of millions is not as attractive in his eyes as the newly refreshed mission for this week.

The main reason is that he rides a tricycle every day when he goes to the stalls. He rarely uses other cars. He basically keeps it in the garage and becomes a grocery cart.

[This week’s task: Sell a total of 100 burgers. 】

(Mission location: Under the Puluo Bridge. Mission time: 22:00. Burger price: 100 yuan.)

[Recipe: "Burger Encyclopedia" has been distributed! 】

[Accept task/Reject task]

Lin Zhou:! ! !


Of course, the accumulated tasks are equivalent to welfare tasks for him.

100 burgers, although selling for 100 each, may be a bit expensive for a roadside stall, but it’s not a big problem.

I’ve sold a bowl of porridge for 100 yuan, are you still afraid of this?

Not to mention that there is no technical content in making hamburgers. As long as he works hard and completes the task in advance, the next few days will be a holiday.

Hehe, he likes this task!

What's the difference between this and a vacation!

Lin Zhou couldn't help laughing.

Or go out at night.

He wasn't in a hurry to rest anymore and just watched videos. He didn't go to bed until five or six o'clock, when it was already dawn.

It was already one or two in the afternoon when I woke up.

"Good afternoon, sir. Do you want to have lunch?"

Seeing Lin Zhou get up, Butler Sun immediately came forward to greet him.

"Okay, let's go eat in the yard."

Lin Zhou looked at the cloudy sky outside and suddenly had a bad feeling. It wasn't going to rain, was it?

Then I thought about it, this week is a cumulative task, it doesn't matter even if it rains and I can't go out.

Immediately my heart was relieved.

Lin Zhou had a leisurely lunch when he saw it started to rain.

Hey, it's really raining!

However, he didn't have to set up a stall, and he also reminded the diners that he wouldn't set up a stall in front of the bar. It didn't matter if he took a rest, and there was no psychological burden at all.

I haven't felt this relaxed vacation feeling for several weeks.

I got the accumulated task the week I just came here. I'm really lucky this week.

Lin Zhou leisurely returned to the room to play games, listening to the crackling sound of rain outside, feeling very comfortable.


There is little rain in Jiangdong in summer, and when it rains, it is a thunderstorm with heavy rain.

It rained at five or six o'clock, and many people who didn't check the weather forecast were soaked by the rain on their way home from get off work or school.

Even the vendors on the roadside were taking shelter from the rain.

Looking at the heavy rain, the diners who were guessing where Lin Zhou would set up his stall this week were silent.

"Do you think Boss Lin will still set up his stall when it rains heavily?"

Someone in the 'Boss Lin Fried Chicken Stall Group' asked tentatively.

After development, the diners have formed small groups, and the 'Boss Lin Baozi Stall Group' has also evolved into the 'Boss Lin Fried Chicken Stall Group', which distinguishes the diners.

The main reason is that the previous customers at the steamed bun stall always claimed to be old fans of Boss Lin, and the new fans couldn't stand it, so they set up their own group.

Then the fried chicken customers who just met Boss Lin this week went to the new group.

The steamed bun group is still the same old group of customers.

When there are more people, there will be more conflicts.

Everyone has their own ideas, and fans also have selfishness and conflicts. It is normal to form a group.

Everyone is happy about this.

Except for the candied haws stall, which is a group of primary school students.

After not eating the candied haws sold by Lin Zhou for a week, the primary school students were not happy and started to make trouble.

The taste of the candied haws bought outside is really different, and it is not as good as the one sold by Lin Zhou at the school gate.

Not only the primary school students tasted the difference, but the parents who have tasted it can also taste the difference.

It's another Monday, and I didn't see any candied haws sold at the school gate.

Chen Wei went home and sighed leisurely.

"People will eventually be trapped by things they couldn't get when they were young. Mom, you don't want me to be like that, right?"

Mother Chen:......

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