A group of criminals!

Even if they didn't do anything extremely evil, they were definitely incarcerated for breaking the law.

Who doesn't have a temper and a personality?

As a result, more than a hundred people are all obedient and serious, writing thousands of words of self-criticism?

The most important thing is that in the self-criticism, they also said that they were worthless and extremely evil, as if they really had no conscience, hated by both humans and gods, worse than pigs and dogs, and deserved to be cut into pieces, climb mountains of knives, and go into the sea of fire!

The most important thing is... that attitude is not pretended!

They think so from the bottom of their hearts!

The reason for doing all this is that they didn't queue up when they went to the prison cafeteria to get food?

I... can it be more outrageous?

First of all, they are really awesome for being able to eat the food in the prison cafeteria.

The most important thing is that in order to queue up for food, they work hard, and even almost fight, but in the end, all of them come to write self-criticisms neatly.

What kind of world am I in?!

Is this too magical?

Dream on!


Yes, yes, yes, it must be a dream!

If I believe that the food in the prison is delicious, I am a big idiot!

The super stupid one!

It's not me who has a problem, it must be them.

While listening to Wang Xiaolong's self-criticism, Lao Qiang was still observing his every move. He would always swallow his saliva from time to time, and would constantly wipe the corners of his mouth with his hands.

The most important thing is that not only Wang Xiaolong did this, but even the police officer who stayed next to him had the same action!

It was as if they saw something particularly delicious, and both of them were greedy!

It was almost noon, and the meal was about to start. Thinking back to the dishes that Jiang Chen had made not long ago, could they not have some reaction?

No way.

Lao Qiang really couldn't bear it anymore. Their performance was too weird. No matter what, he had to find a way to sneak over and take a look today.

Could it be that the cafeteria in Prison No. 2 really invited a chef?

It shouldn't be like that!

Even if the cooking skills are really awesome, it shouldn't be to this extent, right?

Even if he is a chef in a five-star hotel, it is not enough to make so many prisoners listen to him neatly.

There are no two identical leaves in the world, let alone people. Everyone has different personalities and tastes.

Can his cooking skills conquer everyone?

After more than half an hour, Wang Xiaolong finally finished reading his self-criticism.

He bowed deeply in front of everyone and said sincerely:"From today on, all the brothers in our No. 2 prison will love each other, be like brothers, care about each other, and take care of each other!"

"We will definitely work together to build a good prison atmosphere, and hope that everyone will be happy, comfortable and joyful in there!"

"It allows everyone to truly feel the growth that being in prison brings to everyone. Prison is my home, and we all need to take care of it!"

"I hope everyone will learn from our mistakes and queue up for meals in the future!"


Really, they cried to death.

What a big talk.

The prison is my home!

If there is a choice, who would like to stay in there.

Is there something wrong with your brains?

Why do you feel addicted to being in prison?

Is it so exaggerated?

However, Wang Xiaolong and others now really don't want to be released from prison, and they have the idea of treating prison as their home. Anyway, they can't make much money outside, not to mention the huge pressure they have to bear every day, and the most important thing is that they have only simple meals for three meals a day.

How can it be comfortable to stay in there?!

He will be released in about half a year.

We must find a way to add more time, not only so that he can stay in prison, but also eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen. It is definitely not okay to go against the police directly.

After all, Jiang Chen listens to their commands more. As long as they say something casually...

I am afraid that there will be no chance to enjoy Jiang Chen's delicious food in the future.

How about doing meritorious service and reporting a criminal or something, so that the people above can consider increasing the sentence at their discretion?

This method is not bad, I can try it another day.

No matter what, the sentence must be increased, and I must behave well next time.

They must not let down the good treatment the police station gave them.

After Wang Xiaolong stepped down, everyone in Prison No. 2 began to applaud, while the people in Prison No. 1 and Prison No. 3 were still in a daze.

"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting and go to the canteen to eat so that we can work better after eating!"

Xiao Zhao said this and rushed out first.

He also wanted to go to the canteen to grab food!

The people in the remaining two prisons also scattered like birds and beasts, leaving in twos and threes, except for Prison No. 2, who lined up neatly like an army.

Under the unified command of Wang Xiaolong, they were neatly arranged, with serious faces, and walked towards the canteen together.

Their movements were quite regular, and even the postures of wiping saliva were similar.

Oh my god!!!

Isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

Don't forget your identity, okay?

You are prisoners in the prison. It's okay to line up for a meal, but you also march in step?!

Is it necessary to do this!

"Brother Qiang."

Feeling the changes in the people in Prison No. 2, the younger brother next to Lao Qiang said,"I feel like they are serious about this. Could it be that the food cooked by the new chef in Prison No. 2 is really so delicious?"

"Not sure yet, I have to find a chance to go and have a look tonight."

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