No, it shouldn't be!

It's just the most ordinary fried tomato and eggs, why does it smell so special?

Sour, sweet, waves of unique aroma, bringing great enjoyment to people, just smelling the smell makes people unable to move.

Secretary Zhang has traveled all over the country, and she is also knowledgeable. What kind of delicacies have she not seen?

It is no exaggeration to say that no matter how delicious the food is, she can taste it perfectly, but the aroma of this tomato and egg is really delicious and speechless.

It feels too fragrant!

Secretary Zhang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and a gurgling sound came out of her throat! She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

She walked forward carefully and finally knocked on the door of the room.

At this moment, Secretary Zhang even had a rather incredible idea. After opening the door, no matter whether the person inside is her classmate or not, she must pretend to be very familiar.

Not long after, the door of the room was opened, and it was Jiang Chen who appeared in front of Secretary Zhang.

He had a gentle smile on his face.

However... after all, he only inherited the memory of the original owner, and most importantly, some things in it were still vague. When he saw Secretary Zhang, he was stunned for a while.

He didn't react in a short time!

"May I ask who you are?…~…"

"Don't you remember me?"

Secretary Zhang stood on tiptoe, looking around the room, his abdomen began to surge wildly, and he couldn't bear to move his eyes away.

"I have some……"

""What are you eating? It smells so good."

When Secretary Zhang opened the door and saw that the person standing in front of him was Jiang Chen, he was quite surprised and unbelievable.

No matter what, Secretary Zhang never thought that his old classmate, who was a mediocre cook in his mind, would become so good now?

"It's tomato and egg noodles."

Secretary Zhang couldn't wait. Even though he knew it was impolite to do so, he couldn't help but push Jiang Chen away. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Without saying a word, he rushed into the house and came to the kitchen

"Classmate, I am really your classmate!"

Of course, Secretary Zhang also knew that it was inappropriate to do so, but he just couldn't help it.

"I think what you made smells really good!"

"I didn't mean to do that, it just smelled so good I couldn't help it!"[]

When she saw the tomato and egg, she couldn't even walk.

The gold and red colors were perfectly intertwined, lying quietly in a large bowl, with a strong and fragrant aroma, swaying in the wind.

The two flavors were unique and shocking, and she was incredulous when she saw this scene!

No matter what, she didn't expect that there were such delicious tomato and eggs in the world.

Secretary Zhang couldn't help it, and slowly took out the chopsticks to pick up a piece of tomato.

The red tomato was covered with a layer of rich soup, and the golden and rich color was perfectly intertwined with it, rich and fragrant, sweet!

It smelled so delicious.

Secretary Zhang slowly put the piece of tomato into his mouth.

In an instant, the sour taste bloomed in the mouth, but it was not particularly strong, and it was accompanied by a faint egg fragrance.

The two flavors were perfectly integrated, without any gap between each other, and would not give people a sense of unfamiliarity.

It just tasted great! It was amazing.

It didn't feel like eating ordinary tomato and eggs at all, but eating the most extreme delicacy?

It was really a pleasure!.

I love you:

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