Although the solution was good, Meng Haiyang still had some concerns.

He touched his chin and said,"What if this solution doesn't work?"


He frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

In Captain Wang's opinion, this was the only way they could come up with to deal with the surprise inspection by the leaders above.

How could it not work?!

"Have you ever thought about the prisoners in the prison, who are now completely fed up with Jiang Chen's mouth?"

"It is impossible to get used to eating other people's cooking. What if they make trouble?"

Hearing this suddenly, he was stunned.

Meng Haiyang thought about it carefully and felt that the other party's analysis just now was not unreasonable.

He touched his chin with his hand and said:"Then what do you think we should do specifically?"

"Anyway, we absolutely cannot let Jiang Chen's cooking skills be exposed to Nangong's hands."

"If they really do that, we will suffer a great loss and regret it."

Seeing that the other party was so serious and emphasized it seriously, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Captain Wang said:"How about this... I will go find the prisoners in the prison and have a good talk with them."

"Let them cooperate with our actions. If anyone dares to disobey our requirements, we will not let them eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen for a month."

"One or two days, I think they can still bear it."

Meng Haiyang did not answer immediately.

But after thinking about it carefully, what the other party just said seemed to make sense.

He touched his chin with his hand, thought carefully for a while, and nodded slightly.

"No problem.

He continued,"Just do as you said."

"Don't waste your time now, just take action now."


He nodded and agreed very readily.


The night was deep.

Lao Qiang, lying on the bed, was very satisfied with everything he had done.

In Lao Qiang's opinion, betraying the boss was definitely the best decision he had ever made.

He was also very grateful to their boss for giving him a chance to betray him.

Otherwise... (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Thinking about it, I really feel a little uncomfortable.

Now I can eat such delicious food every day, which was what I dreamed of before........

Even things that were once unthinkable have now become within reach.

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside, and everyone's attention was suddenly attracted.

Everyone looked at the corridor not far ahead, and they all felt a little curious.[]

Who will come later?

Driven by instinct, he jumped off the bed without saying a word.

After a moment, he pushed open the door of the room. The scene in front of him surprised him. He didn't expect it to be Captain Wang.

Behind Captain Wang was Director Meng.

The two of them usually didn't come to see them unless there was something very important.

Is this the first time they have encountered such a situation?

This made Lao Qiang a little curious3.4

"Lao Qiang."

Because Lao Qiang had made great contributions before, his status in Prison No. 2 was slightly higher than that of others.

Whenever there was something particularly important, the first person they would discuss it with was Lao Qiang.

"What's the matter?"

Lao Qiang quickly stepped forward and asked,"Just tell me what you want me to do!


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