The strong man's name is Ma Dagang.

In order to ensure that this bank robbery is foolproof, he had already started planning it two years in advance.

The brothers he chose were all close friends who had been through thick and thin with him.

They have absolute trust in each other. More importantly, this operation was kept very secret and not a single word was disclosed to the outside world. He will surely make a fortune tomorrow.

By then, he can take the money and run away, and live a life of wealth and glory for the rest of his life.

He doesn't want to live a single day like this without money.

He lit a cigarette, and the white smoke was lingering around him. Dagang sat on the sofa, squinting his eyes and staring at everyone.


Ma Dagang continued:"According to the reliable information I have received, the money transport truck tomorrow will have at least 50 to 80 million in cash."

"As long as we can accomplish this, think about it? We will definitely have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of our lives."

""Even if everyone deposits 10 million yuan in the bank to earn interest, they can live a carefree and happy life."

After hearing this, everyone was excited.

There are six people here, and it is likely that everyone will get 10 million yuan. They can live as carefree as they want in the second half of their lives.

Even if they spend 200,000 yuan a year, it will take 50 years to spend all the money!

"I can guarantee that there will be no police at our robbery scene tomorrow, so we can do it without any worries..!"

"If anyone dares to block our way, we will shoot without saying a word!"

"If they don't stop us from getting rich, then we'll turn a blind eye. But if they do, then they must die!"


Everyone answered in a loud voice.

Everyone's face was full of excitement.

That's eight figures!

With their current salary, even if they don't eat or drink, how many years will it take to save to earn that much money?

It won't be long before they can be financially free.


Meng Haiyang leaned against the office, looking at the recent report of solving cases, and he felt so happy.

The police officers of their public security bureau have been too busy recently. They are so busy every day that they are out of breath.

The cells are almost full of prisoners. You should know that half a year ago, the crime solving rate of their police station was at the bottom among all major regions.

As a result, it has been reborn and is different from the past. As long as the police officers under his command are motivated enough to ensure that this situation continues, they will definitely be the best police station this year.

There is no need to think about it.

All this is thanks to Jiang Chen. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The prison meals he made as a reward system have indeed greatly improved the enthusiasm of prisoners and police in the police station to solve cases.

Whoever can catch an A-level prisoner will ask Jiang Chen to prepare a large table of dishes for him.

Can you resist such temptation?

Originally, if you catch an A-level wanted criminal, the people above will reward you and consider your meritorious service.

The temptation is already great.[]

But compared to the big table of dishes made by Jiang Chen, it was nothing.

As for the prisoners in the prison, there is no need to say more.

The food they eat on weekdays is not very good!

Now that they have the opportunity to taste such delicious food, they will definitely think of ways to squeeze in and seize this opportunity.

Now Meng Haiyang doesn’t need to go out to visit at all. He can catch many thieves completely relying on the information provided by the prisoners in the prison.

At this moment, footsteps were heard outside.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Guo Mengmeng stood at the door with an excited face.

".Director, Director!"

Guo Mengmeng said:"I have great news to tell you?"

"Big news?"

He frowned slightly and said,"You look so anxious, what's the matter? If you have something to say, please speak slowly."


Running to Meng Haiyang, Guo Mengmeng was so tired that he was out of breath and said,"You may not believe me, but we are going to make a great contribution this time."


Great contribution?

Could it be another Class A murderer (Zhao Lihao) or something like that?

Although Meng Haiyang was excited inside, he pretended to be calm on the surface.

He poured a cup of tea and asked,"Don't worry, what's the matter?"

""The director's words."

She gasped and said,"Let me tell you this, according to reliable intelligence, someone will rob the bank around 1 o'clock this afternoon!"

"This time, the cash in the armored car is as high as about 75 million!"

"If you let them succeed, I think you should also know what the consequences will be?"

Hearing this, Meng Haiyang was shocked. This is a performance that is delivered to your door!

Don't miss it.

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