Neither of them spoke.

They understood Leader Wang's current mood very well.

It was the first time they heard that Jiang Chen had such amazing cooking skills, and everyone was curious. If a person's cooking skills were really that strong, how could he be willing to cook prison meals?

But... what happened later slapped them in the face.

Now, apart from the food cooked by Jiang Chen, they were not interested in other people's cooking skills at all.

In their opinion, comparing others with Jiang Chen was simply an insult to him.

Even the chefs of star-rated hotels would have to admit defeat when facing Jiang Chen.

Director Meng took Leader Wang to the prison kitchen.

They stopped outside the corridor for a while.

Since Jiang Chen came to the prison kitchen to cook, they also installed a door with better sealing in the corridor.

The purpose is to let the fragrance in the house drift out unscrupulously!

It made everyone restless and unable to work.

Director Meng said with a serious look:"Leader Wang, I'm asking you one last time, have you thought about it?"

"Are you sure you want me to take you to see the cooking skills of our chef Xiao Jiang?"

"Can you please stop talking nonsense to me?"

Leader Wang said impatiently,"If I tell you to hurry up, hurry up. Don't waste your time with me."

"All right then."

He nodded in front of Leader Wang, walked forward and pushed open the door to the corridor. 797The moment it was opened, a strong spicy and fresh aroma immediately drifted in.

Leader Wang's body suddenly stiffened there.

Driven by instinct, his body secreted a lot of saliva.

He stood there blankly, staring at the front, even forgetting to breathe.

What is this?

Why does it smell so good?

With Leader Wang's status, he must have eaten a lot of delicacies.

Thirty days a month, he would attend dinner parties almost half a month.

And they were all high-end places!

Sometimes when he reaches his position, many things will be beyond his control.

Going every day Even if you eat delicious food, you will feel sick of it.


Even so, when Leader Wang smelled the strong aroma in the air, he was still completely attracted. It really smelled so good!

It was incredible.

He had never seen such a dish that impressed him so much.

What on earth is it?!

At this moment, Leader Wang's mind was blank, and he only had one thought in his mind.

I must try it. What kind of dish is it?

Real food has such magic.

Not only can it make you feel better, but it will also tempt you in every way, making you unable to restrain yourself!

Leader Wang subconsciously stepped forward and walked towards the kitchen step by step.

Not long after, he came to the outside of the kitchen. Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue had almost finished eating.

They leaned leisurely on the chairs beside them. Jiang Chen was reading a novel, while Jiang Xue was watching a TV series.

There were three large basins on the stove next to them, and each basin was filled with delicious food that made people's appetite explode.

The food in the middle basin made Leader Wang unable to take his eyes off it.

It was filled with potato and chicken nuggets.

The potatoes and chicken nuggets were of quite uniform size, and the golden yellow and light red were intertwined, blending perfectly into one. Some chopped green onions were also sprinkled in the basin.

The rich aroma came in waves, which made people's appetite explode.

Leader Wang's body was out of control, and he slowly walked forward to the basin of potato and chicken nuggets.

Potato and chicken nuggets are just ordinary home-cooked dishes, but for some reason he felt that this dish was different from the ones he had eaten before. Very different.

The potato skin is fried golden and crispy, and mixed with the chicken pieces, it looks quite delicate and perfect.

It's like a work of art!

Some people can't bear to eat it.

Leader Wang quickly took out a pair of chopsticks. He picked up a piece of chicken first, closed his eyes and slowly put it into his mouth. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The moment the chicken touches the tongue, the rich, spicy and fresh fragrance spreads in the mouth in an instant.

The skin of the chicken is fried relatively dry, but the meat inside is quite tender.

This not only requires the chef to have very high heat, but most importantly, it is extremely challenging to the cooking skills.

A little carelessness may cause the chicken to become very woody, without any toughness!

It feels very unpleasant to eat[]

But Jiang Chen did it perfectly.

The skin was crispy and dry, and tasted great when eaten, but the meat in the middle remained fresh and tender.

With every bite, the juice burst out and filled the mouth.

Then he picked up another potato.

The potatoes were all of uniform size, golden on the surface with a little chili powder, mixed with green chopped green onions. The perfect combination of various colors made it very appetizing just by looking at it.

He put the potato in his mouth, and when his teeth fell, a crisp sound of snapping filled the air. When the potato was bitten in half, the soft and mellow aroma quickly filled the air, with a hint of chicken.

The aftertaste was endless, the aroma was long, and it was so delicious that it made people want to cry!

This taste is really great!

How could it be so delicious?

He almost wanted to cry!

Although Leader Wang wanted to restrain himself, after all, there were people watching him, and he had to pay attention to the impact anyway.

But... he couldn't help it at all!

Who can stand such a fragrance?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is simply the most ultimate delicacy in the world!

He quickly got a plate of rice, and without caring about his so-called image, he sat at the table next to him and ate it with relish. He exclaimed in admiration while eating. Director Meng and Zhuge Tian couldn't help it any longer. They subconsciously stepped forward, each got themselves a plate of rice, and sat at the table to eat.

I have to admit that his cooking skills are indeed extraordinary.

Leader Wang wanted to lose weight recently because he has mild hypertension due to obesity.

He could definitely control himself in the past, but after tasting Jiang Chen's delicious food, those things were long forgotten.

He now has only one thought.

I must eat more!

He ate five or six bowls of rice in one breath before he finally put down his chopsticks reluctantly.

Then he finally focused his attention on Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue.

"Young man."

Leader Wang came to Jiang Chen and said with great regret:"I think it's such a pity!"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at Leader Wang with confusion in his eyes, wondering why he said that.

"I really don't understand, why is such an amazing talent like you cooking for prisoners in prison?"

"I feel that they don't deserve it. How can those prisoners in prison be qualified to eat such delicious food?"

"How about you follow me to the province?"

"I promise you in person that with your cooking skills, you will be given special training and care when you go to the province!"


Would you please think about it carefully?".

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