Ever since Zhuge Tianxia made up his mind to go to the Tianlong Public Security Bureau and become the deputy director, his enthusiasm for work has gradually slackened. He is no longer as dedicated to his duties as before.

However, no one in the police station blamed him, and everyone thought it was very normal. It is reasonable for an old man who is almost sixty years old to enjoy himself in the first two years of retirement.

Bai Xiaotong and Officer Mao are still working very hard every day, conscientiously and diligently.

They just want to solve more cases!

Only in this way can they get promoted quickly and make their business capabilities awesome.

Then Meng Haiyang will not despise them. In the future, they can enjoy the same treatment as Tang Tianhao.

They are happy just thinking about eating the meals made by Jiang Chen every day!


Officer Mao pushed the door open and said,"Someone from above wants to see you?"

"Looking for me?"

Zhuge Tian said excitedly,"I didn't expect our leader Wang"380" to be so fast. Has the approval document been issued?"

"I am willing to go to Tianlong Public Security Bureau as deputy director."

Officer Mao hesitated for a moment, smiled and shook his head

"No, it's not."

He smiled and said,"You can go and have a look now. It seems that there is something very important to tell you. I don't know what it is."


Zhuge Tian nodded and finally agreed.

As soon as he came out, Yuan saw the secretary greet him.

Seeing Zhuge Tian coming out, the secretary trotted to his side.

"Director Zhuge."

The secretary said,"Leader Wang asked me to come over and ask you to come over. He said he has something important to ask you?"

"What's the matter?"

The secretary shook his head.

"What exactly is it? I don't know, you will understand it when you go there."


Sitting on the way to the provincial capital, Zhuge Tian had been praying in his heart.

The senior leaders must agree to his request.

Let him go to the Tianlong Public Security Bureau as deputy director.

Anyway, he is almost sixty years old, and there will be no room for promotion in the future. It is better to let him enjoy the blessing for two years.

When he is old and retired, it is estimated that it will be impossible to have such an opportunity. Not long after, he arrived at the provincial capital.

Zhuge Tian knocked on the door carefully, and the voice of leader Wang came from the room.

"Come in."

He pushed the door open with a smile.

"Hello, Leader Wang!"

Leader Wang put down the documents in his hand and looked at Zhuge Tian with curiosity.

Then he stretched out his right hand and said,"Come here and I will ask you a few questions."


Zhuge Tian stood in front of Leader Wang and behaved very respectfully.

"What's the matter?"

He put out the document, pointed at the content and said,"Did you write it wrong? Do you really want to be transferred to the Tianlong Public Security Bureau?"

"The most important thing is to apply to be the deputy director?"

Zhuge Tian nodded seriously and asked,"Yes, is there any problem?"

"What on earth are you thinking?"

He looked at Zhuge Tian in disbelief.

"Why do you want to be the deputy director for no reason?"

He frowned slightly and said,"Aren't you just sick in the head?"

"Think about how long you have worked so hard to get the position of director, but now you have to give up this hard-earned opportunity in vain."

"I have to advise you seriously. You must think it over carefully."

"This kind of thing must not be taken lightly!"

"If I really approve it, it will be difficult for you to transfer back after you are transferred there."

Zhuge Tianqing couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He quickly said:"My good leader, you don't know how delicious the prison food in Tianlong Public Security Bureau is."

"We have never understood why the Tianlong Public Security Bureau's crime-solving rate has suddenly increased so quickly."

"It was not until I went there and had a meal of their prison food that I understood what delicious food was!"

"It would be a pity if you don't try it."

"Really leader, I especially suggest you go with me"

"If you haven't been to the Great Wall, you are not a true man. If you don't eat the food cooked by Jiang Chen, it's a pity. Don't miss it if you pass by. In the past few decades, I didn't understand what was most important. I just wanted to climb up." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As a result, now that I'm old, I realize that life is nothing more than eating, drinking, defecating and urinating, and I have become more open-minded about many things. So you should just demote me!"

"I really want to eat the meals cooked by Chef Xiao Jiang every day!"

Leader Wang was stunned.

Family members, is there anyone who can understand how I feel now?

I have never seen such a thing before! []

As long as there is a connection with power, everyone will try every means to climb up at all costs.

Every time they are promoted to a new position, they have to make great efforts.

If Zhuge Tian had not performed well enough and made many contributions when he was young, he would never have had such an opportunity to become the director. He has only been working for less than five or six years, and he suddenly came to his senses?

He is preparing to become the deputy director?

This makes people feel a little speechless!

"No, I can't just promise you........"

There must be something wrong when things are out of the ordinary.

Wang's intuition told him that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

He drank a glass of water and said,"It's okay if you want me to approve it for you, but you have to go with me to the Tianlong Public Security Bureau."

"Are you going too?"

What Leader Wang said made Zhuge Tian a little worried.

Before he went there, Bai Xiaotong and others advised him that for the sake of his future, it would be best not to go to the Tianlong Public Security Bureau!

Otherwise, once he tasted Jiang Chen's cooking, he would not want to come back.

But Zhuge Tian didn't take it to heart at all!

He didn't believe what others said at all and went there with his head held high.

Now... he is going through the procedures for demotion!

He was a little worried that the same situation would happen after Leader Wang went there.


Zhuge Tian said:"I really suggest you think about it carefully and don't just go there casually."

"I swear to God that I am sincerely considering the issue from your perspective!"

"If you really went there, you might want to be demoted like me!"

Leader Wang:"???"

What the hell are you talking about? Do you really think everyone is crazy like you?

He has worked so hard to get to where he is today. He has made great contributions and finally managed to get here.

And you think a prison meal can buy him off?

That's the funniest joke he has ever heard! 2.3

"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

Leader Wang said,"I asked you to take me there, so take me there right away."

"If you say anything more to me, I will never sign your transfer report."

Sure enough, what Leader Wang said just now made him pale and look extremely ugly.

Zhuge Tian smiled awkwardly and said,"No problem, Leader, if you want to go with me, of course you can"

"But... I have to remind you that you should not eat the prison food there casually."

"You just need to go and have a look."

Curiosity kills the cat.

People have this characteristic.

No one can get rid of it.

The more others warn people not to do something, the more they want to try it!

"Don't worry, I know."

Leader Wang said,"Don't waste your time with me, just take me there."



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