Miao Wenlong gritted his teeth.

His body was trembling slightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

His eyes were red and bloodshot.

The sharp steel knife fell on the girl's neck, and red blood slightly overflowed, which was horrifying to watch.

If his dagger was a little closer, the girl in his arms would have died on the spot.

Yang Kai was very calm now, but Captain Wang next to him was particularly nervous.

You know, Yang Fangfang in his arms was only seven or eight years old. It would be a pity if she really died in Miao Wenlong's hands.

"Miao Wenlong."

He shouted loudly:"What are you doing? Put down your knife immediately and calm down!"

"Mr. Yang Kai would never insult your wife. We have already caught the murderer. Why are you still so stubborn?"

"Besides, no matter how wrong you are, the little girl in your arms did nothing wrong, and neither did the other students in the classroom. What's the difference between you and an animal?"

"You are so heartless. If your wife and daughter knew about this, they would definitely be very disappointed."

"Miao Wenlong, I remember you were not like this before"

"You just listen to me and put down the dagger in your hand!"

Miao Wenlong laughed, his voice sounded extremely sad and crazy.


He cursed hysterically,"Then let me ask you, my daughter is not innocent? She was only eleven years old when she died!"

"I am not like that beast Yang Kai, who is capable of doing such a heartless thing. He could even kill an eleven-year-old girl!"

"What did my wife do wrong? I said, the truth is not like this, the middle-aged man is just a scapegoat"

"No one believes me! You all think I'm crazy. I've been investigating the truth all these years. That bastard broke one of my legs!"

"Since you can't help me get justice, I will get justice for myself!"

""Yang Kai, get out of here!"

He shouted loudly,"If you don't come up, I will kill your daughter right away, and I will make you suffer as much as I did!" The little girl in his arms was obviously frightened and cried loudly.

"No problem, I will."

Facing Miao Wenlong's threat, Yang Kai remained calm.

Seeing this, Captain Wang quickly grabbed Yang Kai.

"Mr. Yang, please don't go over there. It's very dangerous.……"

"It's okay."

Yang Kai smiled and said,"I know what I'm doing. Even if I give him a hundred courages, he wouldn't dare to do anything to me."

"Trash like him who lives at the bottom of society only speaks out loud, if he really dared to kill my daughter he would have done it long ago."

People were shocked when they heard this.

What did Yang Kai mean?

He was really going to go alone.

Just as Captain Wang was about to stop him, Yang Kai walked towards the teaching building under the gaze of everyone.

Others were moved when they saw this scene.

"Yang Kai is such a good father!"

"It's disgusting that Miao Wenlong throws dirty water on such a good man!"

"I think that bastard Miao Wenlong is a man who will be punished by his own evil. The deaths of his daughter and wife were pure retribution!"

"Mr. Yang is such a good person. He has made indelible contributions to the development of our city by doing charity and opening schools over the years."

"If Miao Wenlong really dares to hurt Mr. Yang's daughter today, I will be the first one to not let him go!"

"If he dares to lay a hand on Mr. Yang, I will dig up his ancestral grave after I die!"

Jiang Xue, who was standing in front of the TV, had tears in her beautiful eyes. Seeing this, Jiang Chen asked in confusion,"You, why are you crying?""

"How touching!"

Jiang Xue said:"Mr. Yang is really great. He went to face the criminals alone for his daughter."


Jiang Chen fell silent and didn't say anything.

He always felt that Yang Kai's behavior was strange.

From the beginning to the end when he saw his daughter being tied up, his emotions did not fluctuate much.

It seemed that the person held hostage by Miao Wenlong was not his daughter at all, but a stranger with no blood relationship.

Even the prisoners in the cafeteria prison were quite ashamed of what Miao Wenlong did.

"That bastard is really a despicable person. He even didn't let go of a little girl of seven or eight years old. If he goes to prison, we must take good care of him!"

"You're right. It would be too easy for him to just kill such a scum."

"I think what Mr. Yang said before is right. He is purely mentally twisted and perverted. He probably feels that he has no parents and his wife and daughter are dead. He envies Mr. Yang for being so successful at such a young age."

"That can't be said. Mr. Yang is a second-generation rich man who relies more on his parents."

"So what? As long as you have money, who cares where your money comes from? Besides... being good at reincarnation is also a skill."

Miao Wenlong has now aroused public anger. No matter whether it is the audience in front of the police TV or the prisoners in the prison, they all hate his behavior.

In their minds, the other party is a scum.

Only Professor Miao in the corner did not speak.

He sat there quietly, his heart was very entangled.

He could already predict what would happen next.

Of course...

Professor Miao was not particularly concerned about everything in front of him.

The only thing he cared about was whether Jiang Chen could cook him a bowl of tomato and egg noodles?

As long as he could eat another bowl of such noodles, even if he died, Professor Miao would not care.

He hasn't tasted such a memorable and familiar taste for twenty or thirty years.

It's a pity...

Jiang Chen now has no time to care about him


Under the gaze of the crowd, Yang Kai arrived in front of Miao Wenlong and stopped about 20 meters away from him.

"Don't hurt my daughter."

Yang Kai raised his hands and said,"Didn't you ask me to come here before? I'm here now."

"What on earth are you going to do?"

The criminal police standing in the audience were a little worried when they saw the scene in front of them. Captain Wang quickly called Xiao Ma over.

"Is there anything wrong? Captain!"

Captain Wang put his mouth close to his ear and whispered a few words.

"OK, I understand.

Xiao Ma nodded and quickly stepped aside.

Miao Wenlong and Yang Kai were having a tense confrontation on the second floor of the teaching building.

"Come closer to me!"

Miao Wenlong said with a dagger in his hand:"Stand in front of me, or I will kill your daughter immediately!"

"Dad… Dad, save me!"

Yang Kai smiled again and said,"Miao Wenlong, don’t worry, I’ll be there soon."

"But I hope you remember what you said."

He walked towards Miao Wenlong step by step. The criminal police in the audience were terrified when they saw this scene.

Everyone's eyes were tense.

Many criminal police had already loaded their guns and aimed at Miao Wenlong.

If he really messed up later, they would shoot him immediately.

Not to mention that Yang Kai was a big taxpayer in the local area and had done a lot of charity. Even if he was an ordinary person, they would never let Miao Wenlong do whatever he wanted.

Two or three meters away from Miao Wenlong, Yang Kai stopped.

"All right."

He spread his palms and said,"I have come here as you requested. What do you want to do?"

"Tell everyone quickly that it was you who killed my daughter and my wife!"

"Speak quickly, speak quickly!"

"I want everyone to know the truth. I don’t want my wife and daughter to die in vain!"

Miao Wenlong died six or seven years ago.

He has been alone in the world for these years and has long lost the thought of continuing his life.

The only belief that supports Miao Wenlong to live is to let the truth come to light.

He doesn’t want his wife and daughter to suffer injustice.

Yang Kai slowly turned around and said:"Everyone, what Miao Wenlong said just now is right. His wife and daughter were killed by me."

"I also attacked an eleven-year-old girl. I am a beast, a beast without any conscience."

Hearing this, Miao Wenlong was a little crazy. He was very excited and shouted to the people below:"Did you hear it? Did you all hear it?"

"My daughter was killed by him. She was only eleven years old. Only eleven years old! What did she do wrong?"

"Listen, he finally admitted it."

Miao Wenlong saw the expressions of the crowd, and he was surprised to find that many people had smiles on their faces.

Quite mocking smiles. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was as if what Miao Wenlong just said was a joke.

He was just a clown, performing hard in front of so many onlookers, making everyone feel funny and ridiculous.

"You, what are you laughing at? I'm telling the truth! He really is the murderer of my daughter!"

Yang Kai continued:"That's right, he didn't lie just now, I not only killed his daughter but also recorded it, I did all those things"

"He wants to avenge his daughter and wife now, there is nothing wrong with that!"

Miao Wenlong looked at the people present with an almost pleading look, hoping to gain their trust.

But... the expressions on everyone's faces were still the same as before.

Full of indifference and ridicule.

No one believed Yang Kai, and no one believed Miao Wenlong.


What he said was true!

Why did everyone want to believe him, but not themselves?

"Mr. Miao."

Yang Kai gradually approached Miao Wenlong, he opened his hands without any protective measures.

The smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

"You can see now that it's not that we didn't do what you asked, it's just that... everyone is unwilling to believe you"

"They all know that I am a kind person. I have spent a lot of money on charity over the years. I have also donated to Hope Primary Schools. Sometimes I also go to nursing homes to volunteer for the elderly."

"No matter where there is a big problem or where donations are needed, I will always be the first to rush to the front."

"Tell me, why do they think that I am the murderer of your daughter and wife!"

"Don't you think your idea is very stupid and ridiculous?!"

Miao Wenlong was struck by lightning.

He looked at Yang Kai's mocking eyes, and his heart was like a knife.


No one was willing to believe him.

Did he really kill his daughter and wife?

He has been conscientious, diligent, kind-hearted, and never demanded much from himself in his life.

He just wanted to live a simple and happy life with his wife and daughter.

But Yang Kai ruined him.

After his wife and daughter died, Miao Wenlong just thought about getting justice for them and letting everyone know the truth of the matter.

Why can't he do such a simple thing?

He suddenly felt that he was useless. He couldn't even accomplish a small thing.

Seeing that Miao Wenlong didn't speak, the distance between Yang Kai and him became closer and closer.

The people below were terrified.

Now Miao Wenlong and Yang Kai are almost sticking together.

There is only About one meter apart.

At this moment, Miao Wenlong wanted to kill Yang Kai, and he only needed to move his hands lightly to achieve his goal.

The people below were horrified.

Captain Wang had already prepared the sniper in the dark.

If Miao Wenlong took action at this moment, they could also be the first to kill him.

At this moment, people discovered a very incredible scene.

Yang Kai actually gently put his mouth close to Miao Wenlong's ear.

Everyone was shocked.

What is he going to do?

Jiang Chen stared at the TV intently, observing Yang Kai's every move.

They spoke in a very low voice, and it was not clear at the scene or in front of the TV.

But Jiang Chen could check Yang Kai's mouth shape through the video. He could roughly guess what he was saying through lip reading.

Miao Wenlong himself was also stunned for a while.

It felt quite unexpected. I don't know what Yang Kai is going to do?

"You have such a pig brain! Do you think anyone would believe what you say? In their eyes, you are just a piece of trash that is dispensable in this city!"

"One more or one less makes no difference, you are just like a parasite. But I am different. Every year I donate real money to charity, and I also donate money to build many infrastructure projects."

"What's more, you don't have any evidence now. Even if you do have evidence, someone will defend me!"

"((Li Hao) I killed your daughter, and your wife as well. You still remember the videotape from that night, I often watched it afterwards, it was my biggest trophy!"

"Even if you knew it was me, what would happen? Would anyone believe you?"

"In everyone's mind, this matter is completely closed! The murderer who hurt your wife has long been brought to justice!"

"I am just a victim who was wrongly accused. Even if I did nothing, someone will speak up for me."

"Even if I admit that I did it, they will find ways to exonerate me!"

"Miao Wenlong, you are really too naive"

"Even if you really killed my daughter, what would happen? I have a lot of money and many wives."

"I have more than ten sons and daughters in total. Do you think it makes any difference to me if there is one more or one less?"

"Only someone like you would have only one wife and one daughter, and regard them as more important than your life."

"Are you really ridiculous?"

Miao Wenlong was so angry that he was shaking all over.

His blood almost flowed backwards.

What Yang Kai said just now was very unpleasant.

But it was indeed all true.

It was precisely because Miao Wenlong knew that almost everyone was subconsciously making excuses for him.

They were all trying to speak for him.

Miao Wenlong had no choice but to take such extreme measures.

He thought that by making such a big fuss and alarming the entire Tianlong City, someone would definitely listen to him.

But he was disappointed.

No one was willing to believe a person who did such an extreme and crazy thing.

"Bastard, bastard!"

Miao Wenlong roared loudly.

"I'm going to kill you today!"

Since the truth can't be found out, then avenge your daughter.

He raised the dagger in his hand high, and was about to stab Yang Kai to fall.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

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