"The most authentic food?"

Wilson was a little skeptical.

The chef of the Imperial Hotel in Tianlong City had great cooking skills, which were considered delicacies from land and sea for ordinary people.

But Wilson was very rich and picky about food. He had a routine for eating. No matter how delicious a dish was, he would never be interested in it again after eating it more than twice.

Since he came to Tianlong City, he had eaten at the Imperial Hotel countless times, and he went there almost every day. He had tried all the signature dishes there.

Therefore, when Jiang Tiankuo invited him to the Imperial Hotel for consumption, Wilson was a little angry.

This was equivalent to inviting ordinary people to eat daily steamed buns and porridge, which was not sincere at all.


Wilson also It is clear that there is no place in Tianlong City that is higher-end and has better taste than the Imperial Hotel.

After listening to what Jiang Tiankuo said, Wilson just thought it was a little ridiculous.

In order to get the order from him, he really tried his best and did everything he could.

He even planned to invite him to his home.

He wanted to cook for him personally.

He was sincere, but unfortunately...

Wilson was particularly stubborn. No matter how sincere others were, he would not agree to cooperate as long as his requirements were not met.

Anyway, he had a lot of orders on hand, and there were also many people who wanted to reach an agreement with him. If he offered a contract, there would be people scrambling for it.

"No thanks, Mr. Jiang."

Wilson rejected his request.

"I'm afraid I can't agree to your terms."

"I know if Mr. Wilson thinks that the home-cooked meals we cook are not as good as the chefs at the Empire Hotel?"

Jiang Tiankuo was not surprised by Wilson's decision.

He didn't even take the food of the top chefs seriously, and he certainly didn't believe that Jiang Tiankuo's cooking skills could still make him shine and be worth his personal visit to Jiang's house.

"If Mr. Jiang knew, why did he make this call?

Wilson was filled with emotion.

"Mr. Jiang works very hard. I can feel that you really work very hard to get this cooperation."

"But I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request. I'm very busy recently and there are many people who want to sign orders with me."

"If Mr. Jiang has nothing else to say, I'll hang up first."

He hung up the phone without giving Jiang Tiankuo a chance to respond after saying this.

A moment later, he called again, but Wilson hung up the phone without answering.

What should I eat for lunch today?

He leaned back in his chair, feeling particularly annoyed.

As a top-tier tycoon, Wilson doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, and isn't even very interested in women, but his desire for food is so strong that it's outrageous.

As early as his twenties, he had already tasted food from all over the world except Longguo.

Longguo is vast and has a long history of food culture. He ate here for six or seven years before he barely ate the food he liked and was interested in.

But now he is only in his thirties or forties, and it is already difficult for him to find food that he really likes.

He has been to every place in Longguo, and he knows all the famous and delicious dishes.

If there is no food to accompany him in the future, how should he live? He has obviously made a lot of money, but why can't he eat something really delicious ? What?

Wilson was very distressed.

It seems that money is not everything.

If he could eat the same thing for a long time, or if there was a certain tasteless food that could keep him interested for a longer time, he would not be so distressed.

Wilson was amazed at many foods when he first tasted them, but after eating them a few more times, he gradually got tired of them. He didn't even want to touch them.

He was in a very irritable mood the whole afternoon. He only ate two bites of lunch and threw the lunch box into the trash can. He was really hungry in the afternoon, so he opened the refrigerator, ate two apples, and drank a bottle of water.

As a result... he had diarrhea when he was about to get off work.

It was already past four in the afternoon when he finished.

At about 5:30, Wilson packed up and prepared to go home after work. Now he had to worry about his dinner again.

He didn't know what to eat in the evening to force him to eat.

Money doesn't necessarily satisfy all wishes!

Just when he arrived at the garage and was about to start the car, a familiar figure suddenly came into view.

"Mr. Wilson, wait a minute!"

It was Jiang Tiankuo.

Seeing him coming, Wilson frowned slightly.

Didn't he make things very clear on the phone before?

Wilson was not satisfied with Jiang Tiankuo's hospitality last time and was unwilling to reach a cooperation with their company.

Why did he come?

"Is there something, Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Tiankuo smiled and said,"Mr. Wilson, I have prepared a roast duck leg for you, would you like to try it?"

Roast duck leg?

Wilson didn't say anything.

He thought Jiang Tiankuo came to the underground garage to find him. What important things did he want to say?

Just to give him a roast duck leg?!


When he, Wilson, came to Longguo, the first food he ate was roast duck.

At that time, he was completely conquered by the taste of roast duck. He ate it for half a month and never touched it again.

Roast duck is also one of the foods that Wilson insisted on eating the longest.

No matter how delicious the food is, he will never eat it more than three times.

He remembered that he had told Jiang Tiankuo that day.

When he entertained Wilson at the Empire Hotel, he also ordered a roast duck. The latter just took a look and asked the waiter to take it away.

As a result, today... he specially sent him a roast duck leg.

What's the matter, are you determined not to cooperate with me?

"Mr. Jiang."

Wilson spoke in a somewhat cold manner.

"Do you think what you do is humorous?"

"Mr. Wilson."

Jiang Tiankuo replied:"You don't even want to take a look, how do you know that my roast duck legs are not delicious? I specially invited the best chef in the country to cook them carefully for you."

"The taste is great. If you think this roast duck is to your liking, then come to our house tomorrow night. I asked the chef to cook a table of dishes, and we can eat and talk at the same time!"

Wilson didn't want to talk anymore.

He had already made it clear that he didn't want to eat roast duck, but Jiang Tiankuo still forced it into his mouth.

This was a bit boring.

He was about to start the car, and suddenly he saw Jiang Tiankuo reaching into his pocket. Wilson was a little confused when he saw this scene. What was he going to do?

Was he going to take out a weapon?

A moment later, a lunch box was taken out of his hand. The lunch box was tightly wrapped outside, and there were several plastic bags.

Just as Wilson was curious, he tore open the plastic bag, and then opened the lunch box. Waves of the aroma of roast duck immediately drifted in the air.

Wilson's body stiffened.

This... … (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He stood there in a daze, almost losing consciousness. He stared motionlessly at the roast duck legs in the box.

This roast duck tasted very different from the roast duck he had tasted before. Although roast duck was delicious, it had a fatal flaw, which was that it was easy to get tired of it.

The first bite of roast duck was fresh, fragrant and delicious, but after you had almost finished eating it, you would not even want to look at the roast duck again.

Wilson had eaten a lot of roast duck for half a month, which made him unwilling to hear these two words for a long time afterwards.

That day in the private room, Jiang Tiankuo ordered roast duck. He just took two glances at it and felt... Very uncomfortable.

But... now the roast duck legs that Jiang Tiankuo packed in the box gave him a very different feeling.

Although there was the aroma of the roast duck itself, and it was particularly strong, it was not greasy at all, and there was no smell of greasy oil at all.

It was an indescribable fragrance.

It seemed... to have the aroma of pine resin.

He didn't know if it was an illusion.

The roast duck was placed in the lunch box, with a golden skin covered with a few sesame seeds, which formed a very sharp contrast with the white mixture. It looked tender and tasted especially good.

Wilson, who had not eaten roast duck for a long time, surprisingly did not feel any rejection this time.

He just He stared blankly, letting the car slowly stall.

Wilson, who hadn't had a strong appetite for a long time, had his eyes all on the duck leg at this moment. He couldn't wait to taste it.

The duck leg looked really good.

Wilson, who was quite fanatical about food, would never miss any food that might taste great.

He subconsciously pushed the car door open, gradually walked towards Jiang Tiankuo, and slowly took the duck leg from the other's hand.

He didn't eat it right away.

Wilson had a habit when tasting food. He would look at it carefully and meticulously. In his opinion, any dish���Whether it is color, fragrance or taste, it must be amazingly consistent.

Only when perfect unity is achieved can people feel happy when eating.

The roast duck in front of him is like a work of art. Its skin is covered with a light layer of grease, but it is not greasy like the roast duck itself, and the fragrance seems to be a light pine cone fragrance.

The pine cone fragrance wrapped the skin of the roast duck and even almost entered the inside of the roast duck. The white sesame seeds were roasted slightly brown, but they were not mushy. Instead, the aroma of sesame seeds has been stimulated.

Mixed with the pine cone fragrance, it acts on the roast duck legs together. Just smelling it is a great enjoyment.

The color and fragrance are completely passed, almost 90 points in Wilson's mind!

You must know that before this, the highest score in his mind was only 85 points.


He really likes the duck leg in his hand.

He closed his eyes and slowly and carefully put the roast duck in his mouth. The more delicious the food, the more gently you have to taste it, and you can't rush it.

He took a bite from the side of the roast duck leg. When his teeth landed on the roast duck skin, there was a crisp sound. After a while, the duck meat was torn apart. The meat inside was very tender and juicy. In an instant, the burnt aroma of sesame and the faint aroma of pine cones filled his mouth. After a long time of roasting, they had completely merged with the duck meat itself.

After he finished eating, his whole body was tense.

Wilson ate with relish, wishing to gnaw all the bones in his hand clean. There was no sign of stopping. It only took him half a minute to eat a whole roast duck leg.


It was really delicious!

Wilson, who used to eat too much roast duck and now feels sick when he hears those two words, was completely conquered by this roast duck leg.

It is definitely made by a truly top-notch chef.

In Longguo's words, it is really delicious!

If Jiang Tiankuo had brought out this roast duck yesterday, he would have signed the contract without even thinking about it, and he would have probably added tens of millions of orders to the original one.

Anyway, for him, there was no difference between a few hundred million and tens of millions.

Wilson, who had not eaten anything at noon, was completely stimulated by the roast duck.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Wilson's attitude suddenly changed. He hurried to Jiang Tiankuo and grabbed his right hand excitedly, reluctant to let go.

His eyes were full of excitement.

"I really didn’t expect that there is such a chef in Long Country!"

"This roast duck tastes so delicious!"

"I can't wait any longer. I don't want to wait until tomorrow night. Can I go there tonight?"

"I don't need him to cook any other dishes, just give me two more roast ducks. Don't worry, the order will be easy to arrange."

"Let alone an order worth hundreds of millions, even if I give you another 200 million, it will be no problem."

Seeing Wilson's performance, Jiang Tiankuo was still a little surprised, even though he had known that the roast duck leg in front of him would probably win him over.

But... everything the other party did was still a little exaggerated in Jiang Tiankuo's view.

For a person who truly loves food, once he eats something delicious that he has never tasted before, he will behave extremely crazy.

Jiang Tiankuo couldn't help but smile and said,"Mr. Wilson, do you still think you are not interested in roast duck?"

"Dear Mr. Jiang, please stop making fun of me."

"I admit that I was short-sighted before. I never thought there was such a delicious roast duck in the world."

"The chef is definitely a top chef, please take me there quickly."

Jiang Tiankuo smiled mysteriously and said to Wilson:"Mr. Wilson, I tell you you are wrong, very wrong!"

"Your thought just now is totally wrong. The truth is definitely not like this?"


What does it mean?".

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