Several guys looked at such a big sturgeon and were all amazed.

Many people brought ingredients to ask Lu Ming to cook, but this was the first time to see such a scene.

What is the background of the other party?

When they were carefully looking at the big fish, Su Han was still smart and suddenly remembered the black-necked crane.

“Oops, I have to check carefully to see if this fish is edible.”

Su Han said, and quickly took out his mobile phone and started to check.

Last time, if Lu Ming hadn’t reminded him that it was a first-level protected animal, he wouldn’t have made that dish.

Otherwise, I don’t know what it would look like now.

“If we really protected animals, would our store still be open?”

Su Han muttered softly.

However, before she could find out any results, Lu Ming had already spoken.

“No need to look it up. Although wild sturgeons are protected animals, farmed ones can be eaten.”

“It’s just that sturgeons of such good quality are really rare.”

Hearing what Lu Ming said, several people in the store finally felt relieved.

As long as it’s not about protecting animals, a lawsuit will be fine!

However, what on earth are you going to do with such a big fish?

Guys, don’t say you’ve ever eaten sturgeon. , I have never seen it before.

At this moment, their eyes fell on Lu Ming

“Boss, this fish is too big. If you really want to cook it, do you need a big pot?”

“How on earth are you going to eat it? This thing is so rare, I’ve never seen it before”

“Do I need to prepare any special materials?”

A few people asked curiously.

Lu Ming did not explain one by one, but turned to look at the middle-aged man in front of him.

“Sir, welcome to our store”

“The sturgeon you brought is of very good quality. I wonder how you would like to eat such a precious ingredient?”

There are too many parts of such a sturgeon that can be used in dishes.

It can be said that the sturgeon is full of treasures, and every dish made is delicious.

Otherwise, it would not have been a top-quality tribute ingredient since ancient times.

In the past, only Tianhuang nobles could eat this kind of food.

When Lu Ming asked, he was already thinking about how to cook some dishes that would taste better.

At this time, the middle-aged man smiled faintly and followed respond politely

“If Boss Lu really knows how to cook this fish, then come up with your best dish..!”

“However, let me remind you in advance that this fish is worth hundreds of thousands anyway. If you don’t do it right, things won’t be easy.”

“I have hired more than a dozen chefs in the past few years. They all said that my cooking skills were very good, but the results were extremely disappointing.”

The middle-aged man did say it with a smile, but the attitude and tone of his words had a hint of warning.

It’s just cooking, is there any need to threaten people?

Several of the waiters in the store are smart, and when they heard that the middle-aged man When the man said this, his expression suddenly changed

“What’s happening here? Why didn’t you ask our boss to cook? Why are you holding us accountable?”

“Although the boss is very good at cooking, this fish is so expensive, what if I really want to ruin it?”

“I don’t know what kind of food he likes. What if he casually says he doesn’t like the food after it’s cooked?”

They discussed in a low voice, and the more they talked, the more nervous they became.

Looking at each other’s style, you can tell that they have extraordinary origins.

If you are really dissatisfied with the food and cause trouble, it will not be settled casually.

In addition to helping in the shop, Su Han , and also handles the pre-sales and after-sales work of seasonings.

She has seen all kinds of customers, and is also worried that such high-status people will make things difficult for their store.

No, she must explain the situation to the boss. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Han was anxiously looking for an opportunity to remind Lu Ming.

Who knew that Lu Ming would still remain calm and composed in the face of the middle-aged man’s warning?

“Ingredients like sturgeon are indeed precious, and few customers who come usually have such ingredients.”

“However, with my cooking skills, it is not difficult to make a delicious sturgeon feast.”

Lu Ming’s answer was full of confidence.

The middle-aged man couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows after hearing what he said.

“Very good. Few of the cooking skills I have looked for before are as confident as you.”

“But let me remind you, my tongue is not just a fool.”

“Speaking of which, I have been wanting to find a chef to cook sturgeon all these years, and it is because I have eaten such delicious food.”

When the middle-aged man said this, the expression on his face was full of yearning.

Next, Lu Ming listened to the middle-aged man talk about his past experiences.

It turned out that the middle-aged man started from scratch, and he was making his first bucket of money. When he was in Jin Dynasty, he accidentally met an apprentice who was said to be the royal chef.

The old chef was already in his sixties at the time, and he entertained him with a bowl of soup made from dried sturgeon tendons.

“I have never eaten such delicious food. Even though I have more and more money later, I can eat the best food in the world.”

“But I could never taste that delicious food again, so I started looking for various chefs to cook for me.”[]

“It’s a pity that after all these years, no one has that ability.”

“.Boss Lu, I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

The middle-aged man said with emotion.

Lu Ming remained calm and composed after hearing what he said.

“Sturgeon tendon has always been a top ingredient. If you want to make such a bowl of soup, you also have very high requirements for sturgeon.”

“After all, sturgeons grow slowly, and fish that are too young may not grow many tendons.”

Lu Ming said, turning his head to look at the fish.

The sturgeon’s dragon tendon is actually the bone marrow on the back of the fish. As it gets older, the bone marrow becomes stronger and stronger.

For such a long fish, the dragon’s tendon that can finally be taken out The tendons are only about one or two.

“Sir, good food also takes time, I don’t know……”

Before Lu Ming could finish speaking, the other party had already raised his hand to signal Lu Ming to do whatever he wanted.

“Now that I’m here, I’ve got plenty of time to wait for this dish”

“Boss Lu, you can do whatever you want next, I’m waiting for your good news.”

When the middle-aged man said this, he was secretly looking forward to it.

He looked at (Wang Wang’s) Lu Ming’s unfazed and confident look, and wondered if he could really eat the delicious food of the past again today. Extension.

Lu Ming or he heard it mentioned by a partner.

The other person knew that he loved food and had always wanted to find a top chef, so he mentioned Lu Ming.

At first, when he saw Lu Ming’s video, he was very suspicious knowing that he was so young.

After all, if such good ingredients were given to a chef casually, it would be a waste of money.

However, when the middle-aged man saw Lu Ming asking the waiter to prepare knives, he began to handle the ingredients extremely skillfully. The middle-aged man became more and more skilled. I believe that Lu Ming can let him taste the long-awaited delicacy today.

Not long after, Lu Ming raised his knife and took out a snow-white dragon tendon that seemed to have a jelly texture.

People present saw this dragon After eating the tendons, everyone’s eyes widened.

Just looking at the crystal clear and smooth dragon tendons, I knew that such ingredients must taste delicious.

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