When Sun He came to the factory and looked at the equipment, he was stunned!

He didn't expect Lu Ming to set up the factory in just a few days.

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Sun He, this is our factory, to be honest, several people are laymen, and it is the first time to open a factory, and they have no experience." "

Any start-up company is wading across the river, and no one knows what risks await in front of them.

But now that this step has been taken, there is no reason to back down.

On your own, you can't start a business.

Lu Ming understood this in his heart, and he spoke very thoroughly.

Sun He looked around and nodded: "At the beginning of any business, this is the case. "

"Now that I'm here, I'll give you a few personal opinions. "

Lu Ming nodded, and the others waited for him to speak.

"I am mainly responsible for the production schedule, product quality, and has been coordinated by personnel to ensure the daily operation of the factory. "

"As for raw material procurement, product pricing, etc., Boss Lu, you just need to arrange the right people. "

"What I can do is not to stop the product line, as long as Boss Lu has an arrangement, I will complete the production target on schedule. "

Lu 01 Ming nodded, and it could be seen that he was a practical person.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come up and said this.

After thinking about it, he pointed to Luo Wei and said: "The procurement of raw materials is handed over to Luo Wei, we have worked together for so long, and I also believe in his ability." "

Luo Wei didn't expect that he could be in charge of procurement.

You must know that in many companies, this is the person most trusted by the boss.

He nodded heavily: "Boss, don't worry, I won't let you down." "

Then, Lu Ming said: "As for the pricing of the product, to be honest, I have already thought about it, it is better to unify it into 500g packaging, and the price is 50 per copy." "

This price was considered by Lu Ming for a long time.

The cost of a package of marinade, raw materials plus site and labor costs, etc., as well as the return and exchange of express boxes, are about 20, of which raw materials account for the majority.

He uses pure spices, such as cloves, angelica, licorice, cinnamon, etc., which are the best.

Then sell one copy and you can make a net profit of 30.

This profit is still very considerable.

Of course.

Lu Ming also looked at the price on the Internet, and the most expensive one may only be 30 a pack, and he doesn't know how much he can sell at this price.

After discussing the details, Lu Ming and his party went back to the hotel.

From today onwards, the factory will be handed over to Sun He for processing.

Lu Ming has been busy for so long, and he can finally take a break.

After the lunch was over, Wang Qiang and Chen Shuai turned around and were about to leave.

Seeing this posture, Luo Wei asked suspiciously, "You two are not eating?"

Wang Qiang shook his head, his face was bitter: "Eat, why don't you eat, but the food cooked by the boss is so delicious, I have several bowls at once, and I have gained a few pounds recently." "

Chen Shuai said: "Me too, I feel that if I eat it again, it will be a matter of early evening to grow into a fat man of 200 pounds." "

It was just at this time.

Lu Ming came out with the freshly made scallion oil chicken.

As soon as they smelled it, they couldn't move their legs.

As soon as Luo Wei saw the fragrant dishes, he jumped up from the chair excitedly.

"Ouch, boss, you actually made such delicious food, it seems that you have a good taste again. "

Aunt Zhang smelled the smell, and her mind had already begun to imagine the taste of the chicken.

Because Sun He and Xu Qian were also there at noon, Lu Ming specially made a large portion.

When they saw it, their eyes were shining.

Sun He said excitedly: "It seems that being Boss Lu's employee is cool, not to mention being fat into 200 pounds, even if it is 300 pounds, at least eat such a delicacy, the world is not in vain!"

Xu Qian glanced at him, and said angrily: "Beware of not being able to marry a daughter-in-law!"

Sun He didn't speak, and the relationship between the two was almost pierced by the window paper.

Xu Qian looked at the pot of clear and shiny scallion oil chicken, the chicken looked very smooth and tender, and the green onion smell unusually good.

She smiled and said: "I heard that Boss Lu is good at Sichuan cuisine and Jinling cuisine, but I didn't expect that even Cantonese cuisine is so fragrant." "

Lu Ming said: "This dish is simple to make, and it tastes good, you only need to steam it a little, then adjust the soup, and pour it on it, to be honest, it's really not difficult, I'm a little lazy at noon today, just do it." "

Hearing this, everyone looked at him helplessly.

It's not difficult to cook chicken, but it's too difficult to make it delicious!

To put it simply, whether it is the steaming time or the control of seasoning, if you show your hand so casually, others will not be able to learn it.

Only the perfect control of the ingredients can make the dishes so delicious.


Wang Qiang and Chen Shuai are at war in their heads.

It's like two villains, constantly tugging, whether to eat or not, the two of them are entangled in pain.

In the end, Wang Qiang gritted his teeth and comforted himself: "What kind of fat to lose, when you finish this meal, you will definitely next time!"

Seeing that he was shaken, Chen Shuai didn't say a word, and ran to the table like an arrow, his attitude had already shown everything.

When a few people sat down, everyone picked up chopsticks.

In one bite, the chicken stained with soup was very soft and tender, not wood at all, and it was as smooth as dancing on the tip of the tongue.

The chicken skin is not fishy, and because it is steamed and soft, and the refreshing soup is added, it can be eaten in the mouth after sucking it.

Coupled with the thick green onion fragrance 673, as well as the irresistible umami, it can be said that the taste is bursting! (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone instantly squinted their eyes in comfort!

A dish of scallion oil chicken, it's so delicious that you can't solve it!

Wang Qiang and Chen Shuai also said before that losing weight would be the happiest thing for them to eat.

I didn't see the chopsticks stop at all.

In the end, the two of them soaked rice in soup, and they also ate two large bowls of rice.

They clutched their stomachs in pain, screaming for delicious food, and vowed to lose weight in the future.

When they were full of wine and food, Sun He and Xu Qian went back.

Now Sun He is still working in another unit and needs to go through the resignation process.

According to his words, he can come over in a day or two.

When the time comes, the plant will be up and running.

In the afternoon, Zhao Xu came over and asked with a smile: "Boss, everything is ready now, do we want to publicize it in advance, and more netizens will definitely know about the sale by then." "

"I made some posters, why don't I make a video and send it to Douyin?"

Now, Lu Ming handed over all the product promotion, audio and video, background management, etc. to him.

Professional people do professional things!

After Zhao Xu came, he didn't have to be distracted by this.

Hearing this, Lu Ming looked at it and nodded: "Okay, then send it out, netizens are looking forward to it!"

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