On the way back, the figure slowly stretched under the street lamp.

The curtain of night has fallen, and everything has fallen silent.

The night breeze was slow, carrying a biting chill coming, and Su Han couldn't help but shrink his neck.

She was dressed a little thinner, and when she lived in the magic capital in the past, she was not so cold, and she suddenly blew into the cold wind and sneezed violently.


"Be careful of the cold, you put on your clothes. "

Seeing this, Lu Ming took off the down jacket on his body and draped it on her.

"You're not cold?"

Su Han saw that after he took it off, he didn't reveal any discomfort, so he asked in surprise.

"It's not cold, I've always had a good physique. "

That's true, after all, I grew up in the countryside, and when I wanted to go to school, I had to walk more than ten miles to school every day, and I had to climb a mountain, and my physical fitness was much better than ordinary people.

What's more, after receiving the comprehensive strengthening of the body rewarded by the system, he is naturally not afraid of this cold.

Su Han looked at him and smiled.

He bowed his head and did not speak.

The two walked for a while, and Lu Ming suddenly opened his mouth and told about his experience over the years.

After all, how could he not see Su Han's thoughts, but he hadn't seen each other for too many years, and it was difficult to say whether the two of them were still as familiar as they were at the beginning.

Or maybe it's.

After only many years of not seeing each other, these initial enthusiasm is supported by those good memories of the past, and after a while, what should I do?

and the 2 million pocket money she took out at will, which made people feel huge pressure!

There must be more between them.

Listening to Lu Ming's mellow voice, Su Han slowly understood his past over the years.

After graduating from junior high school, like many ordinary people, he was admitted to a high school that was neither good nor bad, and after three years of hard Xi study, he finally got his wish and entered a good university.

After graduating this year, he had just joined a company and ended up closing down three months later.

And then Su Han knew!

He opened a restaurant that exploded all over the Internet!

After finishing speaking, Su Han didn't wait for him to ask, and the voice of a yellow warbler came out.

"In the third year of junior high school, my parents decided to come to Modu to work hard, so they took me to other places, they started doing business in the wholesale market, and then as the business improved, they slowly came to this day. "

"Over the years, although I have been in other places, I have lived like you, and I don't seem to have too many hobbies and interests except for studying Xi. "

"After graduating from college, my father asked me to go back to Jiangcheng to manage the branch, but I didn't want to at first, and then I accidentally saw your fighting sound, so I came over. "

Both of them are the kind of people who are indifferent and casual, and after talking to each other, they look at each other.

This moment.

Su Han knew that his relationship with Lu Ming 683 was a lot closer.

Unlike before, I just regarded her as a best friend I hadn't seen in years.

After being delivered to the place, Lu Ming turned around and went back.


Zhao Xu was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone.

After he connected, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised: "It's so fast, great, I'll go down and get it now." "

Walking out the door and looking at her with a happy face, her mother asked, "What's the matter?" "

"It's the marinade sent by Boss Lu here, I'll go downstairs and buy some chicken breast by the way, Mom, you have a good day today." "

After speaking, he went downstairs in a hurry.

Wait for him to come back.

Place the chicken breasts in the sink to thaw and unpack them with anticipation.

As soon as I opened it, a smell of unusually good spices came out.

Next to her, her mother was surprised: "This marinade looks really good, if it's delicious, let's buy some when the time comes." "

Zhao Xu shook his head: "This is not for sale, Boss Lu only drew 10 copies in the live broadcast room, and now you know how hard-won it is." "

Wait until that's all over.

He began to marinate the chicken breast, following the example of Lu Ming's live broadcast, beating the chicken breast, then changing to a flower knife, pouring in the marinade and starting to knead.

I guess it's about the same, put it in a basin and cover it with plastic wrap.

Around noon.

It's almost good after.

At this time, he took out the chicken steak and began to fry it.

As the chicken steak gradually takes shape, an amazing aroma wafts through.

The mother took a sip and said in surprise, "This fragrance is really domineering, just smelling it is very fragrant." "

The aroma wafted upstairs and downstairs along the doors and windows.

After a while.

The whole building smelled the fragrance, and the group of owners instantly fried the pot.

"Who's doing this is delicious, it's too much, my stewed ribs are not fragrant. "

"I'll go, it seems to be upstairs in me, my child is about to cry for this craving!"

"It's useless to close the windows, and the scent can come in. "

Zhao Xu's mother couldn't wait for a long time.

Looking at the chicken cutlet that had just come out of the pot, she quickly took a knife and cut it into small pieces, and then ate it in one bite.

Originally, the fragrance was very strong, but now when you eat it in your mouth, the strong aroma is mixed with the aroma of meat, and the taste is even more wonderful, which makes people extremely satisfied.

She hadn't eaten a few pieces before the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, I saw a group of people standing outside.

Basically, they are all residents of this building, and there are a few children drooling in their eyes.

The neighbors looked into the house curiously and asked suspiciously, "What kind of delicious food are you doing at home, I can smell it at home." "

"yes, we're several floors apart, and I can smell (dabj) aromas. "

"I also said that I would give the child ribs at noon, and now it's okay, the child is making a fuss and doesn't taste it, and I'm about to be angry. "

Hear this.

Zhao Xu's mother was immediately happy.

Look at this group of people, isn't it just a chicken cutlet, as for it!

She thought for a moment, so she said to these people: "In that case, then I'll get you some chicken cutlets, it just so happens that my son is frying them, and they are all freshly baked." "

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and since everyone has arrived at the door, they simply give them some.

After saying that, she came to the kitchen, picked up the chicken chops, chopped them, and gave them to them.

This embarrassed the neighbors.

After they took the chicken steak, after a while, they knocked on her door again.

"Oops, this is my family's ribs stewed at noon, it's delicious for you to eat some!"

"This is a native egg from the countryside, very nutritious, get some for you. "

"You can also taste the imported cherries that my son bought. "

"It's my pickled sauerkraut, and it's too delicious with minced meat. "

Zhao Xu's mother didn't want it yet, but she couldn't stand the neighbor's enthusiasm.

Put down your things, slip through the smoke and leave.

Seeing that the table was full of food, I immediately cried and laughed.

After Zhao Xu fried the chicken cutlet, he remembered Lu Ming's words, so he picked up the douyin and set the angle and filmed.

I have to say that he knows how to take pictures, and he is perfect at using various filters and skills.

After the filming was finished, Zhao Xu then started editing, and it didn't take long for the finished product to come out.

He took a look at it and smiled with satisfaction.

Soon, Zhao Xu uploaded the video to Douyin, and then tasted the chicken cutlet.

Not long after the video was uploaded, someone saw it right away.

Originally, the man didn't like chicken cutlets, especially this kind of fried food, and he rarely ate them.

So I came up and prepared to row away.

But when the video started playing, his hand froze and he didn't slide upwards for a long time.

The body is getting closer before you know it.

in the video.

A bright golden chicken cutlet from far and near, and finally freezes in the picture.

There is also a curling aroma on it, and as the chicken steak gets closer, it seems that you can smell the fragrance through the screen.

The man couldn't help but roll his throat, and he had an unprecedented desire to eat a chicken cutlet.

This is not possible in normal times.


The chicken cutlet was vigorously torn open from the middle, and at that moment, the juice contained in it exploded violently, splashing everywhere.

The camera was blurred for a moment, obviously splashed with juice.

When the man saw it, he subconsciously wanted to retreat, for fear of splashing himself.

But in the next second, the camera was clear again, and the red juice of Didi sauce was dripping down the chicken chop, and he couldn't help but want to stick out his tongue to catch it, for fear of wasting it.

At last.

Zhao Xu appeared in front of the camera, first rubbing his hands, and then biting down with anticipation.

In an instant, the crunchy sound of him chewing came from the phone, which was particularly pleasant.

The man was about to cry when he saw it, and he wanted to replace him.

It's up to him to eat this chicken cutlet!

When the picture stopped, the man pursed his lips unsatisfied.

He was obviously hungry, and he was hungry for the chicken cutlet that he usually didn't even look at at at all.

It can be seen that this chicken cutlet is definitely delicious beyond imagination.

He is a person who doesn't like to eat chicken cutlets, not to mention those food lovers, as well as Boss Lu's original fans.

Just an hour.

The number of views increased in horror, directly to the millions.

This speed, put on the sound of the bucket, is abnormally explosive.

At the same time, likes and comments are skyrocketing every minute.

"Is this Boss Lu's strength, any marinade is too delicious!"

"Damn, why didn't I win the lottery, now let me drool here!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"This video is so amazing, I can eat 10 of these chicken cutlets. "

"Fragrant fragrance...... Millions of netizens knelt down and begged Boss Lu to sell the marinade to us, can't I buy it? Not only do I buy it, but everyone around me goes to Amway them, and it will definitely sell out when the time comes!"

The video taken by Zhao Xu became a mess on the Internet.

is even more popular than Lu Ming's original shooting.

When Lu Mingwan saw it, the whole person was shocked.

Is this the strength of netizens? This camera movement is simply amazing.

After Luo Wei saw it, he immediately called it awesome.

"Boss, how about we recruit this person? He is quite good at making videos, and he is your loyal fan, and when the time comes, let him help edit and send the video of your cooking, so that your account will definitely become popular soon. "

On the side, Wang Qiang and Chen Shuai also followed.

"I think it's feasible, the boss is too busy every day to post videos, so it's better to find a professional. "

"Yes, as long as the boss mentions, I guess he will definitely be willing to come, not to mention making money, and he can eat the food you cooked, the boss will refuse. "

At this time.

Su Han walked in from the outside, his little face was red from the cold.

As soon as I entered the door, I couldn't help but said to my hands: "Really, if you say cool down, you will cool down, I haven't had time to prepare my clothes, this is good, I heard that it will snow heavily in a few days." "

"It's really troublesome, I hope the snow doesn't fall too much, so it won't be convenient for me to come. "

As she spoke, she noticed that the video on Lu Ming's phone was playing on a loop at the moment.

When I saw it, I immediately smiled in surprise and said: "Who took this video, this fried chicken steak looks really appetizing!"

Su Han looked around and found that no one nodded.

Lu Ming said with a smile: "It's a netizen who won the lottery yesterday, he received the goods today, and uploaded the video of the chicken steak shooting after frying, but he does have two brushes, and the shooting is really good!"

At this time, Luo Wei asked with a smile on the side: "Su Han, what do you think of our boss recruiting this person?"

When Su Han heard this, he immediately nodded again and again: "This is a good idea, when the time comes, Lu Ming can set up a studio, specializing in making food modules on Douyin, accumulating fans in the early stage, and you can definitely make a lot of money when you derive other products in the later stage." "

No one can refuse to make money.

Didn't he open the store just to make more money!

But thinking of the arrears in the system, he always wanted to pay off the arrears of the system first.

But at the moment, there is such a talent, and there is no hesitation.

So he immediately said: "Okay, I'll contact this person now, and if he wants to come, we'll set up a studio immediately." "

Just do it.

Lu Ming dialed Zhao Xu's phone.

"Hello, I'm Lu Ming, I saw the video you posted on the Internet, and I want to invite you to work in Jiangcheng, specifically responsible for operating my Douyin account, shooting videos and uploading them, I don't know if you are interested?"

Zhao Xu saw a strange call and was still puzzled.

After listening to Lu Ming's words, he was immediately ecstatic, he was simply too willing.

"Boss Lu, I'll take the car tomorrow morning, don't say anything, as long as I think of being able to eat the food you cook every day, I'm willing to do it even if I don't pay my salary. "

Lu Ming smiled: "It's not okay not to pay salaries, we are not black-hearted bosses!"

Zhao Xu said with a smile: "Boss Lu is magnificent!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming thought for a while, since he wanted to set up a studio and set up a company in the future, he must have a suitable office location.

He suddenly thought of the gym upstairs, which was more than 600 square meters, which must be enough.

Lu Ming looked at Wang Qiang and said, "A few days have passed, does the owner of your gym have any news?"

Wang Qiang shook his head: "I haven't heard about the follow-up after the boss ran away, and it is said that the landlord has re-leased the gym, but because it is on the second floor and occupies a large area, it can't be rented out even if it's cheaper." "

Lu Ming nodded: "That's good, let's make an appointment with the landlord tomorrow morning, I want to rent the second floor and use it as an office at that time." "

Wang Qiang nodded, turned his head and contacted the landlord.

Su Han looked at Lu Ming so decisively, and his beautiful eyes revealed surprise.

He was really worried that Lu Ming would be complacent because of the money he made in front of him, you must know that even if he has good cooking skills, he is too tired to open a restaurant.

Stir-frying all day long, smelling oil smoke in the kitchen, is not a long-term solution after all.


As long as you can take the first step, you can move in a better direction.

Su Han even secretly thought that if Lu Ming's money was not enough, she would immediately take out all the money.


Lu Ming checked his balance.

He had already returned 150,000 yuan to the system before, and now after two days of business, he has earned about 30,000 yuan.

The 30,000 is estimated to be not enough to rent a house.

Come to think of this.

He then asked the system, "Can I borrow the money I paid back before?"

"Of course, but after that, a monthly interest rate of 5% will be generated according to the total amount owed, may I ask if the host borrows?"


Lu Ming gasped fiercely in his heart.

He knew that the system was black, but he didn't expect it to be the same as the Indians.

What is the concept of 5% per month?

1 million has to pay 50,000 yuan in interest every month.

In a year, the interest alone is 600,000.

But now is a good opportunity for development, and he must not give up such a good opportunity.

So he gritted his teeth and lent out all the 150,000 yuan, and now he had a huge sum of 180,000 yuan in his hand.

When the time comes, it is enough to rent a house and simply decorate the office.

As long as he can make a profit, he decides to pay it back as soon as he has money.

After all.

This feeling of owing money is just too much nonsense......

Every day is an ordeal!

As for why he didn't use Su Han's money, Lu Ming hadn't thought about it in his heart.

After everything was arranged, Lu Ming waited for Zhao Xu to come over, and then started to operate his personal account.

Perhaps because the weather was too cold, customers came earlier than usual today.

By the time they left, it was just over 7 o'clock.

Lu Ming thought that it would snow heavily in a few days, and he had to go back to the village before that and buy the chickens and ducks in the village with Luo Wei's father, otherwise it would be too troublesome to close the road in the snow.

At the same time, I also have to buy some clothes for my parents to go back.

Dad's clothes are easy to buy, and the men's style is simple, and the color is definitely black.

But it's hard to say what the hell is going on, and he doesn't have much experience.

Su Han looked at him with some doubts, and after asking what was going on, he immediately smiled and said, "Let's go, then I'll go buy it with you." "。

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