When he came to the kitchen, Lu Ming thought about it for a while, and decided to make a dish of teriyaki chicken thighs for Yin Yin to eat.

This dish is not only delicious, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the key is that you can also take the soup to soak rice, and when the child is growing up, there must be staple food for every meal.

Moreover, there is no need for spicy accessories, all of which are simple condiments, which are very in line with Zhao Hui's requirements.

Taking out the fresh chicken legs, Lu Ming picked up the knife and removed the bones, and after there was not a single small bone inside, he picked up the back of the knife and beat the chicken legs on the board one deep and one shallow.

Da da da ......

Slowly, the whole leg becomes flat.

After this step, the tendons of the whole chicken thigh become loose and the shape becomes much more beautiful.

Then he brought a basin, and put the onions, ginger, garlic and seasonings into it, and Lu Ming put on disposable gloves and gently grabbed and kneaded them.

Sometimes slowly, sometimes slowly, the technique is also unique, slowly grasp the chicken thighs, and when it is almost time, cover with plastic wrap and marinate.

This step is particularly crucial, is the root of the teriyaki chicken thighs delicious, kneading techniques and early beating are indispensable, after his operation, after marinating, the chicken thighs are already revealing a beautiful color.

Then heat the pan with oil, take out the marinated chicken thighs, put them in and fry them slowly over medium-low heat, wait until both sides are slightly golden, pour in the teriyaki sauce prepared in advance, and the pot immediately makes a sizzling sound.

As soon as the chicken is cooked at high temperatures, it is immediately sucked in like a sponge, and then the juice explodes inside the meat.

When Lu Ming saw this, he knew that the taste was not much worse, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

He had just taken the finished teriyaki chicken thighs out of the living room, and Yin Yin of the chair smelled the smell and ran over with a jump.

"Uncle, what are you doing here, I can smell the fragrance from afar!"

"Teriyaki chicken thighs, you don't want to eat chicken drumsticks, go back and try it!" Lu Ming said warmly to him.

When she went back, looking at the steaming meal, she couldn't help but pick up chopsticks.

"Hey, it's just out of the pot, be careful to burn it, let grandma help you taste it first!" Zhao Hui stopped her, and then picked up a piece of chicken thigh meat under the little granddaughter's expectant gaze.

When the meat was in front of her, she could clearly smell the unique smell of chicken, just like they had eaten when they were children.

Just like this, Zhao Hui was already seven or eight points satisfied in her heart.

However, after she ate it in her mouth, she couldn't help but marvel.

"Hey, it's a little hot!".

"But this chicken is so smooth and tender, and there is juice inside, and when I bite into it just now, the juice bursts out, it's so delicious!"

Zhao Hui exhaled while eating, and exhaled several breaths in a row, which was barely better.

It's no wonder that she was in a hurry to eat, but who would have thought that there was juice in this chicken, and she was stunned the moment it burst out.

When Lu Ming saw it, he said with a smile: "Be careful, this is really a little hot when it comes out of the pot." "

Zhao Hui hurriedly responded, a little embarrassed.

After all, at her age, she didn't eat at all just now, and she couldn't even chew it when it was so hot.

After Zhao Hui finished eating, she tasted it again, and then found that the chicken was really good to bite, as if she hadn't chewed much just now, and the chicken was soft and rotten in her mouth.

This kind of chicken is not too friendly to a few years old.

What's more, the teriyaki chicken thigh made by Lu Ming only has simple salt, a few seasonings for light soy sauce, and there are not too many condiments at all.

As for the spicy accessories that I specially ordered, there was no taste at all.

He's cooking with his heart!

Zhao Hui thought in her heart, and silently praised Lu Ming.

Then, when Yin Yin started to eat, Zhao Hui was surprised to find that her little granddaughter could eat so quickly.

Usually so procrastinating, eating today is the same as robbing!

"Grandma, I still want to eat, you can quickly help me pick up a piece of meat!"

"Uh-huh, it's so fragrant!".

"It's not enough, it's not enough at all, I'll eat this bit of meat in three or two bites, grandma, you will bring me in the future!"

Zhao Hui greeted and said softly: "Okay, grandma will bring you here when she is free in the future, but even if you like to eat, you can't eat it so quickly, chew it and swallow it." "

At the moment!

Zhao Hui didn't know how surprised she was when she saw Yin Yin like this.

She turned her head to Lu Ming and said, "Boss Lu, your cooking skills are really good, I really doubt which five-star restaurant you are a chef from." "

As she spoke, she shook her head and smiled: "No, even a five-star hotel can't compare to you." "

Lu Ming said modestly: "You are joking, I just use dim sum to make it, the chicken thighs you brought here are for the children to eat, I will cook them for a while, and beat them for a few more minutes before pickling, so that the children will not have to eat so hard." "

When Zhao Hui heard this, she immediately smiled and praised: "The young man is handsome, and his personality is so good, it's really good, your taste is superb, I didn't say a big thing, you look at this child in my family, I haven't seen her eat so fragrant, so conscious, if you are usually at home, chasing and feeding her is not delicious, how can it be like you want to take the initiative to ask for food!".

The two chatted, and soon Yin Yin ate all the chicken.

The two big chicken legs all went into her stomach, and at the end, Lu Ming gave her a small bowl of rice: "You have to eat some rice every meal, so that your body is good, you pour some soup and soak in rice to eat." "

"Thank you, uncle!".

Yin Yin sensibly took the rice and finished it without saying a word.

Finally, when she went out, Zhao Hui deliberately asked, "Yin Yin, is the meal that grandma brought you here to eat this time delicious?

As soon as she heard this, Yin Yin's head shook like a rattle: "Don't go, don't go, what's so delicious about hamburger fried chicken, Uncle Lu's dishes are really fragrant, I like to eat them the most." "

"Grandma will bring me next time!".

Watching the two walk away, a smile appeared on Lu Ming's face.

Looking at it like this, it seems that you have gained another loyal customer!


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