Looking at the steaming mapo tofu in front of her, Zhang Lan's originally casual sitting posture unconsciously became straight.

She didn't think it mattered before, she didn't believe that this young man could make a delicious meal, but at this time, with this smell and appearance, it seemed that she had already conquered her.

After all, she had never seen anyone make a plate of tofu so beautiful.

Zhang Lan solemnly picked up the chopsticks and gently picked up a piece of tofu, and the moment she entered it, her eyes immediately widened.

"Whew...... Whew!".

The tofu was a little hot, she couldn't help but sigh out, and then when she tasted it, her eyes immediately showed a bright look.

"Shhh...... It's delicious, it's delicious!".

"It tastes amazing!".

"It's numb and spicy, and the key is that the soup is completely wrapped on top, which is amazing!".

Zhang Lan admired from the bottom of her heart, this mapo tofu was beyond her expectations.

Immediately, the various flavors are just as well balanced, the slight numbness is constantly stimulating the mouth, the spicy sensation is coming one by one, coupled with the aroma of the meat foam, which instantly makes the taste reach a more perfect point.

What's even more incredible is that the tofu, which is obviously unpretentious, can be made so smooth and tender, and when you eat it, it looks like jelly.

Zhang Lan usually cooks this dish at home, but compared to what she is looking at, it is simply heaven and earth.

While tasting it, she looked at Lu Ming and said vaguely: "Boss, your craftsmanship is good, you can make it so delicious!"

When Lu Ming saw her look, he knew that the taste was not bad, and responded with a smile: "Just think it's delicious, and come often in the future!"

Zhang Lan nodded vigorously: "That's for sure, if you go outside to the restaurant in the future, you will choose here!"

Lu Ming was very excited when he heard it, and he was originally worried that the restaurant would not be able to open, but he didn't expect to gain a loyal customer on the first day, and he was immediately full of confidence.

Zhang Lan sat alone in the store, and it can be said that she tasted without regard to her image.

Even if no one grabs it, eat one bite at a time.

After Lu Ming saw that her eating speed had slowed down, he enthusiastically brought a bowl of rice from the back kitchen.

"You have it with rice. "

Zhang Lan smiled and said, "Okay!".

After saying that, she took the rice, and in less than three minutes, it was solved.

When the food was almost finished, Zhang Lan looked up at the dishes in front of her, there was still half of it left, she was reluctant to waste it at all, and immediately beckoned: "Boss, get me a packing box, I'll take these back." "

"Such delicious mapo tofu, not a drop can be wasted, I will steam some rice tomorrow, and I can show off three bowls with the soup!".

Soon, Zhang Lan left with the packed meals and satisfied.

When she left, Lu Ming stayed in the store until late, and only then closed the door to rest after seeing that there were no pedestrians on the side of the road.

Although there was only one customer on the first day, everything was difficult at the beginning, and Lu Ming was already very satisfied.

He believes that with his god-level cooking skills, even if the ingredients need to be brought by customers, it will definitely be able to open a prosperous restaurant.


At night.

Zhang Lan came home and was worried that mapo tofu would taste like it would be in the refrigerator, so she put it on the dining table.

She waited late and didn't see her man come back, so she washed up and rested.

Late at night, Li Yuancheng came home with seven or eight points of drunkenness, turned on the light in the living room, and he sat on the sofa and poured a cup of hot water to drink.

Recently, for a multi-million project, he can say that he goes out early and returns late every day, often entertaining customers, but fortunately, after such a long time, there is finally a result, and the contract can be signed in a few days.

After completing this order, he has at least tens of thousands of commissions, which can be regarded as a small amount of getting rich.

During this time, there was a lot less to accompany the daughter-in-law, and when I was on the phone at night, I obviously heard the daughter-in-law with a little resentment.


After getting the commission, Li Yuancheng decided to buy a gold bracelet for his daughter-in-law to compensate for it.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, isn't it just for the sake of the family, a gold bracelet costs more than 10,000, and he has to buy it if he is distressed!

"Gollum ......


There was a roar in the stomach.

Li Yuancheng rubbed his stomach, and drank with customers at night, and he didn't eat a few bites of food, which would be a little hungry.

He glanced around, looked at the box on the table, and walked over curiously.

When I lifted the lid, I immediately smelled a fragrance.

The fragrance was not strong, but it was extremely comfortable, he took a look at it and found that it was half-eaten mapo tofu, looking at the appearance, it was estimated that it was delicious.

Li Yuancheng went to the kitchen and took out chopsticks, ready to taste them.



As soon as he ate it in his mouth, he almost bit his tongue so deliciously.

Although the dish is already cold, it does not affect the taste at all.

Especially the neatly sized tofu, the delicate spicy feeling in the mouth is 10,000 times more delicious than what he eats in many large restaurants.

Li Yuancheng ate again and again, the chopsticks came back and swayed in front of him, and after a while, the half plate of mapo tofu was all eaten cleanly.

If it weren't for the slow rise of alcohol, his brain became more and more confused, and he couldn't wait to pick up the soup and suck it twice.

"Hmm...... No, I'm a little dizzy, I have to wash up and go to bed. "

"This tofu is so delicious!".

"I must let my daughter-in-law take me to eat, I can't get tired of eating such a delicious meal every day!".

Li Yuancheng muttered, and quickly finished washing and going to sleep.


He was pushed awake by Zhang Lan, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Lan's nervous expression.

"Yuancheng, wake up, it seems that there is a thief in our house!"

"Hurry, let's see if you've lost something!"

Hearing this, Li Yuancheng's eyes were originally a little confused, and they instantly became clear.

He sat up and quickly got dressed.

"How can a thief enter a thief's house?"

"What's going on?".

The two came to the living room, Zhang Lan pointed to the tofu in the living room with a surprised look and said, "Take a look, the mapo tofu I packed back yesterday is still half of it before going to bed, why did I wake up and there was no one?".

Hearing this, Li Yuancheng suddenly showed a wry smile on his face, and said in a relaxed tone: "Look at what you're fussing, I thought something happened, this tofu was made for me to eat." "

"I came back late yesterday and was a little hungry, so I couldn't help but eat. "

As he spoke, Li Yuancheng's eyes showed surprise.

"Speaking of this, I remember, daughter-in-law, where did you buy mapo tofu, it tastes so delicious, I haven't eaten enough!".

After listening to the man's words, Zhang Lan glanced at him, snorted: "Drinking and eating such spicy food in the middle of the night, I really don't treat my body as a cost, and the family is still counting on you." "

"This tofu is really delicious, I really bought it from the store near the community, if you want to eat it, let's go over at noon!"

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten enough, and I was stolen by you, the 'thief' who came home in the middle of the night!"

Li Yuancheng smiled, his daughter-in-law was distressed and complaining, he said with a smile: "Since we haven't eaten enough, let's go down to the restaurant at noon, my project will land immediately, and I can take a rest for a few days." "

The two of them cleaned up and waited until noon to go out.

After walking out of the community, Li Yuancheng saw Zhang Lan take her straight to the vegetable market, with doubts on his face.

"Daughter-in-law, aren't we going to the restaurant, why did you bring me to the vegetable market?"

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