When Lu Ming was serving the food, he heard a conversation between the two.

His heart was a little touched, and he suddenly understood that these two people turned out to be soldiers during the war years.

Thinking of the past at that time, countless people sacrificed their lives for peace, Lu Ming was in awe, and his eyes were full of admiration.

If nothing else, without their dedication and sacrifice, there would be no prosperity now.

No wonder Liu Mingzhi is in his early 60s and looks too old.

The hardships of that era have become abundant for today's generation.

Lu Ming wanted to salute, but he was too reckless, and he was afraid of evoking more unforgettable memories for them.

When the two of them were full of wine and food, the director still had something to deal with in the afternoon, so he left early.

Liu Mingzhi sat there alone, his eyes contemplative.

The older I get, the more nostalgic I am for the past.

It's okay if you haven't seen your old friends before, but now that you do, the thoughts of missing those comrades-in-arms in my heart are like taking root and sprouting, and I can't stop them.

Seeing his look, Lu Ming didn't know what to say.

He wanted to help, but he didn't know how to speak.

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes, saw that Lu Ming looked like he wanted to say something, and stepped forward and teased: "You kid was quite calm when he saw the director just now, why don't you dare to say anything now." "

His heart was pierced, and Lu Ming said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I accidentally heard you chatting just now, and then I learned that you were a veteran of that era, so I'll see if I can be busy." "

"Hahaha, you help? How can you help?".

"I would like to meet those old comrades-in-arms, but they are all over the country, and they may not be easy to contact. "

Lu Ming thought for a while and said, "You helped me before, just let me try, maybe it can really work!"

Lu Mingzhi patted him on the shoulder: "Then you can try, if you can really see them, I thank you from the bottom of my heart." "

Wait for him to leave.

Lu Ming secretly kept this matter in mind, and if he had the opportunity, he would definitely fulfill Liu Mingzhi's wish.

In the afternoon.

Luo Wei just went out, and then came back with an angry face.

"Boss, go out and have a look, the restaurant next to it is too damaged!".

Lu Ming followed out, good guy, it's only been a few days, and there are all imitations.

In the restaurant not far away, there is an X exhibition newspaper at the door, which clearly states that any ingredient can be processed, and the price is only half of its own.

At this time, it was clear that he came to steal business!

Luo Wei said: "Look at the owner of this shop, it's not a thing, how can there be such a crowd on us!".

Lu Ming said indifferently: "That's it, I guess our business is too good, and they may all be about to go out of business, so I did this." "

"But it's okay at all, opening a store is more than whose food is delicious, and with their approach of harming others and themselves, business won't last long. "

Not really!

A few people in the hotel next to them have not even seen a figure for a whole day since they set up a sign.

Even if someone came to ask and learned that it was only half of the price next to it, they were curious to go to Lu Ming's store.

They originally wanted to rob Lu Ming's business, but now it's okay, and it has become an advertisement for Lu Ming.

Several people in the hotel were a little deflated, and they were all about to shut themselves up, sitting in the hall depressed.

One of them spoke: "By the way, why didn't your cousin follow up on that incident in the morning, he is not from the health department, and you swore to me yesterday that you could make Lu Ming's restaurant close." "

"I see people driving well. "

Someone else sighed and said: "Don't mention it, it was originally good, but how do you know that my cousin suddenly received a call from the director, and the dog he scolded was bloody, and he was punished." "

Several people looked at each other, and there was nothing to love.

If this continues, their hotel will not be able to hold out for even three days.


One of them picked up the bucket sound, saw a video, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"If you look at this popular science video, if any restaurant uses poppy powder, it will make customers addicted, which is illegal. "

"Let's talk about it, the business of the restaurant next to us is so good, will you use this thing?"

Several people looked at each other, a little confused.

"No, you must know that it is illegal to join this thing, not only a fine, but also a squatting number, isn't it just to come out to make money, as for taking such a big risk?".

"It's not impossible, otherwise an ordinary small shop, no matter how delicious it is, how delicious it can be? As for so many people to buy it!".

"I think it might be added, but it's all speculation. "

"It doesn't matter if it's real or fake, you said that if you post this matter to Douyin, will anyone dare to eat it?"

"Shhh...... Outsiders don't know, but for the sake of trouble, they will definitely never go again. "

"Whatever, just say that there is such a thing, it's a big deal to apologize on the Internet, and it will have nothing to do with our store at that time. "

"Okay, then try ......".

A few people nested in the store, sneakily discussing.

In the evening, a Douyin song titled "It's only been a few days since the store opened, it became popular, but it actually joined poppy powder?" and uploaded it to the platform.

In the video, several people did not show up, but said that a new store near this was popular, and after they ate it, they felt a little addicted, and they still wanted to eat it, and they were suspected of adding poppy powder, otherwise it would not be like this.

After editing, although the door of Lu Ming Hotel was hidden, people nearby knew that it was his store when they saw it.

As soon as this video was released, some users in Jiangcheng swiped it.

As soon as they saw it, they were all furious.

Whether it's true or not, if it can be delicious and addictive, it must have added something unclean, and they have joined the army of condemnation.

In just a few hours, this video browser has been rising, and the number of views has increased visibly!

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