The next morning.

On the outskirts of Jiangcheng, not far from a small river.

Zhang Cheng was carrying buckets and fishing rods, and the spring breeze came over.

Many familiar anglers along the way looked at him like this, quite curious.

On weekdays, this guy catches a fish like a thief, and when he comes to the river, he doesn't quickly cast a rod and fish against time.

It's like today, this one is called a chic, not impatient at all.

Liu Mingzhi has the best relationship with him, he is over 60 years old this year, and he fell in love with fishing after retirement, and the two often share fishing positions together.

Seeing Zhang Cheng like this, he raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, what good things have happened to you, and you won't tell me about it, look at you like that, you look like you have won the jackpot." "

Zhang Cheng shook his head and said with an excited smile: "Old man Liu, don't you often say that my pole is too short and I can't catch fish in winter, just wait a few days, and I will definitely catch more than you at that time." "

"Tsk, I don't know yet, my daughter-in-law praised me yesterday for fishing. "

"No, no, it's because of the fried fish I brought back, anyway, if I didn't fish, then she wouldn't have any fish to eat, and after dinner in the evening, she wanted to buy me fishing gear for the first time. "

When Liu Mingzhi heard this, he was immediately surprised: "Is it really fake? I remember the last time your daughter-in-law made a phone call, you kid can just pull out his legs and leave, and she can still buy you fishing gear?"

"That's not it!".

"Come on, can you see if this rod is good?"

As he spoke, Zhang Cheng turned on his mobile phone and found the fishing rod that his daughter-in-law bought for him last night.

"Hundreds! Good fellow is 7.2 meters long, twice as long as the broken pole in my hand. "

"And this, windbreaker, gloves, and even a fishing box for me, I can go out and carry the fishing box directly, and I don't have to carry a bucket, let alone squat on the ground to fish. "

Zhang Cheng's eyebrows fluttered, and he was overjoyed.

are all fishermen, Liu Mingzhi is interested at the moment.

Does he know that Zhang Cheng only caught more than two catties of small fish yesterday, so he can still make his daughter-in-law happy?

I guess it's blowing.

Zhang Cheng knew that he didn't believe it, so he didn't bother to explain, and threw the pole into the river excitedly, although today's weather was cold and windy, he didn't feel cold at all, and it was hot from the inside out.

In the evening, Zhang Cheng had no choice but to close the pole.

The bucket is empty!

As a veteran fisherman, the Air Force is a common thing, and he Xi is used to it!

Liu Mingzhi next to him said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, it seems that the fish situation is not good today, why are you in the Air Force?"

"If you look at me, you will also catch four or five catties of big carp. "

"Hey...... This color is really good, and if you take it back to boil crucian carp soup, it tastes the best. "

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he looked at the fish in his basin with hooked eyes, rubbed his hands and said, "Old man Liu, why don't you borrow me two first, and then pay you back when I catch too much?"

"Last night, I swore to my daughter-in-law that I would fish for her to eat, and today I will be in the Air Force, you look at this ......


Liu Mingzhi waited for him to say this, to put it bluntly, he really wanted to know why Zhang Cheng's daughter-in-law had a 180-degree turn in her personality.

He nodded and pointed to the fish: "It's not impossible, the key is that you have to tell me how you persuaded your daughter-in-law?"

As soon as he heard this, Zhang Cheng had no choice but to make it clear.

In the end, he muttered: "You don't know, how fragrant the fried fish is, I endured it all the way and didn't eat it, but the good guy, go back and let my daughter-in-law eat it all, where can I reason." "

Liu Mingzhi said: "Really, Boss Lu's cooking skills are so good?"

"And this fee, it's really dark, just one processing fee can charge so much money, it feels like robbing money. "

Zhang Cheng waved his hand: "That's not true, the craftsmanship of the people is indeed there, and I don't force you to process it, anyway, I feel that it is worth the money, because my daughter-in-law praised me for this matter." "

Liu Mingzhi wrote down the location, gave him two fish, and then went to Boss Lu's shop with the fish.

He wanted to taste it, Lu Ming's craftsmanship was really so good!

After his wife was absent a few years ago, his children all went to big cities to develop, and he was alone in Jiangcheng.

So I often deal with a casual meal, in fact, sometimes I want to go out to eat, but the taste of those restaurants outside is the same, and I have long been tired of eating it.

Now that I found such an interesting shop, I even need to bring my own ingredients, so I really want to try it. 、

Come to the store.

There are two people inside, Lu Ming and Luo Wei.

After he sat down, he said to the crucian carp: "Boss, help me pick out two and make a braised crucian carp." "

"Ding, pure wild crucian carp 21 yuan, need to charge a processing fee of 105 yuan. "

The two crucian carp are almost more than half a catty, and the pure wild crucian carp is almost 20 a catty, and the price is also very reasonable.

When Lu Ming said the processing fee, Liu Mingzhi said with a smile: "This processing fee is really expensive, I'll give you the money, but you have to eat better." "

"Okay. "

Lu Ming nodded indifferently, since he received the money, he must have taken out his real skills.

In the back kitchen, he quickly prepared the meal, and when it was served, Liu Mingzhi looked at it and showed suspicion on his face.

The level of this small shop owner is really high!

The meal is very unique, the crucian carp is not overly processed from head to tail, only a few cuts on the back, and the frying is not so golden.

Just on the surface there is a thin layer of color.

It can be seen that the inside is still the color of the fish itself.

He pointed to the fish and asked, "Boss, did you fry this fish on purpose, I want to know why?"

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