It was dark, and before I knew it, it was night again.

Lu Ming had been marinating meat all day, and finally marinated all the pork.

After a busy day, I don't have time to see how much money I make.

This will be idle, open today's turnover, and the corners of the smiling mouth are grinning to the root of the ear.

A total of 189 catties of pork, the processing fee was 14,175 yuan, and the money was counted until the hand cramped.

I have to say that these parents are really rich, and the processing fees for each person are basically more than 200, and they all carry at least 3 catties of braised meat.

In fact, it is no wonder that the tuition fee of Happy Kindergarten is 8,000 per semester, which is one of the best kindergartens in Jiangcheng, and parents naturally have money.

When it comes to food for children, few people will be reluctant.

Just as he wanted to take a break, someone at the door poked in, pushed open the door and asked: "Boss, I heard that this place can process ingredients, I am the owner of Linxi Community, and the neighbor said that your cooking is particularly delicious." "

Linxi Community?

Lu Ming thought for a while, it seemed that it was Li Yongcheng and Zhao Hui from their community.

He nodded, "That's right


It's me here, what do you want to eat?".

"No, this is the fish I caught today, I didn't catch a big fish, only these small fish boys, it's too troublesome to clean up at home, so I simply come to you to make a dish." "

Zhang Cheng put down the bucket and pointed.

Lu Ming stepped forward to take a look, there were probably dozens of them, and the largest one was only the length of his palm.

"Ding, the price of wild small fish is 35 yuan, and a processing fee of 175 yuan is charged. "

As soon as it gets closer, the system automatically gives a reasonable price.

Then Lu Ming took out all the small fish and weighed them on a scale, about two and a half catties, which means that the average price of this fish in the market is 14 yuan per catty.

When Lu Ming said the processing fee, Zhang Cheng's feet jumped up in surprise.

"It's so expensive, boss, you're too dark. "

"It's easy for me to catch a fish, I just want to have a good meal, and you want me to pay 175 yuan. "

"To know how much fishing gear I can buy, how much bait, and how many fish I can catch for 175, it hurts me to think of this price. "

Lu Ming said indifferently: "Then you still can't do it?" I charge this price, so naturally I have this skill for you to do well." "

Zhang Cheng said aggrievedly: "Can you discuss, your processing fee is too expensive, you must know that I went fishing without telling my daughter-in-law, for fear that she would know, so I thought about letting you process it well, and I will take it back to please my daughter-in-law." "

"If she had known that I was spending so much money on fish, she might have to jump around the family again. "

"Hey, I just don't know what my daughter-in-law thinks, you talk about how good a man is at fishing, he can sit for a day with a fishing rod, and his daughter-in-law should rest assured that she is not angry. "

Zhang Cheng chattered, a little helpless.

Lu Ming smiled: "Feelings, you are still a tracheitis?".

"I'm not He Qiang on Douyin!".

Zhang Cheng complained, sitting on the chair and wondering whether to process it.

Lu Ming didn't know why, he didn't know what he meant, and finally searched for this person on Douyin, and he was instantly in awe!

It's a man!

After thinking about it for a long time, in order to build a harmonious family, Zhang Cheng paid with a painful face.

"Boss, make me some food, this is my whole net worth. "

Lu Ming gave him a reassuring look, and then went to the back kitchen to process.

Since it is a small fish, the best way to eat it is to fry it until it is golden and crispy from the inside out.

However, the fish has to be marinated before it can be fried.

Frying small fish may seem easy, but in fact, if you want it to be delicious, you must make it taste inside and out, so that you don't add too many condiments when it comes out of the pan to disguise the taste of the fish itself.

If you add too much seasoning, to put it bluntly, only the surface layer has a taste, which not only masks the fresh aroma of the fish itself, but also may be fishy inside.

It will take a long time to pickle, but Zhang Cheng is willing to wait, his daughter-in-law gets off work late, so she just takes it back and eats it directly.

After Lu Ming processed and cleaned all the small fish, he poured in a little white wine, a little salt, green onions, ginger and garlic, and so on.

Place in a basin, cover completely with plastic wrap and let it sit for an hour.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Ming also cooked a staff meal, and simply stir-fried two dishes, one meat and one vegetable, which made Luo Wei satisfied.

After eating it in one go, there was not even any soup left.

Lu Ming saw him gobbling up, and nodded silently, he was tired in the past two days, and after the business suddenly improved, they ate much later than usual.

It seems that recruitment is imminent.

Counting on himself and him to be busy, with so many customers now, sooner or later they will be exhausted.

After eating, the small fish in the back kitchen were pickled.

Lu Ming took it out to control the moisture, then put an appropriate amount of salt and starch in the bowl, added the egg liquid, and after grasping it well, he ensured that each small fish was wrapped in a thin coat.

Then the oil is heated for 5 minutes, put it in with chopsticks, and slightly small bubbles can be generated.

Put the wrapped small fish into the oil pan one by one, and then gently disperse, and the small fish will quickly set.

After the surface of the small fish is slightly yellow, Lu Ming takes it out and drains the water, then raises the temperature of the oil, re-frying, and puts it in until the surface is golden and quickly fished out.

This step is the most critical, and the crispiness of the small fish depends on the heat of the re-frying.

When all the small fish are fried, a large basin is full of small golden fish, and the fragrance is simply amazing, and the smell is a little gluttonous.

After it was brought out, Zhang Cheng, who was originally distressed about the processing fee, saw the fried small fish, and instantly felt that the processing fee was too worthwhile.

Unexpected surprises!


ps: The bigwigs vote for the flower evaluation vote monthly pass.

Data is the motivation for young authors to update!

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