It was almost noon when the customers who had made reservations arrived at the store.

The clerk in the store watched a fat old man about sixty years old walk in.

They were about to say welcome, but they saw the fat old man with a serious face, looking like he was not to be trifled with.

The little guy was suddenly speechless and couldn’t help but feel a little flustered.

Eating delicious food is a wonderful thing.

Therefore, the customers who come to the store generally have a good attitude and are very polite to the guys.

Except for a few people who occasionally come to stir up trouble, most of the guys are happy to go to work.

The young boy looked at this fat old man and couldn’t help but wonder.

“Are you here to trouble your boss again?”

He muttered in a low voice, and was still thinking about how to solve it.

Suddenly, the fat old man stopped him.

“Young man, come here!”

“I’ve made an appointment to have dinner. Give this to Lu Ming later and ask him to cook me a dish.”

The fat old man’s voice was loud and imposing.

Before the boy could react, the fat old man threw the ingredients in his hand to him.

What is this?

The boy passively took the bag.

In an instant, he saw The slanted opening revealed a large amount of white fat.


It’s all fat with skin. Looking at these fat pigs, there is really no lean meat at all.

This is used for cooking. ingredients?

“Sir, are you going to use this for cooking?”

The young man asked in disbelief.

After working in the store for so long, he has never seen anyone using pig fat for cooking.

Besides, there is a lot of fat here, right?

Even if it is really used for cooking. , what dish should I cook?

The little boy thought about it, but he couldn’t think of any dish made of pig fat.

The fat old man frowned unhappily when he heard what the little boy said.

“This is not meat, why can’t it be used for cooking?”

“I want to eat this today, let Lu Ming do it!”

After the fat old man finished speaking, he snorted angrily.

After hearing what the fat old man said, the little boy could only nod quickly.

“Old gentleman, don’t be angry. Find a seat and sit down first.”

“I immediately took the ingredients into the kitchen.”

He comforted the fat old man and quickly poured him tea.

As for what kind of food (bjeb) these fat pigs without even a trace of lean meat could make, he couldn’t think of anything.

The boy had no choice but to carry After a while, Lu Ming, who had just put on his apron

, looked at the pig fat in the bag and picked it. Raise an eyebrow

“Is this brought by a customer who made a reservation?”

Lu Ming said, picking up the pig fat and looking at it

“Oh, it’s not easy for a meat seller to cut out this kind of pork without any trace of lean meat.”

Lu Ming said jokingly.

It’s as good as Zhen Guanxi.

“Boss, what should we do next?”

“What kind of dishes can be made with such fat meat?”

The boy frowned and said distressedly.

Lu Ming was very relaxed and didn’t feel any difficulty.

“It seems that the old gentleman outside wants to test me.”

“As a chef, every dish he cooks is like an answer sheet. Whether the diner will be satisfied or not is not known until the other person tastes it.”

“You go out to greet customers first! Lu

Ming said softly.

When the boy heard what he said, he quickly went out and continued working.

What kind of dishes can be made with pig fat with pig skin?

When Lu Ming saw this ingredient, he thought of what kind of dishes it could be used for..

If it’s just fat meat, maybe Lu Ming would feel a little embarrassed.

But if there is pig skin, it would be a good idea to make a crystal skin jelly.

There is a lot of collagen in the pig skin, not only the texture is elastic, but the texture is not chewy. The good ones can also be eaten.

Next, Lu Ming cut off the pig skin first.

When making the skin jelly, no fat and oil should be left on the pig skin, which will affect the transparency and taste of the skin jelly later.

This Do it step by step carefully. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After only clean pig skin is left, wash it and put it in boiling water to cook until chopsticks can be inserted into it and it is cooked through. Remove from cold water.

Cooked pig skin can see the fat more clearly, and it is better to handle the pig skin for the second time.

After cutting off the fat, sprinkle salt on the pig skin and start rubbing the pig skin.

This will make The remaining dirt on the pig skin can be better removed, and the odor on the pig skin can also be removed.

Then cut the cleaned pork skin into as fine filaments as possible, wash it in warm water and start adding water to boil.

Boil Add star anise, cooking wine and ginger, bring to a boil over high heat and then simmer over low heat.

At this time, be sure not to stir too much, as it will make the soup turbid and affect the quality of the dish.

After about two hours, the pig skin will be completely soft. After it’s glutinous, pour the soup mixed with the pig skin into a container and let it cool.

After it’s cold, take out the pig skin jelly and cut it into small pieces. A very important step in the pig skin jelly is to prepare a good sauce Juice.

It must be prepared with light soy sauce, vinegar, minced garlic, pepper oil, and sugar.

Finally, Lu Ming cut some shredded cucumbers and carrots and mixed them with the pig skin jelly.

After sprinkling a little coriander, the pig skin jelly was ready. It was brought out.

Usually when the food is served, the waiter from the store always comes.

Today, Lu Ming wanted to meet this diner in person.[]

Bringing pig fat to the store is a bit far-fetched to say that you sincerely bring ingredients to eat.

He had to go and see for himself what kind of people came to eat.

When the crystal skin jelly was taken out, the transparent parts of the skin jelly were amber-colored, which looked extremely attractive.

The sauce is wrapped in pork rind jelly, and you can’t help but imagine the smooth and chewy texture of this dish.

“This customer, the crystal pig skin jelly is ready. How do you like it?”

Lu Ming brought the dish to the fat old man.

Looking at the dish in front of him, the fat old man kept looking very indifferent.

He did not look at the dish carefully or pick up the chopsticks to taste it, but looked up at Lu Ming

“Very young!”

“Although some chefs have good cooking skills at a young age, they are also talented people.”

“At your age, with thin skin and tender flesh, are the dishes you make really so delicious?”

“Lao Jia said that you are a rare good chef, why do I not believe it!”

The fat old man said doubtfully.

Who is Lao Jia?”

“By the way, you don’t know Lao Jia”

“That guy always prides himself on eating delicacies from all over the world. Last time I saw you, you almost ate poisonous mushrooms.”

“With his foul mouth, he can praise any dish to the heavens.”

“I don’t believe how delicious an ordinary vegetarian abalone can be, so I came here to try it today.”

After the fat old man said this, Lu Ming understood what was going on.

It was just two old men comparing themselves to each other.

“Just ordinary shiitake mushrooms, can they still taste like real abalone?”

“I’ll try the food you cooked. What does it taste like?”

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