The old man who was smiling when talking to Lu Ming just now changed his expression immediately after receiving the call.

When the person on the other end of the phone said that wild fungi were poisonous, the old man couldn’t bear it anymore and started to curse.

“Are you fucking trying to kill me?”

“If I eat this thing, there is a 70% chance that I will die.”

“If I die, will you pay with my life?”

Not to mention that Lu Ming was frightened for a while after he recognized the poisonous mushroom.

Even the old man trembled with fear when he thought about it.

He was really poisoned by eating poisonous mushrooms, and the consequences would be disastrous.

“If I hadn’t asked Boss Lu to cook today and he recognized that it was an inedible poisonous mushroom, you probably wouldn’t have gotten through this call.”

“I have been buying wild mushrooms from you for several years. You don’t have to be so cruel if you want to make money or kill someone!”

The old man cursed angrily.

Compared to the fact that he almost lost his life, these curse words were considered very mild.

The person on the other end of the phone listened and did not dare to speak for a while.

No matter how the old man cursed, he It’s all about apologizing.

After all���If something really happened, as long as the old man didn’t eat poisonous mushrooms and everything was fine, anything would be fine.

“Anyway, thanks to that boss Lu”

“Everything is my fault. I will definitely compensate you. I will personally come and kneel down to apologize to you.”

The man wanted to say something else, but the old man no longer wanted to talk to him.

At this time, the old man was in a good mood and wanted to chat with Lu Mingduo.

It was not easy for a gourmet like him to meet someone with extraordinary cooking skills. Man, that was so exciting.

Lu Ming only charged fifty yuan for this vegetarian abalone dish.

The old man was even more excited.

“Too cheap, too cheap”

“Boss Lu, you can’t taste top-notch cooking skills even in high-end restaurants.”

“Next time I come back, I will definitely get good ingredients.”

When the old man left, he looked back three times.

After seeing him off, several people in the store were still frightened.

When Lu Ming said that wild fungi were poisonous, they were so scared that their legs weakened.

“Fortunately, the boss is well-informed, otherwise something big would have happened.”

“This wild mushroom has the same flavor as the mushrooms you usually buy. How can you recognize it?”

“It’s really thanks to the boss’s good opinion. Otherwise, the old man would have been hospitalized if he had gone to eat somewhere else, and he might have died.”

“It’s highly poisonous, so don’t dare touch it. But what to do with these poisonous mushrooms?”

The guys frowned and didn’t know how to deal with it for a moment.

Lu Ming said casually when he passed by

“Find a small forest and bury it deeper”

“Don’t let anyone pick it up, otherwise big trouble will happen.”

Hearing what Lu Ming said, the guys nodded vigorously.

“These poisonous ingredients must be handled carefully. I saw a news before that a small restaurant put pig brains mixed with rat poison at the back door.”

“Guess what, it was actually picked up by an old aunt”

“This is too scary. What should we do if we eat dead people?”

“Then let’s bury it quickly. The pit must be dug deeper, otherwise it will be terrible.”

A few days later, when Zhang Xu came back, he brought the news that the factory had completed the production of the new product.

He also brought samples for tasting.

Lu Ming didn’t try it. He only needed to smell it to roughly know what it tasted like..

A few people in the store are happy because they can taste the new products for the first time.

“It tastes delicious, not bad…although it’s still not as delicious as the boss’s”

“It’s already amazing. After all, the boss didn’t do it himself.”

“When will it start selling? I’ll keep an eye out then to see if I can grab it.”

“You are lowering your winning rate!”

After Zhang Xu and Lu Ming confirmed the time, they began to announce the new product sales time online.

According to the scheduled time, at eight o’clock in the evening, Lu Ming started the live broadcast on time.

In an instant, people came into the live broadcast room one after another.

Unexpectedly By one minute, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 30,000

“So many people?”

“During this time, the boss has more and more fans”

“I guess these new products are still not sold enough tonight, right?”

“No matter what, I just want to grab it”

“Even if you grab it, you may not have such luck.”

Everyone was watching and excitedly took out their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast.

About twenty minutes later, there were nearly 300,000 people in the live broadcast room.

After the state banquet and the sturgeon feast, Lu Ming did have a lot of fans. A lot. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After everyone entered the live broadcast room, they were also very excited.

“So excited, so excited! Finally waited until the new product was put on the shelves”

“None of you want to fight with me tonight, I have to grab it”

“It was gone in the blink of an eye last time, and I won’t be polite tonight either”

“If there are more than fifty people in the family group trying to grab one, I can’t believe that I can’t get one.”

“If you ask me, you need to prepare a little more product, otherwise it really won’t be enough.”

“Boss Lu, you won’t find that there are only 20,000 to 30,000 copies of Sosou tonight, right?”

“Please, my friends in the live broadcast room, can you be merciful?”

“I don’t believe that Lu Ming’s products are really that delicious. I’ve bought their fried chicken seasoning and it’s not delicious.”

“That’s right, don’t listen to what these trolls say. There were so many bad reviews on the fried chicken last time, which proves it.”

“I also bought fried chicken seasoning. It tasted terrible. Don’t buy it.”

“Enough is enough for you old guys!”

“It’s still too naive to try to deceive our new fans.”

In the live broadcast room, everyone was discussing fiercely.

Lu Ming saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room was increasing and he didn’t want to wait any longer.[]

“Dear friends 370, thank you all for your support.”

“The new products are Bobo Chicken and Pepper Chicken, each with 50,000 servings”

“There are also 20,000 servings of fried chicken seasoning. Friends who like it can take photos. Lu

Ming briefly introduced a few words.

Then, the products began to be put on the shelves.

Originally, Lu Ming was also thinking about whether he should introduce the new products to some extent.

Unexpectedly, the product had just been put on the shelves, and the live broadcast room started to go crazy. In ten seconds, all the products were sold out

“ah? sold out?”

“Thank you for your support. If you have any questions after receiving it, you can ask the after-sales service.”

Lu Ming said very modestly.

However, there are only so many products in total, and there are still many people who have not bought them.

“What, it was all taken away. I didn’t get a single hair.”

“Who, who snatched up all the Bobo chicken, pepper chicken and fried chicken seasonings, please leave me a portion”

“Fortunately, I wasn’t greedy, so I got ten points from each of them, so happy!”

“Don’t say anything about what you grabbed, or you’ll be exposed online”

“How could this happen? You are so cruel. How could you rob so quickly?”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible! I didn’t even get a single copy, so I’m destined to have insomnia tonight.”

“I’ll leave a negative review even if I didn’t grab it.”

Many people in the live broadcast room were excited, but Lu Ming had already turned off the live broadcast.

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