Fog Era

Chapter 548

Be sharp.

This concept has frequently appeared in Shi Tiexin's life.

But what exactly is qi?

Where is it stronger than essence?

Combining the views of the old lady instructor and the personnel supervisor, Shi Tiexin summarized some of the characteristics of the sharp and expert.

Ruiqi expert is mainly divided into four levels: early stage, middle stage, high stage, and Peak, each level has a distinct difference. Of course, the sharpness here does not include the sharp breakers who ring the sky bell like the puppy egg, the ringing bell directly raises the upper limit of sharpness, which is qualitatively different from ordinary sharpness. I will not detail it here.

Let’s talk about ordinary spirit first.

Ordinary spirit is the cultivator of Yuandan Porui, and these people often don't have great body refinement achievements. Because body refinement costs more than cultivating essence, the cultivation technique is also expensive and consumes a lot of money. In addition, body refinement is very hard, and the one who can sustain it will not be bad. If they were capable of body refinement, they would definitely not pursue Yuandan Porui at the beginning.

Speaking of the topic.

After the burning pill breaks the sharp, the sharp energy grows and turns the pill into the field. This is the first stage.

After the development and growth, Ruiqi began to connect to the meridian network and create channels. This is the middle section.

All the main trunk roads in the body are completed, and all the limbs are connected, which is the high section.

The capillary channel is established and sound, the sharp-qi circulation runs naturally, and can be expressed from the lining to the cortex, which is Peak.

The above four stages are progressive, simple and clear, and you can see them at a glance.

And the most commendable and most powerful feature of audacity is mostly in the high-end and Peak period. That is the three characteristics of audacity, "toughness", "acute" and "Variety".

Let’s talk tough first.

Essence is a pure driving force, which can gain fleshy body, but Martial Artist cannot directly use essence as a weapon in fighting. I have never seen anyone slap a few strands of essence. But this is not the case with the sharp energy. The sharp energy Peak expert can reach the surface of the body with sharp energy, and the sharp texture is firm. Under the blessing, the fleshy body can be as strong as pig iron and as sharp as a weapon. Persistence persists, Fleshy body is not destroyed, and both offense and defense are greatly improved. This is the "tough" feature.

Speaking of keenness.

The sharpness of expert is sharp and abnormal, and the reaction is rapid, especially after the high stage, the whole body reaction of sharpness is extremely fast. Hostility, malice, and killing intent will all arouse the natural reaction of Rui Qi, making it difficult for people to hide their attack intentions, and making it easier for Rui Qi expert to see through the opponent's changes.

Of course, this reaction is also strong and weak. There is little difference between the weak one with and without, and the strong one, there is a good example of Shi Yuhui. Lao Tang's concealed pupil technique at the time did not conceal the sharp perception of the older sister at all, and was directly blown up.

The third talk about changes.

It is not a change in moves, but a change in form and nature.

Martial arts has a fancy name and can be called anything, but for the essence of realm, these are basically imaginary meanings. For example, wind-sweeping legs, is there wind? No. Feidian means, is there electricity? Of course not, they are all imaginary, just descriptions.

Until now, for example, Shi Tiexin has developed the three-layer perfection of the Divine Art component of the wind robbery leg. Under the blessing of the attribute, there is a slight difference.

But when it comes to Ruiqi realm, it's different. The sharpness can undergo changes in form and nature, especially after the sharpness Peak can be released to a certain extent, the performance is more obvious.

The beautiful group printed on the moss, the palm edge burns the flame, this flame is not burnt out of the old Ancestor with the white crystal Samadhi True Fire, but the nature of the sharp change.

In terms of form, it can be drawn into silk, can be condensed into needles, can be solid into nails, and can be attached into scales. The silhouette of imprinted moss flashes, and the heart of Shiyu is pierced. This is The shape change of vigor.

The changes in the form and nature of sharpness have spawned all kinds of martial arts of strange things, which are like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies. Each has its own characteristics. And these various types of Ruiqi Qigong directly increase the difficulty of Ruiqi expert.

By the way, there is one last characteristic, which is "coercion."

From essence to sharpness, we need to combine fortitude. The determination itself is a kind of power close to the spirit. After successfully breaking through, the determination will further strengthen this power. Different people have different levels of reinforcement, and true experts can use their audacity to coerce the minds of others.

For example, Yin Moss, Shi Tiexin feels bitter cold and killing intent during the ambush. This is coercion. What's more remarkable is that Shi Yuhui, with his temper, directly used his aura to blast Lao Tang's pupil technique, and the more pressing Shi Tiexin forgot the existence of Secret Realm.

In addition, the spirit expert must have gone through the stage of accumulating sharpness. No matter the specific strength, it is generally more courageous, calmer, and more decisive than the spirit, and it is not easy to suffer from gains and losses when fighting, and is terrified. and over-cautious.

That kind of weak mentality has been basically eliminated in the spirit of expert.

It can be said that the prosperous age of martial arts in the misty period begins with vigor. Martial arts is also the most prosperous and prosperous. Martial Artists are the most extensive group of martial power in this society. There is a common belief in society that the essence is always fresh and new, regardless of age, even if it is broken, it will grow up.

In addition, there is an unspoken consensus in the entire Misty Age, that is, you can only practice fists and knives before you are sharp, and you can only practice swords after you are sharp. I have never seen a Martial Artist who can use swords and swords because of his strong fists and feet, swords don't have eyes, and the swords don't have eyes.

Before the birth of Time and Space Saint, this was an express provision.

After Time and Space Saint created Secret Realm, this article was cancelled from the decree, but its practice is still in use, because everyone thinks this article makes sense.

With such a combination of various factors, the avant-garde class is far stronger than the elite class. In theory, it is basically impossible to fight each other between the two, but in practice, it is not completely impossible to fight against each other.

For example, Gou Danzi, even the high-level close to Peak's Yinmoss has won. Shi Tiexin is not fearless at this time, but is actively thinking of ways.

The only way to say a thousand words and ten thousand is to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses to give full play to your advantages.

Then what is my advantage?

Students were called in one after another, and the moment they opened the door, one could see Simon leaving in despair. So far, no one has succeeded. But it was precisely at this opportunity that Shi Tiexin kept observing the state of the departed. After a month of joint training, he has counted the strengths of these students. And the assistant teacher can play this kind of damage, and his fist is by no means untracked.

Not long ago, there were only six students waiting for the test, and they were all first-year old acquaintances.

"Next, Shu Wangzhou."

Shu Wangzhou raised his head, and everyone said cheer to him softly. He was nodded, and Tom cat stepped into the Martial Practice Stage like a piano playing on stage.

This competition lasted for fifteen minutes.

Shi Yu said slightly optimistically: "Little Bad Bad has been fighting for a long time, there may be a scene."

"Next, Gu Shaohuai."

Gu Shaohuai smiled and greeted everyone, and then walked into the Martial Practice Stage.

This game lasted twelve minutes.

"Next, Sima Liang."

This time is ten minutes.

"Next, Shi Tiexin."

As soon as Shi Tiexin looked up, Gao Chongxiao and Shi Yuwei walked up.

"Uncle big brother, come on!"

"Watch you and win."

Shi Tiexin smiled, then opened the door and walked in In the Martial Practice Stage.

One instructor and five teaching assistants all looked over, causing a certain amount of psychological pressure.

The old lady lays down the soldiers like General: "Assistant Wang, you will be in this game."

Assistant Wang came to the stage, and the previous boxing exercises against Assistant Liu were invalidated.

But when things came to an end, Shi Tiexin calmed down. I don't know if it is the effect of extraordinary speculation or the increase of knowledge. When standing opposite to Assistant Professor Wang, Shi Tiexin Gujing did not broadcast and was not surprised. Although Assistant Professor Wang was full of vigor, he could not suppress his mind.

Shi Tiexin cup one fist in the other hand: "Please."

Assistant Wang also cup one fist in the other hand: "Please."

ka-cha, Secret Realm is turned on.

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