Fog Era

Chapter 500

Not only the expert of this beautiful group Inner Sect is amazed, even the invisible people hidden in the dark can't help but pay attention. He looked at Shiguremi, who was standing still, and felt in his heart: "What kind of innate talent is this! So as long as genius doesn't make mistakes, he is very likely to enter the innate talent field in the future. If such a character can enter me Teaching..."

When the invisible man was thinking about the rainy things, he couldn't even pay attention to Shi Tiexin anymore.

On the other side, people from the ceremonial group are also discussing spiritedly. They also saw Shi Yuwei's performance on their internal circuits, and they couldn't sit still one by one. These experts were like ordinary persons, chirp chirp twitter twitter chatted to the sky.

"Damn, this little girl innate talent is really strong."

"The kind of physique, the kind of perseverance, the kind of fighting spirit, the kind of amazing reflexes and disagreements. Reasonable intuition, this is a natural madness!"

"In three seconds, I want all her information, and I want to receive her under my door!!!"

"Don't think about it, this little girl is also a celebrity on our side. I sent someone to fish her out of the gravity generator a few days ago. She is not unskilled, you really can't be Her master."

"Who is she? Who did she teach? I don't believe it, I want, I want to sign!"


The watching group discusses spiritedly and for a while forgot the ongoing game. Only Yin Tiansheng at the forefront looked at him silently, with no sense of joy and anger on his face, and he didn't make any comments on his discipline's behavior.

But in Secret Realm, the team leader expert had to pay attention to the trend of the game.

Wh, the wind flashed, and the Inner Sect expert exited until Shiyu was six meters away. He looked at Shi Tiexin who was accelerating away from him, and after calculating the other's speed trend, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He opened his mouth loudly and said: "Boy, your two friends are extremely injured in order to help you. Even if you have a Secret Realm, you must send it away immediately. Hospital. Don't you worry that they won't get timely treatment?"

The voice was transmitted from Secret Realm, rumbling along the corridor, and blasting into Shi Tiexin's ears in front.

Shi Tiexin is bursting out at full speed, his clenched teeth creak almost crushed his teeth with a sound, his face flushed, and his veins burst.

But he did not stop, nor looked back.

Although I really want to, really want to go back, I can’t. Just like Shi Yulei said, don't look back. If you really look back at this time, you will make all your efforts to Fu Dongliu and let all your friendship be disappointed.

At this moment, only victory is the best explanation to the two sisters.

To win, to win at all costs! !

Furthermore, are you in vain when it comes to our Earthwood Fortress's automatic rescue money car?

Ahhh! Shi Tiexin roared silently and forged forward.

At this moment, Shigure Wei, who was confused, laughed suddenly, weak and crazy: "hehe, hahahaha!"

Expert for a moment: "What are you laughing at? "

Shiyu shook his head slightly, did not speak, just took the defensive posture more tightly, put all the strength and consciousness in the defense.

Look at Shi Yuwei, and then at Shi Tiexin, who is determined to go away. Expert is suddenly awe-inspiring: "It's great, I underestimated you, I apologize. To pay tribute, I have not yet mastered a trick. No fire tribulation thunder Sky Striker, send you off."

expert took a deep breath, for the first time since the war began to be so solemn.

Hiss————, deep and long, as if pulling the wind box in the ancient countryside to blow the wind into the hearth.

A peculiar powerful imposing manner rippled, and the expert's whole body surged and surged. At the highest point of the torrent, pu chi, a cluster of flames ignited from the edge of the expert's palm. The flame at first was just a small flame, but it quickly spread to the entire palm edge, entangled and licked. Under the crimson fire, the expert raised his palm, as if he had raised a burning scarlet sword.

Cracking, a small electric spark burst out on Expert’s raised arm, and Expert’s hair suddenly stood upside-down, sending all of his big brimmed hat into the air.

next moment, fire, flash.

This fire is not hot, not dazzling, but when it flashes by, all the minds of the beheaded will be taken away, and even the expert itself after the fire will be ignored.

Something flying high into the sky, round, very poignant.

The fire dissipated, and the expert figure appeared six meters behind Shi Yuwei. Well, the big brimmed hat fell down from in midair, expert raised his hand, two fingers and one clip just clamped the hat in his hand.

Wear it, leave without looking back.

Behind him, Shi Yuwei's body still stands tall.

Ka-cha, Secret Realm is shattered, Shi Yuwei's body is restored, but the big eyes that are still round are completely lost. She was completely unconscious. She was in a coma, but she could no longer stop the expert's advancement.

Expert looked at Shi Tiexin who was flying away, his eyes lit up with a light of thought. Although he said a few words in the last three matches, in fact, each match took a very short time. The martial arts of the beautiful group is the speed flow, even more how the high-strength of the beautiful group Inner Sect, it is definitely not procrastinated.

"The kid is already very fast. Once his cruising speed exceeds my burst speed, he will never catch up. But for now, if the burst is at full speed—"expert suddenly He bent down, arched his front feet, stretched his hind feet, supported the ground on both sides with both hands, and made a preparation for a rare, full-strength running in a sharp expert.

"My consumption is too great this time." Looking up towards the front, the eyes under the brim of the hat are sharp and warm: "Yin Xiaofei, I want to win."


Where the expert feet stepped on, the ground suddenly exploded with small textures.

Stab it!

Expert's cuffs and trousers are torn and torn by the surging sharpness, and the exposed skin is the muscle that tightens and accumulates force like steel bars.


Expert's body was surrounded by strong winds, his body accelerated in an instant, leaving a few frame-like afterimages in the air, and then rushed to the incredible extreme in a very short time. high speed.

violent wind erupted, the whistling sound is transmitted quickly along the tubular corridor. And the expert's silhouette is like a shadow, rushing along with the howling sound. I can't see his movements clearly, I can only feel the surging sharp current approaching, making Shi Tiexin feel the genuineness of his back.

Can’t lose!

pa pa pa pa, every muscle of his legs snapped in turn, Shi Tiexin used the bomb madly. creak creak, the frame is groaning in pain, the [Electric Switch] attribute is squeezing the potential of the vehicle. Shi Tiexin's legs quickly became bruised, but he moved forward as if he could not feel any pain at all, pushing himself to the limit.

"The kid is really fast, but if I fight it, I can still—" The expert is like a ghost coming in the wind, rushing in frantically.

At this moment, a person walked out at the corner of the corridor ahead.

The man smiled brilliantly at Shi Tiexin.

Shi Tiexin's violent meridian face was also taken aback, and then showed a happy smile.

The two did not speak, Shi Tiexin swished past the man. And that person stood in front of the expert who was chasing him.

ka-cha, Secret Realm opens.

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