Fog Era

Chapter 177

Never thought about who one day I would really kill. Even Teng Chaoguo just scared him. Even He Chong is because of Secret Realm.

Today, this bloody ground will no longer be swept away by Secret Realm. For the first time in this life, a life completely disappears in the hands, and there is no future. He didn't want to kill, he never wanted to kill, but the situation forced him to become like this.

However, Shi Tiexin is different from a real nerd after all.

In the face of this kind of thing, his ability to withstand stress and adaptability is much stronger. The cruel life has honed a strong nerve, and the opposition between life and death has been practiced in Secret Realm many times.

So, at this moment, the big brother, the leader of the speeding party, just looked at the head faintly on the surface, and his voice was still so calm, as if he had never wavered in his heart: "Who is this person."


Swallowed saliva and said when he saw the tragic death head, Dad couldn't help but be shocked. Although they have participated in racing, speeding, stealing, smuggling and selling cars, and street fights, it is the first time he has encountered such things as direct death.

But I took a look at Shi Tiexin's as stable as Mount Tai. While selling his dad’s admiration, he suddenly found the backbone and said: "Big brother, this guy should be Xin Rongyi. The leader, Yanagiichiro Yamada, known as the red warrior."

Shi Tiexin frowned: "Xinyiyi?"

"Xinyiyi is a group of lunatics, a group of terrorists! Tokyo gang Although there are many, there are not many people who are as crazy as the group of Xinzhuyi. They attacked our people everywhere, shops and pedestrians. Not only that, the vendors who communicate with us and do business with us, they It’s the same attack. If you encounter it, you will be killed or injured. It can be said to be a crime!"

"We didn't dare to provoke them, and we didn't go to their activity area. Didn't expect, Today they crossed the line." The sales dad looked at the head in an incredible way: "Similarly didn't expect, Yanagiichiro Yamada died like this..."

"The boss is really amazing. "Guobing hehe happily said: "Even the red warrior can be killed, it's really unexpected!"

When selling dad thought of something, he was also happy: "Yes, we killed the red warrior, our site You can—"

"Ah—!" "Little Five, Little Five!" "Why did you die like this wu wu wu!"

Weeping for a while! It came and interrupted the interest in selling dad. Shi Tiexin turned his head to look, the deaths and injuries over there have been counted. The people in Xinzhuyi are extremely ruthless, and the high-speed confrontation is indeed a life or death. Either you can't touch it, or it's all dead, and there are few intermediate states.

A total of five people died like that, the bodies lined up together. More than 20 locomotives formed a circle, the headlights shining on the corpse, and several familiar brothers or girlfriends of the deceased threw on the corpse, crying and crying, heartbreaking.

On the other side, Ah D scolded.

"Come here!"

"Kneel down, kneel down for Lao Tzu, kneel down, don’t raise your head!"

A D is grumpy Punching and kicking, and a few brothers gnashing teeth together. Ten riders from Xinzhanyi died on the spot, and eight riders were injured and captured, all of which were on the side of the road. These people were beaten, still yelling in foreign languages, which seemed to be their slogans.

"Mom knee down for me!"

A D kicked over, and one of the knees shattered with a ka-cha, and that person also fell to his knees. land. The others did everything and broke their leg bones without kneeling.

"Boss!" Ah D panted heavily, and shouted to this side: "It's all right!"

All the younger brothers gathered around, silently Watching it all. The Four Great Vajra stood beside him, the head of the red warrior under his feet. The bodies of five younger brothers were lying on the ground, and eight captives were waiting to get off.

"Boss!" Ah D pointed at the captives: "What about these people?"

The brave performance of Shi Tiexin just now shocked their hearts, this time, no Whoever speaks without permission, everyone is waiting for Shi Tiexin to give orders.

But what should we do?

Shi Tiexin look at the captives. These people are either fanatical, fearless or frightened. It seems that they are all young people under twenty years old. Look at the corpses of the little brothers. These little brothers who have just been booing, making people feel like mobs are all young people in their twenties.

What should I do?

The answer is simple.

Boom, Shi Tiexin took the iron rod in his hand to the ground heavily: "According to the rules."

Shi Tiexin didn't know how to deal with this situation. Is it to take away? Is it to kill? Is it slavery? Is it torture? Or something else? He doesn't know, then "do it according to the rules".

A D was a little dazed. In fact, they had never encountered such a situation, so D was a little confused about which rules to follow.

A Fei opened his mouth and explained to the boss: "Idiot, don't you understand? Killing and paying for life, this is the biggest rule!"


A D yelled, then looked around, and suddenly picked up a handful of fallen katana. He kicked the first prisoner and stepped on his back, making him impossible to move. Ah D gritted his teeth, his hands seemed to tremble. Then he squeezed the handle of the knife tightly, suddenly shouting loudly, and slashed the captive on the back of the neck.

Puff, blood rushes to the sky.

The prisoner was not dead for a while, and wailed in place while shouting the slogan "The big mud shed is on board!"

"Don't be silly, come here all, everyone cut!" Ah D looked towards the group of silent little brothers: "In the future, I will follow the boss so desperately, you understand! "

"Yes!" "I'll do it!" "Let me chop first!" The most miserable ones who just cried were the first to rush up. In the process of driving, other people may also be timid or unwilling, but at this time, they can do it if they don't, or they have to chop if they don't cut it.

The remaining seven prisoners were kicked down one by one. From unfamiliar to skilled. From timidity to madness. From hustle and bustle to silence. blood splashed, a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

Shi Tiexin's breath was slightly disturbed, and then calmed down. Eight more lives disappeared because of his words. There was a moment of compassion, a moment of intolerance, a moment of shock, and even a moment of fear in my heart.

Fear of the crazy little brother, and fear of the iron-blooded self, these are all instinctive reactions.

And these are not reflected on the face after all, but spread in the heart, and smoothed. Shi Tiexin told himself that he was not wrong, he was attacked and killed, just fighting back. Moreover, as the boss, he must be without hesitation all the time.

dīng líng líng, in the sound like a wind chime, a refreshing feeling radiated from the clumps of consciousness, and the speed of the clumps dissolving suddenly increased a lot.

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