Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 627: War

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Xing Tian,

It is the most special existence among the witches.

He was the first great witch conceived from Pangu's heart and the most powerful witch outside of the ancestral witch.

Of course, the special thing about Xingtian is not that he is the first great witch, but that he is on the Xingtian axe in his hands.

Although the Xingtian Axe is only a top-grade innate spirit treasure, its killing power is not inferior to any top-grade innate spirit treasure. Even the body of the strong Hunyuan can break open.

And all this is because Xingtian axe is part of the fragments after the broken Pangu axe.

At the beginning, due to the inability to withstand the backlash of the heavens and the earth, the Chaos Supreme Treasure Pangu Axe shattered, and its main body evolved into the three great treasures of the open sky, and the remaining fragments were scattered among the prehistoric heaven and earth, evolving into pieces of special congenital spirit treasures.

And Xing Tian Axe is the strongest among these innate spirit treasures. Thinking back to that year, Xing Tian was born with an axe, but that brought a great shock to the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

Accompanying with the fragments of Pangu axe, this is a treatment that the ancestor witch, the son of Pangu, never enjoyed.

In a sense, Xing Tian is a person recognized by Pangu.

His future is destined to be brilliant! Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

It is precisely for this reason that Xing Tian's position in the Witch Clan is somewhat detached, second only to the Twelve Ancestral Witch.

after all,

In the world,

People who can be recognized by Pangu,

Is there geometry again?

Xing Tian has such a special honor, it can be imagined to be extraordinary.



Mindful of this, Houtu's confidence in Xingtian increased for a while, believing that his trip would surely break the limit, surpass the past, and set foot on a new realm.

Thinking that it won't take long for the Wu Clan to give birth to a great existence at the level of Taoist Hunyuan, even after the cultivation of the soil, joy can not be stopped in his heart.

"Friend Zi Chen,"

"Under your stimulus, Xing Tian's mood has changed, so that his strength is far beyond the previous. Under such circumstances, with Xuanyuan's strength, is there any hope to push Xing Tian's limit?"

In addition to being happy, Hou Tu's heart was inevitably a little worried.

The current Xing Tian's strength has reached the peak, and he is not much more than the ancestral witch of the year.

As for Xuanyuan, his cultivation time was less than a million years, and his half-step Hunyuan's strength was forcibly promoted by the luck of the human race.

When it comes to the perception of heaven and earth, the experience of fighting, the mastery of supernatural powers, etc., they are far from being compared with Xing Tian.

Compared with Xing Tian, ​​Xuanyuan's only advantage was the Xuanyuan Sword in his hands.

But Xing Tianxue,

It may not be worse than the current Xuanyuan Sword.

The gap between the two sides is so huge that Houtu Empress can't help but worry, is Xuanyuan really capable of contending with the current Xing Tian?

If Xuanyuan was not Xingtian's opponent at all, and couldn't push it to the limit, then all the previous efforts were probably in vain.


This can't help but Houtu Empress is not worried.


"Ha ha!"

"Whether Xuanyuan can push Xingtian's limits, please wait and see."

With a few laughs, Fengdu Ghost Emperor said leisurely.

How could there be such a big loophole in his plan?

You know, Xuanyuan is not alone. Behind him, there is an entire human race.

Enemy Xuanyuan,

Is the enemy of the entire human race,

Not to mention that Xing Tian's current strength is just close to that of the ancestral witch of the year, that is, the rebirth of Dijiang, and it may not be able to defeat the entire human race.

The human race today is no longer the human race that was slaughtered by the monster race in ancient times. Through the efforts of the ancestors of the human race, the human race has become a well-deserved overlord!



On the shores of the East China Sea, Xing Tian carried a giant axe and killed him with hatred.

In this regard, Renhuang Xuanyuan was not afraid.

Even if it was the great supernatural power Xing Tian who had been famous for a long time in ancient times, he still dared to carry his sword to meet him.


The boundless sword intent bloomed from Xuanyuanjian, vast and majestic, spreading across the entire void, and the Xingtian axe that had been smashed was swung away.

"Xingtian, you are presumptuous!"

"Chi You's death was caused by him. How can he blame him?"

"What's more, how to deal with Chi You is an internal matter of my human race, and what is it to you?"

"Xing Tian, ​​retreat quickly!"

"Mind the friendship between the human race and the witch race, I don't care about this matter with you, you should retreat quickly, don't make mistakes, so as not to hurt the harmony between the two races."

Ascending to the sky, Xuanyuan said towards Xing Tian.

Even if the matter was over, Xuanyuan thought of the friendship between the Witch and Humans, and still was unwilling to attack Xing Tian, ​​so he persuaded him to retreat.

It's just a pity. Although Xuanyuan's original intention was good, Xing Tian, ​​who was originally to make trouble, would care about his explanation?

In fact, no matter what Xuanyuan said, Xing Tian would take action.

The so-called Enmity of Chi You was just an excuse to attack Xuanyuan. Others don’t know. Doesn’t He still know what Chi You’s real situation is now?


"What a hard-mouthed guy."

"Let me try, is your body as hard as your mouth!"

While speaking, Xing Tian waved the Xing Tian axe in his hand again and slashed towards Xuanyuan.

But this time, perhaps it was Xuanyuan's words that played a little role. Xing Tian chose the battlefield in the depths of the void instead of the ancestral land of the human race.

In this way, the aftermath of the war will not affect the ancestral land of the human race.

boom! boom! boom……

As soon as the two met, horrible fluctuations broke out, almost destroying everything, shaking the river of time.

Almost at the beginning of the war, the entire prehistoric mighty and supernatural powers felt the terrifying battle that broke out in the depths of the void.

As a result, they all released divine thoughts one after another in surprise, peeping into the depths of the void. Want to see which two powerful existences are, a big battle broke out.

Then, everyone saw a scene that made them extremely unbelievable.

Emperor Xuanyuan and Great Witch Xingtian,

There was a fight.


Looking at their posture, it is not as if they are competing, but as if they are fighting for life and death.

This is interesting!

Between the Witch and Human races, they have always regarded themselves as hard-core allies. Nowadays, the leaders of the two races suddenly fought in the depths of the void, fighting life and death.

Does this signify that the relationship between the Witch race and the Human race is on the verge of destruction?

What I saw before my eyes,

Can't help everyone not think so.

Just don't know, what happened to the two clans suddenly turned their faces?

However, curiosity belongs to curiosity, but this does not affect the mood of everyone watching a good show.

Terran is an emerging overlord;

The Wu clan is the overlord of the veteran.

The leaders of the two races fought against each other,

Represents the confrontation between the old and the new overlords,

Such scenes are rare!

Moreover, it goes without saying that the identities of the two parties are removed, and they are only two half-step Hunyuan level powerhouses. They are fighting life and death, which is worthy of everyone's attention!

Watching a master fight is also an opportunity for everyone, and it can be a lot of help.

One is the well-deserved overlord of Honghuang at present, and the other is the great supernatural power of the ancient times. The two fight against each other, which can be said to have brought everyone's sense of expectation.


No matter what Xuanyuan and Xing Tian did, the masters of the ten thousand races were very excited about it.

If the human race breaks with the witch race, who is the happiest, then it must be a master of ten thousand races.

Xuanyuan forced them to leave the wild land, really driving them to a dead end. As a result, the masters of the ten thousand races gave birth to a rebellious heart and wanted Xuanyuan to pay for it.

If it hadn't been for Xing Tian's first move, then all the masters of the ten thousand races had already joined Xiang Xuanyuan.

Of course, it was precisely because of Xing Tian's action that the masters of the ten thousand races changed their minds and did not act rashly and waited for the development of the situation.

They still knew how powerful Xingtian was. Under the circumstances of his action, Xuanyuan might not be his opponent, if he said no, he would be beheaded by Xing Tian.

In this way, wouldn't everyone be happy?

Xuanyuan has fallen, who would take his orders in his heart?

If Xing Tian loses, he is beheaded by Xuanyuan.

Isn't that better?

Behind Xing Tian, ​​there are still two great gods, Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch and Hou Tu Sage.

Seeing Xing Tian be killed by Xuanyuan, do they have any reason not to retaliate?

When that really happened, what Xuanyuan should worry about was how to resist the revenge of the two great gods. Instead of focusing on how to force them out of the wild land.



After hearing only a crisp sound, Xuanyuan Jian and Xing Tian axe slammed into each other fiercely.

In an instant year, a terrifying might erupted, sweeping everything, stirring up the depths of the void, and the void turbulence everywhere.


After the blow, Xuanyuan only felt a strong surge from Xuanyuan Sword, first shattering his tiger's mouth, and then smashing him out fiercely, crashing into the turbulent flow of the void.


After a while, Xuanyuan crawled out of the turbulent flow, breathing heavily. Under this blow, although he was not harmed, his posture seemed a little embarrassed.

Talking about realm,

With the blessing of human luck,

Xuanyuan was not necessarily lower than Xing Tian, ​​and even faintly exceeded.

But as everyone knows, the most powerful place of the Wu Clan lies in their flesh, not in their magic power and realm.

Xing Tian's physical body was polished over countless years, and it was as powerful as you can imagine. In the entire prehistoric land, there are not a few more physically stronger than Him.

And Xuanyuan?

Human luck can only improve his cultivation realm and bring him an endless source of mana.

As for the physical body, that human luck is powerless and needs to be polished by himself.


There is no doubt that,

The flesh polished by Xuanyuan himself,

Definitely not comparable to Xing Tian's physical body.

That's why, as soon as the fight was played just now, the huge gap in the flesh was directly fed back.

Xing Tian's power far surpassed Xuanyuan, and he would be knocked into the air with one blow.


This also made Xuanyuan understand,

If you fight close to Xingtian, you will definitely lose.


"Ha ha!"

"The so-called Emperor of Humanity, the number one power above the wild land, is only this level?"

Seeing Xuanyuan was repelled by a single blow by himself, Xing Tian couldn't help but taunted.

This emperor is so useless. He can't even take a single blow. How can he bring him the pressure to break the limit?


Faced with Xing Tian's sarcasm, Xuanyuan let out a cold snort, then lifted his sword to kill again.

However, this time, he fully learned the lesson from the previous time, instead of fighting with Xingtian close to each other, he chose to attack from a distance, and used Xingtian to fight his mana.

I saw Xuanyuan, a long distance away, waving the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand towards Xing Tian again and again.

Brush and brush...


The infinite sword intent bursts out, fierce, and seems to be able to kill everything, overwhelming the sky, sweeping towards Xing Tian.

When it comes to the magical powers of kendo, the human race has been passed on by Feng Zichen.

Every move and every style of Xuanyuan contained enormous power, which was in harmony with the innate swordsmanship in the dark.

The sword light rushed in, like the trajectory of a great road, capable of cutting everything, terrifying.


"Ha ha!"

"Good job!"

"In this way, it's worth seeing!"

Although Jianguang is strong, Xing Tian is more fierce.

He saw him raising the Xingtian axe in his hand and slashing directly at the surge of sword light.

Compared with Xuanyuan's exquisite kendo supernatural powers, Xing Tian's movements seemed a bit crude. However, Xing Tian's movements are simple and simple, but they all use their power to the extreme.

Xing Tian chopped it down with a single axe, and what burst out was the purest physical strength, without a trace of impurities.

Every blow is full of beauty of power!

As the saying goes, one force will drop ten meetings!

When the power is strong enough, then there is nothing He cannot destroy.

That's why, Xing Tian slashed down with an axe, and infinite power burst out, splitting the bright sword light into pieces on the spot, turning it into a sky full of light and disappearing into smoke.

"What a strong body!"

In the distance, when Xuanyuan saw this scene, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that Xing Tian's attack did not use any magic power, only the power of the flesh.

This is what makes people feel scared.

No power, just so strong. If it uses mana, how strong should it be?

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan didn't dare to have any reservations, and immediately urged the luck of the human race, raising his strength to the limit.


After a deep drink, Xuanyuan's body suddenly burst into flames, and the brilliance of humanity was reflected.

In an instant, Xuanyuan's whole person was different.

The mighty power of humanity permeated him, distorting time and space, exuding infinite majesty.



Infinitely close to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!



The infinite power surged in his body, which made Xuanyuan's confidence greatly increased, lifting the sword to kill Xing Tian again.


Almost at the same time, countless swords lighter than before, bloomed from Xuanyuan Sword, and shot towards Xing Tian at a faster speed.

In an instant,

Jian Guang had already rushed to Xing Tian's side.

"So fast……"

Seeing the sword light hit, Xing Tian's heart was about to rise with the idea of ​​resistance, and he felt that the sword light had completely enveloped him.


The dense sounds like iron strike ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ came from Xing Tian's body.

That was the sound that Jian Guang cut on Xing Tian's body.

After a while, Jianguang's power was finally exhausted, slowly dissipating into the void. And Xing Tian's figure was also revealed.


Xingtian at this time,

It can only be described as miserable.

His clothes have been completely shredded by the sword light, and his whole person looks bloody, and there is no good meat on his body, as if he was delayed.

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