Flooded Star Road

Vol 4 Chapter 443: Refining treasures (five thousand eight hundred)


Nu Wa was not angry, but asked in a low voice.

For Feng Zichen, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages after all. It can be said that if he married Chang'e, he would have been fighting for countless years.

This is a benefit that countless gods and demons can't get by snatching their scalp. Nu Wa really can't think of a reason for Feng Zichen's rejection.


"I have a very good relationship with Zulong's granddaughter Ao Xue!"

After thinking about it, Feng Zichen said truthfully.

He is an unstoppable temperament, how could he stay honestly in Human Race for tens of thousands of years. During this period, He often appeared in the East China Sea.

A few times, I asked Zulong for advice on the difficulties in practice, and more often, I accompany Ao Xue to travel around the mountains and water. In practice, we must also pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

During this period of time, the relationship between the two people who were born and admired for each other grew rapidly. If it weren't for Feng Zichen's scruples about the robbery of slaughtering people, I'm afraid he had already proposed marriage to Zulong.

But that's it, Feng Zichen's heart also made up his mind to deal with the human race, and the Lich confessed his heart to Ao Xue after weighing the calamity.

Because only then can he be among the top of the prehistoric, using heaven and earth as chessboards and sentient beings as chess pieces to play games with saints.

It's not like it is now, taking care of this and that, many times it is involuntary.

If the Lich does not end his calamity, his future will be inconclusive, how can it be promised.

When a man faces his lover, whether he can do it or not, he wants to give her the best.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes. He hasn't expressed his mind like Ao Xue, and Nu Wa has already begun to force marriage.

"I think it's the reason!"

"It turns out so!"

"Unexpectedly, you are still a romantic seed!"

Knowing the reason Feng Zichen refused, Nuwa couldn't help feeling a little funny.

How big does he think it is?

It's just a small matter after a long time?

"It's easy!"

"Since you can't let go of Ao Xue, let's marry it together!"

Nu Wa smiled and decided directly.

If it were someone else, he would certainly not say so.

Whether it is Ao Xue or Chang'e, the identity is extremely precious, and few people can match it. It is a great blessing to be able to marry one. It would be a delusion to dare to extravagantly ask two women to serve one husband together.

But Feng Zichen is different!

His identity,

Enough for Him to have all this!

Since Pangu opened up the world, there are not many congenital sacred births, but not many. There are also six saints, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not absent.

But Dao Zun, there is only Feng Zichen.

What a blessing to be blessed by the three realms of heaven, earth and man at the same time!

What's more, Feng Zichen has the appearance of the emperor!

After he is Emperor Jun, he has the most hope of inheriting the position of Emperor of Heaven. He is also the most suitable heir to the position of the Emperor of Heaven in the ancient law.

With such a distinguished status, let alone marrying two people, it is not impossible to marry a few more people.

As long as the other party agrees.

As usual, Wang Shu would definitely not agree to marry Yu Feng Zichen, let alone stay with others.

But she is now Chang'e, which makes this possible.

The only trouble now is Ao Xue.

Try to get her to agree to this matter.

However, this is not troubled by Nu Wa.

In addition to being a saint, he was also the first matchmaker in the primordial age. Dijun married Wang Shu, which is what he said as a matchmaker, and he presided over the marriage of heaven.

He has experience in this matter.

"Niangniang, this is not appropriate!"

I thought that Nuwa would give up the marriage between him and Chang'e when he heard this.

This Sao operation really made Feng Zichen a little confused.

"Nothing is inappropriate!"

"You don't need to worry about this, just leave it to me!"

With a wave of her hand, Feng Zichen shut up, Nuwa glared at him and said.

"Ah this..."

Suddenly thinking that Nu Wa still has the identity of a matchmaker, Feng Zichen couldn't help but shut his mouth in grief.

By now, he has understood that this matter is no longer for him to intervene, and can only rely on Nuwa's words to completely leave the matter to him.

However, Feng Zichen's heart is not completely out of ideas. According to his estimation, even if he married Chang'e, this marriage would not last long.

Today, Chang'e and Suhui are not awake, and the memories belonging to Wangshu are still sealed, ignorant, naturally let them arrange. But with the improvement of the cultivation level, Chang'e will become Wangshu sooner or later.

At that time, it is hard to say whether this matter is a gratitude or a grudge.

But in any case, this marriage might not last.

As the supreme strongest Wangshu, how could he tolerate marrying someone else and staying with another woman!

Therefore, this marriage is destined to not last long, but only temporarily.

Then, the operability of this one is relatively large. A marriage that is destined to be fruitless, why bother too much, just maintain it in name.

Feng Zichen thought of it!

Men are so hypocritical!

Unfortunately, one step back, one step back, when it comes to marriage, it may not be as He thought.

Who can tell the rest?


"Okay, you go back!"

"With Ao Xue, I will talk to her personally, and I won't let her create a gap with you!"

Thinking of how to communicate with Ao Xue, Nuwa had no time to talk to Feng Zichen, and pointed to the door to signal him to leave.

"Niangniang, can you lend me the Qiankun Ding for a use!"

Feng Zichen must be unwilling to leave like this. After finally coming to the Wa Palace, how can you come back empty-handed?

"Take it!"

After the words fell, Qiankun Ding emerged from the void and fell into Feng Zichen's hands.

For Feng Zichen, Nuwa is still very generous.

"Thank you, mother!"

Putting away the Qiankun Ding, Feng Zichen turned and left.




"What's all this!"

Returning to the Palace of the Human Emperor, thinking of everything that had happened in the Imperial Palace, Feng Zichen's heart was full of helplessness.

Going to the East China Sea to explain to Ao Xue, but not knowing how to speak, she finally sighed helplessly and pinned all her hopes on Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa said that he would solve the matter, she should be sure. . .


After sighing again, Feng Zichen took out the Qiankun Ding, intending to refine several clan artifacts for the human race.

The human tribe is approaching, and he can't indulge in the love of his children. He should focus on improving the strength of the human race.

Previously, Feng Zichen had refined three clan artifacts for the human race, namely the Suiren lantern, the nest hall, and the robes.

But this is not enough!

The strength of the human race is of course the stronger the better.

Flicking his hand, Feng Zichen took out the gold net of merit and put it in the Qiankun Ding.

This is the first acquired fishing net. It was originally used by net fish. Because of the merits and virtues, it has the ability to snare sentient beings.

Back then, Ao Xue was caught by this net and couldn't get out of it!

Now, Feng Zichen wants to refine it into the human aura, and protect all beings with a clan weapon!

Tie into a net and gather all sentient beings.

If this device is successful, it is called Tianluodiwang!


The long river of human luck emerges and falls into the heaven and earth tripod, and refines it with the gold net of merit.

At the same time, Feng Zichen's body has the origin of the world, the origin of chaos, and the origin of Hongmeng flying out, and rushing into the universe, blessing the power of the golden net of merit.

Feng Zichen is no longer what it used to be, as are the Chaos Pearl, World Tree, and Hongmeng Daozhong. Its power has been greatly improved. The original source that was previously not very rich is not so in short supply now.


Feng Zichen dared to continue refining clan artifacts.


A hundred years later, a large golden net flew out of the Qiankun Ding, melted into the void and disappeared.

But if Da Luo Jinxian came here, it would be obvious that the entire Terran Territory was covered by a large golden net with thunderstorms on it. If someone dared to attack the territories of the human race, they would be beaten into powder in an instant.

This is called Heaven and Earth Network!

Under Daluo Jinxian, not to mention that you will die if you touch it, and you will have to take off a layer of skin.

With this network, there is no need to worry, someone is making trouble in the territories of the human race.

The net was made from heaven and earth, and Feng Zichen took out another clay pot.

This is the first clay pot in the day after tomorrow. It is a high-quality treasure of acquired merit.

Compared with the net of heaven and earth, Feng Zichen valued this treasure more.

The ability of the clay pot to collect things the day after tomorrow will not be mentioned for the time being. The ability to refine the essence of all things is enough to bring the strength of the human race to a higher level.

Humans are born weak and want to be strong, they can only practice hard. At this time, the role of the acquired clay pot is reflected.

It can get rid of impurities and extract the essence of all things, thus laying the most solid foundation for the descendants of the human race.

Only this point,

I don't know how many treasures it has surpassed.

This treasure is the ultimate treasure to aid cultivation!

With a thought, Qiankun Ding shines brightly, and the rhyme of innate Taoism is permeated, and the aura is radiant, turning the surrounding into a fairyland.

The day after tomorrow the clay pot flew out of Feng Zichen's hands and fell into the Qiankun Ding. It didn't take long for it to be refined into a mass of liquid.

In the final analysis, the acquired pottery pot is no more than a top-grade acquired merit spirit treasure, while the Qiankun Ding is the innate treasure, with too many levels of difference. Facing him, there is no resistance at all.

The reason for refining the pottery pot is that Feng Zichen felt it was too ugly and wanted to refining it again.

At the beginning, Feng Zichen planned to refine the acquired pottery pot into a pot shape. In this way, after the new pottery pot is refined, it can be called a refined demon pot.

However, as soon as he came up with this name, Feng Zichen rejected it.

Not to mention that the genuine demon refining pot is in Nuwa's hands, just to say that the demon clan has not yet started with the human race, he named the human clan weapon the demon refining pot, isn't it looking for something?

Therefore, Feng Zichen has another name called the Lian Shen Hu!

It's just that every time he thinks of this name, he rises with a sense of horror. Therefore, he suddenly realized something, and he gave up this name.

Today's prehistoric, said to be the world of the second family of Lich, is actually the world of innate gods and demons.

In the name of refining gods, what is this going to do?

That's weird if there is no problem.

Therefore, Feng Zichen thought for a long time, and decided to make the acquired pottery pot into a tripod shape to correspond to his supreme supernatural power avenue oven.

The abilities of acquired pottery pots are available in Dadao ovens. The avenue oven also has the ability that it doesn't have.

In terms of essence, the acquired clay pot is an acquired creation and has great wisdom. But the avenue oven contains the true meaning of the avenue, with profound background and unlimited potential, far exceeding the acquired pottery pot.

Therefore, it is most suitable to make the acquired pottery pot into a avenue oven.

The weak, after all, if you want to get closer to the strong, this is the true truth. Just as a snake wants to transform into a dragon, and a dragon wants to transform into a real dragon.

However, the acquired pottery pot is nothing but an acquired thing. Although it is considered extraordinary, it is almost a distance from the avenue oven created by Feng Zichen and the avenue. It is impossible to train into an oven by relying on it alone.


Feng Zichen took out the Chaos God Stone!

This is the material from the great chaos outside the realm, extremely precious, it is formed by the stasis of chaos, and can refine innate spirit treasures.

Chaos, the mother of all things too!

With the chaotic sacred stone, coupled with the Qiankun Ding's ability to rebel against the innate, as well as the merits accumulated over the years, Feng Zichen is sure to refine a high-grade innate merit Lingbao.


In order to refine the avenue oven, Feng Zichen can be said to be bleeding heavily. All kinds of precious materials should be taken out of his hands without money. It took thousands of years to train the avenue oven.

"very good!"

Looking at the big tripod in front of him, the quaint vicissitudes of life, the aura of great avenues, the aura of chaos, and the same as his own supernatural powers, Feng Zichen nodded in satisfaction.

This treasure is definitely stronger than his supernatural powers!

However, this is not the most perfect form of the Dao Oven. According to Feng Zichen's speculation, the most perfect form of the Dao Oven should be the top chaotic spirit treasure, not the innate treasure.

What it shows now is not a perfect case in case.

With a move in his heart, behind Feng Zichen, Hongmeng Dao Zhong manifested itself, and on it, the mark of three thousand demon gods was about to move.

This is the missing part of the avenue oven!

Branded the mark of three thousand Chaos Demon Gods on the body of the Dadao Oven.

Then, the avenue oven can immediately get the baptism of the avenue, even if it can't become the chaos treasure, it can also become the top chaos spirit treasure.

Unfortunately, Feng Zichen's understanding of Dadao is really limited. Unable to support him to imprint the imprint of the Chaos Demon God on the magical power of the avenue oven.

Whenever he imprinted the mark of the Chaos Demon God on the Great Dao Oven, this magical power would break apart due to the pressure of the Demon God’s imprint, making it difficult for him to succeed.

But today, it's completely different.

He refined the magical power of the Great Dao Oven into an innate spiritual treasure. I don’t know how many times its ability to withstand pressure has been improved. With the hardness of the innate spirit treasure, it may not be able to withstand the pressure of the imprint of the Chaos Demon God.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Feng Zichen sacrificed the Hongmeng Daozhong, and imprinted the mark of the Chaos Demon God on the body of the Dadao Baking Furnace.


Sure enough, when the first mark of the Chaos Demon God was imprinted on the body of the Dadao Oven, it trembled violently. It seemed that there was an invisible giant who was beating him violently with a hammer.


When the imprint of the second Chaos Demon God was imprinted, the pressure on the Dadao oven was even greater, the tremor became more intense, and the figure was slightly smaller.


Following the imprint of the Chaos Demon God, one after another was branded on the body of the Dadao Oven, and he also changed accordingly.

His body size is getting smaller and smaller, and the chaotic air lingering on his body has become heavier, and the true meaning of the avenues flowed out of it, making him more and more primitive and profound.

Finally, when the avenue oven changed from one foot in size to one foot in size, Feng Zichen stopped and no longer imprinted the mark of Chaos Demon God.

At this time, the body of the Dadao Baking Furnace was already imprinted with a hundred marks of the Chaos Demon God.

It has reached its limit, and when it is branded, it will definitely be crushed to pieces by the Dao's true meaning carried by the Demon God's Mark.

This is irreparable damage!

Therefore, Feng Zichen did not dare to continue.

However, this is enough, it means that Feng Zichen's deduction is completely feasible. In the future, as long as you increase the power of the Constant Avenue Oven, you can continue to imprint the mark of the Devil God.

And if you want to upgrade the level of the Dadao Oven, you don't need to be so troublesome. It is closely linked to the luck of the human race. With the growth of human luck, it will naturally increase the level.

Don't worry too much about Feng Zichen!

However, it is not appropriate to call it Dadao Oven at this time, and it should be renamed Humane Oven!

The human race will eventually achieve unprecedented achievements, so that all races in the prehistoric race will respect the human race and redefine humanity in this way!

The humanity is prevalent, the high-grade innate merits and virtues, and the chaotic space inside, can trace all things back to the original and turn them into the purest source.

That's right, after the clay pot became a humane oven the day after tomorrow, the ability to extract the essence of all things has also been improved, directly refining all things into the most primitive origin, leaving no trace of impurities.

The descendants of the human race have this treasure by their side, supplemented by the way of gods and demons. It may be difficult to cultivate into innate gods and demons, but as long as they work hard, it is definitely not difficult to rebel against the innate.

This is the strong foundation of Human Race!


After refining the Taoist furnace, Feng Zichen did not continue to refine other clan artifacts. Instead, he summoned the Suiren lamp, the nest hall, and the clothes, and refined these three treasures again.

The human luck is limited, and it is impossible to hold too many clan artifacts. Five pieces are already the limit of human luck. No matter how much, it will not be able to exert the power of the clan weapon.

Nine is the best!

According to Feng Zichen's calculations, even if it is the luck of the human race, when it reaches its peak, there are only nine treasures of luck that can be refined at most.

This is the limit of heaven and earth and cannot be reversed by humans.

The Suiren Lantern Three Treasures are treasures refined by Feng Zichen in his early years. At that time, his cultivation base was far less powerful than it is now, and he did not have the innate treasures like the Qiankun Ding in his hands. Naturally, it was difficult for him to fully develop its due potential with the refined treasures.

Therefore, Feng Zichen re-refined these three treasures to increase their powers in order to better cope with the future catastrophe.


Just when Feng Zichen was in retreat to refine treasures, the Nuwa Empress, who hadn't appeared for many years, moved today. Walked out of the Jinxiu Tianwa Palace and rushed to the East China Sea.


This is for Feng Zichen and Ao Xue.

Of course, the first person Nuwa wanted to see was not Ao Xue, but Zulong.

Ao Xue is Zu Long's granddaughter, and if you want to marry her, you must get Zu Long's consent. Otherwise, even if Ao Xue agreed, the matter would be uncountable.

Only after the Ancestral Dragon is dealt with, can he go to Ao Xue again.


"Is Hou Yi?"

"What is he doing here?"

On this day, Feng Zichen, who was in retreat, suddenly felt that the net of heaven and earth covering the entire human race, as if he had encountered some terrifying existence, was shaking violently, and couldn't help but wake up from the retreat.

After letting out his spiritual thoughts, it was Hou Yi who came. I can't help but feel a little surprised, what did he come to Human Race for?

But immediately, Feng Zichen thought of why Houyi came here.

Isn't it just for Chang'e?

Apart from Chang'e, what else is worth coming here for Human Race?

It's just that it's strange that there is a little Feng Zichen, how did Hou Yi and Chang'e meet?

Many things have changed since He came to Honghuang. Not to mention other things, the fate of Chang'e has already changed.

She is not like the legend, just an ordinary monk of the human race, but the queen of the human race cultivated by the elders of the human race, who grew up in the royal court since childhood~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Then,

Here comes the problem,

How did they meet?

Curious in his heart, Feng Zichen secretly used innate gossip and calculated it silently.

This matter was not difficult to deduct. Soon, Feng Zichen learned the cause and effect, and his eyes became weird.

It turned out that when Chang'e was going to the East China Sea, she came across Houyi who came to the East China Sea to look for Ziji State.

Probably, he sensed the power of the same attribute. When Hou Yi met Chang'e, the lunar origin in his body suddenly broke out, breaking the seal set by the ancestor witch, and ice-sealing Hou Yi on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the kind-hearted Chang'e immediately stepped forward to help.


Although Chang'e is kind, she is not stupid.

She did not directly help Hou Yi lift the ice, but instead restrained the power of the lunar source, preventing it from continuing to damage Hou Yi.

At the same time, she secretly contacted Wang Youyu, a person in Qiyao Prefecture, and asked him to come and help.

Chang'e couldn't recognize Houyi, but Yu was so knowledgeable, how could he not recognize the top witch of the Wu family? Knowing the relationship between his family's emperor and the witch clan, he let Chang'e let go and try his best to treat Houyi.

With Chang'e's current strength, of course, it is impossible to get rid of the origin of Taiyin in Hou Yi, but with the assistance of Yu Clan, it can comfort the origin of Taiyin and prevent Hou Yi's injury from continuing to worsen.

Before long, with the help of the two, Hou Yi suppressed Taiyin Yuanyuan again.

Because of this, Hou Yi saw the possibility of recovery from his injuries.

Chang'e can soothe the origin of Taiyin, but it should not be difficult for her to get rid of the origin of Taiyin. Therefore, Hou Yi asked Chang'e to help him.


He was mercilessly rejected by Chang'e.

She is the future queen of the human race, how can she pull with foreign men?

Just to avoid suspicion, she couldn't agree.

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