Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 829: Prosperity

The wild ancient dragons were the names of the nine-headed dragons who were pulling the carts by the emperor Ziwei. They were transformed by the essence of the chaotic ancient dragons. Although they were not wise, they were born with power comparable to Da Luo Dao Zun.

Although this Kowloon has the same root and the same origin, its attributes are completely different, corresponding to the nine attributes of yin, yang, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder.

In order to capture them, Emperor Ziwei had spent a lot of effort. This nine-headed wild ancient dragon did not live on the wild land, but lived in nine special congenital secret realms.

That is, Zhou Tian Xing Chen has the ability to monitor the heavens, otherwise, the Great Emperor Ziwei would not be able to find their whereabouts.

This nine-headed wild ancient dragon, since its birth, has been living in its birthplace. In that special innate secret realm, it has never left one step. It sleeps when it is full all day, and eats when it sleeps, leisurely. very.

It's just that they have a strong bloodline, but they didn't practice much, and naturally they have the power of a great supernatural power.

It's a pity that they, who should have continued to live leisurely, were targeted by Emperor Ziwei, and their peaceful life was broken.

Although the power of the great supernatural powers is not weak, in front of Emperor Ziwei, it is really nothing, and it is easily suppressed by him.

When he raised his hand, Emperor Ziwei suppressed the nine-headed wild ancient dragon whose strength was equal to that of the great supernatural powers, and took it as a horse to pull a cart.

Even Emperor Ziwei did not let go of the congenital secret realm that gave birth to Kowloon, and moved it to the Boundless Starry Sky.

How did you come from when you became the emperor of the highest grade innate spirit treasure level of the Great Emperor Ziwei? It was not made by blending the innate spirit treasures bred by the nine great innate secret realms.

The nine-headed supernatural power-level ancient dragon pull cart is luxurious enough, right? But this is not the most luxurious. Although Kowloon has different attributes, it is of the same origin.

In other words, Jiulong teamed up and merged into one, and it could turn into a chaotic ancient dragon at the Hunyuan level to oppose the enemy. It was really fierce.

Everyone obviously thought of this, and couldn't help sighing in their hearts that the handwriting of the Great Emperor Ziwei was really outrageous.



"I have seen fellow Taoists."

After the arrival of the Great Emperor Ziwei, he first swept everyone's faces, and then he replied.

That is to say, after meeting everyone, Emperor Ziwei glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun's Nine Dragon Agarwood Nine with a smile. Although he didn't say anything, his attitude was enough to make Yuanshi Tianzun's face completely black.

To be honest, the reason why the Emperor Ziwei used Jiulong to pull the cart is because he imitated the Yuanshi Tianzun.

It's just that his imitation is too good, and it is far better than the real.

After Emperor Ziwei arrived, he had just walked off Diluan. In the distance, all spirits suddenly appeared to clear the way, and another Diluan came slowly.

But it was the holy emperor of the human race who came.

When everyone stepped forward, they saw that the holy emperor Feng Zichen of the human race, the Empress Nuwa, and the Emperor Fuxi all took a ride and rushed towards the Shenxiao Palace.

When the emperor travels, the weather is even more extraordinary. There are all spirits to clear the way, the five emperors canopy on the head, and the second emperor and five emperors of the human race and many great supernatural powers.

The strength of the people united together, creating an infinite atmosphere, shaking the sky and earth.

After Feng Zichen, it was Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The former No. 1 master, even without the glory of the past, is quite extraordinary.

I saw him rushing here alone, without any vision in his whole body. In the eyes of all living beings, he is like the center of the heaven and the earth, and everything in the heaven and the earth revolves around him.

In the end, it was the two sages of the West. The two sages knew that they were poor and couldn't compare to the people in the East. They didn't want to compete with the people in the East. They came here very low-key.

Houtu Niangniang seldom leaves the Netherworld, and even such a big event as Lei Ze's sanctification is not enough to alarm him.

However, in the end, it was the name of the Four Royals. For this reason, although Houtu Empress did not come, she also sent her own incarnation, and Houtu Huangdi only came to congratulate.

In this way, all the sages and many Hunyuan powerhouses are together.

Lei Ze didn't hesitate any more, and led everyone into the Shenxiao Palace, each arranged their seats, and then asked Jiuxiao Nine Heavens Monarch to call in the crowd who had rushed outside to listen to the sermon.

And this day, which happened to be ten thousand years in the Yuan Dynasty, was also the day when Lei Ze preached.

Everyone came in, no more, no less, just three thousand people. Among them, 90% are prehistoric creatures, and 10% are creatures of the Three Realms.

Regarding this, Lei Ze was not surprised. The Three Realms were born only 10,000 years ago, and not many creatures were born at all. It is pretty good to be able to come so many.

When he first became holy, Lei Ze was quite optimistic about the creatures of the Three Realms, and planned to find some outstanding talents from them so that he could take care of the Nine Heavens for him.

But I never thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the birth of the Protoss made Lei Ze see another possibility. It's not bad to let this clan take care of the Nine Heavens and become a messenger of Heavenly Tribulation. Whether it is from heels or feet, or identity, it is quite consistent.

For this reason, Lei Ze, who was quite optimistic about the creatures of the Three Realms, suddenly became disoriented towards the creatures of the Three Realms. It's enough for him to have the Protoss, and he doesn't need to bother to select talents from the creatures of the Three Realms.

A lot of things were saved all at once.



Time flies, and in a flash, thousands of years have passed, and Lei Ze's preaching has also come to an end.

The creatures who came here were both good and bad, with different aptitudes, and there were not a few that made Lei Ze's attention. Therefore, after the sermon was over, Lei Ze didn't hold back anything, so he let go.

The sages did not leave, but stayed in the Palace of Gods to discuss with Lei Ze.

In the next few thousand years, it was Fu Xi's turn to preach, and everyone was going there.

For this reason, everyone didn't bother to go home again, so they simply waited here for a while and talked about the Dao. When the time was up, they rushed to the Imperial City to congratulate Fuxi Chengdao.

After all, he was a former Daoist friend and the first enlightened existence in the Three Realms, and all the saints still had to give this face.

Thousands of years are nothing but a blink of an eye in the eyes of all the saints. But in the eyes of some creatures, thousands of years are not short.

No, during this period of time, many new innate creatures were born in the Three Realms.

One was born, and in my mind, apart from the inheritance of the heavenly path, it was the news that the Taoist Fuxi was about to preach.

Although I don't know what the Lord is, instinctively, these newly born creatures know that this is a rare opportunity.

So, almost without hesitation, these creatures rushed to Central China quickly after they stabilized their realm.

Fuxi is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not a saint. He doesn't need to be as exquisite as Lei Ze, so there is no need to limit the number of people.

For this reason, looking below the peak of the sky, I don't know how many creatures have gathered, it is simply a sea of ​​people. And the most among them is the human race. No way, who dominates the geographical advantage?

Get close, naturally it will come soon.

Of course, this was in Fuxi's calculations, otherwise, he would not set the place of preaching in the imperial city.

His preaching this time was mainly for the human race. As for the rest of the creatures, it was really incidental.

Where is the imperial city?

The center of Central China is also the center of the human race, and there are not many human races living around it. There is no trace of foreigners at all.

Fuxi preached here, and among the ten thousand creatures who came to listen to the preaching, it would be good if one of them was a foreigner. In this case, he can still come to listen to Fuxi's sermon, and I have to say that this is a real destined person.

He had a great fate with Fuxi, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see Tianfeng.

After calculating the time, everyone left the Shenxiao Palace together, rushed to Wangtian Peak, and each found a good seat and sat down. This time everyone came together, without any thoughts of comparison, but it was very harmonious.


Soon, Fuxi's preaching began.

Unlike Lei Ze, Lei Ze mainly talked about the way of innate thunder, and then extended the way of catastrophe, expounding the principles of various catastrophes in the world.

Fuxi talked about the innate gossip, and then from the innate gossip, the principles of the evolution of the universe were extended to explain to the world all kinds of theories of the universe.

By analogy, what the sentient beings have learned is different from Lei Ze Fuxi's. After listening to their sermons, they have also gained a lot.

To be honest, listening to Fuxi Leize's sermon does not make much sense to the saint. But for those with great supernatural powers, it is of extraordinary significance.

Because they are all in the realm of quasi-sage, and they are going to the extreme, and they are about to break through the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. They are in this special state, what they need is accumulation, and any avenue can be used as a reference for them.

As long as they can get one or two points of understanding from the preaching of the two, then they will break through to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then they will be one or two points bigger.

This is also the reason why Fuxi Leize preached, why so many great supernatural powers came to listen. They want to break through the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so they don't want to let go of any chance of accumulation.

The primordial great supernatural powers are also arrogant people. No one intends to prove the Hunyuan Dao fruit. They all overflow when the water is full. As long as the foundation is strong enough, they can naturally break through the Hunyuan. Da Luo Jinxian's idea.

Such a breakthrough Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not only strong enough, but can even cross several small realms.

Is it to directly break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and then slowly upgrade, or temporarily suppress the realm, in order to achieve greater gains when breaking through the Hunyuan realm.

In the hearts of everyone, the abacus is shrewd, how to choose, then there is no need to say?

Hundreds of millions of years have been waiting, how many millions of years are still missing?



Fuxi's preaching was the same as Lei Ze's preaching, and both lasted three thousand years before ending. Fuxi became accustomed to being alone, and even confiscated the disciples' plans, so after the preaching was over, he immediately dismissed the crowd.

After that, the great supernatural powers also offered their farewells to Fuxi one after another.

After listening to the preaching of two Hunyuan level masters, they have also gained a lot. It is time to go back to retreat for a period of time to sort out their recent gains.

However, these great supernatural powers thought well, but they did not have time to retreat. Because, shortly after they returned to the cave, the grand voice of the Taiqing saint suddenly came from heaven and earth:

"Pang Dao Pangu Tai Muslim people will preach on Shouyang Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou in 10,000 years. All beings of the Three Realms, anyone with predestined relationship, can come and listen to the sermon."

Soon after the sage of Taiqing finished speaking, the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun came from the heavens and the earth: "Pangu jade halal people will preach on Kunlun Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou in 20,000 years. All beings of the Three Realms, whoever is destined , You can come and listen."

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun’s voice fell, the voice of the Master Tongtian sounded: “Pangu halal people on the poor road will preach on Jin’ao Island in Dongsheng Shenzhou in 30,000 years. All beings in the Three Realms, whoever is destined , You can come and listen."

After the Sanqing period, the voice of the two sages of the West was also unwilling to lag behind: "The poor West will lead the Taoists to open the avenue on Xumi Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu. Come and listen."

"Western quasi-tutors of poor Taoism will open the avenue on Xumi Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu, in 50,000 years. All beings of the Three Realms, anyone with predestined conditions, can come and listen to the Tao."

After the Five Sages, the faceless Nvwa Empress ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ also spoke up: "The real person of the impoverished Daowa Palace Nvwa will speak about the Great Road in 60,000 years. The creatures of the Three Realms, whoever is destined, You can come to Fengxi Mountain in Central China to listen to the sermon."

So, before it was over, even Houtu Niangniang spoke: "Pangu Houtu Zhenren who is a poor Taoist, who is not easy to learn about the Three Realms, is not easy to practice, and he will speak about the Dao after 70,000 years. Anyone who is destined can come to Nanzhan Buzhou. Listen to the Houtu Temple."

At the moment when the voice of the Seven Sages fell, everyone was astonished.

However, this is also a good thing, even after listening to the seven saints preaching, they will undoubtedly break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's grasp.

These great magicians do not know that the reason why the Seven Saints preach is not because they want to preach, but because this is the task given to them by heaven. Let them open a great way for sentient beings in the Three Realms, which has opened up the wisdom of sentient beings.

This is different from Lei Ze's preaching. The purpose of Lei Ze's preaching was to receive disciples at the beginning, so the number of people was limited to 3000.

But the seven sages preach, they are to enlighten sentient beings and preach the great truth, so they can be as convenient as Fuxi when they are in the world. Anyone who is predestined can come and listen.



Seven saints preached in seventy thousand years, and one saint preached on average 10,000 years. The sentient beings in the Three Realms were almost happy and stupid after hearing this news.

What kind of prosperous age is this, when seven saints preach at the same time, if you add the previous celestial saints and Emperor Fuxi, this is the nine supreme masters preaching at the same time.

Such a scene, I am afraid that it was not when the Six Saints had just become enlightened.

It's really unique!

For a time, the creatures of the Three Realms were all excited, and only felt that the great road was right in front of them.


What a splendid age!

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