Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 463: I'm going to be shameless, are you afraid


Not only Kunpeng was puzzled, but all the great magicians who knew Feng Zichen were also puzzled.

What is so special about those ant-like human races that Feng Zichen should care so much about?

But they are puzzled, and this does not prevent them from using this to calculate Feng Zichen.

Who made him expose his weakness so obvious? This is really no blame for others.


"Ha ha!"

For Kunpeng's words, Feng Zichen could only sneer.

People are going to be shameless, what else can you do?

Only more shameless than Him.

The cheapest person is invincible, this sentence is really the most famous saying wherever it is put.

At the same time, Feng Zichen made a secret decision in his heart.

In this way, Fang is the long-term way.

Just like this kind of thing today, if he had been shameless early, and ran to the heaven to make a fuss before the demon race started to deal with the human race, how could he be as passive as he is today.

Throughout history, everyone who accomplishes great things is a deep-faced and dark-hearted person.

Just like the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, if it hadn't calculated the three innate tribes and used them as cannon fodder to weaken the power of the Demon Sect, how could there be the prosperity of the Xuan Sect today?

This is the model!

And his disciple, Tongtian Guru, cares too much about face, causing almost all of his disciples to be on the list of conferred gods during the war of conferring gods. The disciples who are not on the list are not as good as the ones on the list, how miserable they are to become enemies' mounts.

Another example of a thick-skinned person is the quasi-tutor. He relied on his thick-skinned face and didn't know how many benefits he had gained, and he should be the first to take the lead in the success of Buddhism in later generations.

With this ancestor, Feng Zichen realized.

What about face. . .

How much is it worth?

In the face of huge benefits, in addition to the bottom line, face can be appropriately discarded.


"Daoist Kunpeng, are you planning to spend time with me here?"

After thinking about this, the haze in Feng Zichen's heart also disappeared a lot, with a smile on his face, he looked at Kunpeng with weird eyes, and said.

"That's natural!"

"In the hands of fellow Taoists, there should be an innate spiritual treasure with spatial attributes, and the level is not low, at least it is top grade, or even top grade."

"If not, it is impossible to move the supernatural power of the poor way to the boundless starry sky."

"Therefore, fighting against fellow Daoists is already meaningless. No matter what kind of magical powers Poor Dao uses, it will be moved to the hinterland of the Demon Race by you, causing huge damage to the Demon Race."

"Pan Dao has already been deceived in this matter, and will not be the second time."

A little jealously glanced at Feng Zichen, Kunpeng ancestor said slowly.

It can move his magical powers to the hinterland of the demon clan quietly, that is, the innate spirit treasure with only spatial attributes, and it is still a very high-level innate spirit treasure.

According to Kunpeng's secret speculation, this innate spiritual treasure with spatial attributes is most likely the best.

As for whether it was the innate treasure, he didn't think about it at all. After all, there are too few prehistoric innate treasures, and there are not even ten known ones. Feng Zichen couldn't get it at all.

If Feng Zichen had the innate treasure, if he was motivated by his strength, the saint would be able to contend against one or two, and it would be easy to deal with him. How could he be allowed to be arrogant here.

To sum up, Feng Zichen cannot have a congenital treasure.

But even the best innate Lingbao was enough for Kunpeng to envy.

As we all know, the ancestor of Kunpeng was very poor.

How poor is it? As the master of the North Ming and the teacher of the monster race, the number of innate spiritual treasures on his body does not exceed three.

Among these three innate spirit treasures, the only one worth taking out was the demon master's palace that was rewarded by the way of heaven.

It can be seen that Kunpeng is poor, even some of the wealthier Da Luo Jinxian can't compare, let alone compare with other great supernatural powers.

Therefore, after guessing that Feng Zichen might have a superb innate spirit treasure, he would show jealous eyes.

He is too poor!

He is really a poor child. A superb innate spirit treasure can make him like this. If he is told that Feng Zichen has several innate treasures, wouldn't he be crazy?

"Why don't Taoists try melee combat, so, won't I be able to remove the magical powers of Taoists?"

Feng Zichen ignored Kunpeng's jealous gaze, and instead smiled and gave him an idea.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Kunpeng's face showed a mocking smile.

Is he really a fool?

No one knows that you Feng Zichen is the authentic Pangu, and even created the way of gods and demons. The physical strength is no less than that of the ancestor witch.

Fighting with you, you won't be crazy.

"Friends of Daoist will really be joking."

"Not to mention that your physical body may not be weaker than the ancestral witch. Just because you have an innate spiritual treasure with spatial attributes in your hand, Pang Dao dare not get too close to you."

"Who doesn't know the innate spirit treasure with spatial attributes, it comes with a small world, if it is pulled in too close to you, wouldn't it be at your disposal?"

"So, fellow Taoists don't bother. An Xin and Pang Dao are here, waiting for your majesty to leave the customs~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to quietly distance themselves from Feng Zichen, Kun Peng said.

At the same time, he was also secretly guessing, could it be that the Taoist Nuwa handed over the pictures of the mountain and river to Feng Zichen. Otherwise, he came so confident.

"Friend Kunpeng, do you think you can stop me by yourself?"

Seeing that Kunpeng oil and salt did not enter, Feng Zichen couldn't help being a little annoyed, and determined to use it strong, drag him to the chaos outside the sky, and repair it well.

"Haha, Daoist Zichen is a great Daoist, and of course you can't stop Daoist by being a poor person."

"No, the helper of the poor is here."

Shaking his head and smiling, he saw Kun Peng looking at the Lunar Star in the starry sky.

There, the lunar moonlight scattered, gradually condensing in the void, forming a beautiful figure, it is Tianhou Xihe.

"Xihe, I have met fellow Daoists!"

Xihe appeared, and went to see Lidao.

"Friends of Taoism are polite!"

Feng Zichen's forehead is a return.

Feng Zichen couldn't help being a little wary when he saw that the person was Xihe.

Xihe is different from his great supernatural powers. He is the queen of heaven and earth recognized by heaven and earth, and is the most noble woman in the primordial world. He has the power of rank and power in the world. It's not easy to deal with!

And when he was vigilant against Xihe in the wind and the dark, he did not find that in the Humane Imperial Court, in his bedroom, with the arrival of Xihe, Chang'e's body had undergone inexplicable changes, and there was a kind of power slowly recovering.

As for Xihe, nothing was found.

The imperial court of humanity is part of the innate treasure, and it is also the carrier of humanity. It has unlimited power and isolation of breath is the most basic operation. The saint is here, as long as you don't look inside and stand outside, you won't be able to find the slightest abnormality.

"Do the two fellow Taoists really want to stop me?"

After thinking about it for a while, Feng Zichen decided to play one game first.

Whether it's strong or not, you won't know until you have fought.

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