Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 458: Yaozu retreat

These are the heritage of the human race.

They may not be very strong before they are alive.

But under the blessing of the human luck, the immortal dragon city, and the incense aspiration power, it was enough to make them burst out of fighting power no less than the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Therefore, with their help, there will be no more suspense in this monster war. It didn't take long for the Sky Demon Formation to be broken by the Immortal Dragon City and crashed to pieces.

The sky demon formation was broken, and the demon clan army that was closely connected with it was suddenly backlashed, each of them languished, and their strength plummeted.

On the contrary, it is the human master.

Without the restraint of the Heavenly Demon Great Array, Immortal Dragon City could also free up its hands to deal with the demon army.

In this way, the monster army is no longer an opponent of human masters. In just a few years, they were completely defeated by the human masters.

"This Great Wall is weird. We cannot contend with it. Retreat quickly!"

The leader of the monster army is not a fool. He can't do anything when he sees things, and of course he won't stay here to fight the human race. With a move in his heart, he planned to lead the army to retreat.

But Immortal Dragon City blocked the void, and the surrounding space had become a huge cage, and Xu Jin was not allowed to leave. Without the consent of Immortal Dragon City, how could they come and leave when they wanted to?

As soon as the leader of the monster army wanted to leave, he realized that something was wrong, and he couldn't find the way to leave. Looking around, there are empty battlefields all around, where can I find the way when they came.

Above the Immortal Dragon City, it has become a small world independent of the prehistoric. Unless they break the Immortal Dragon City, otherwise, they will definitely not be able to leave here.

"Bump! Touch! Touch!"

Just as the leader of the monster clan army was looking for a way to escape from Dragon City, he heard a loud noise, and dozens of monster clan fighters were blown up by human masters, completely dead and souls destroyed.


"Human race, you **** it!"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the leader of the monster tribe army were red, grabbing the big knife in his hand, and killing the nearby human tribe master.

The Yaozu respects the strong, and the one who can become the leader must be the strongest in this army. Correspondingly, his equipment is also the best.

He suddenly broke out, and within a few breaths, several human masters were severely injured by him and completely lost their combat effectiveness. This is still the timely rescue of the Immortal Dragon City, otherwise, these people are afraid that they will be directly bombarded and killed by the angry leader of the monster race.


The dragon soul shook and descended in person, fighting with the leader of the monster army.

At the same time, there are two half-step Da Luo level human race masters, get rid of the enemy, and kill the monster leader together.

Half-step Daluo Jinxian-level characters are placed in the human race, they are the real high-level, and they will definitely not exceed a hundred. Therefore, the magic weapons in their hands are all acquired treasures, not inferior to those of the head of the monster race.

The Yaozu is rich and can manpower an acquired spirit treasure. Although Feng Zichen couldn't compare with it, he was a half-step Da Luo-level tribe, and everyone could do it with an acquired treasure.

After all, there are not many such masters in the human race.

"It's over,"

"It's all over!"

After a fight, the leader of the monster clan army gradually calmed down. Yu Guang glanced at it, and when he saw the corpses of the Monster Race all over the floor, his heart was cold.

He knew that he was finished.

Even if he can leave this place alive, the Yaozu will not let him go.

As the leader of so many people died, whether it was his fault or not, he could not shirk the blame.

The only thing waiting for him is dead!

"Brothers, I'll make a way for you, go!"

"Remember, take revenge for me!"

Knowing that he has no chance to survive, the leader of the monster army has a deadly ambition. He wanted to open a way for other monster warriors by his own death.

At the moment, he roared and used forbidden techniques at any cost to burn his soul to increase his strength.

In an instant, the strength of the leader of the monster clan army skyrocketed more than ten times.

He was originally a half-step Da Luo Jinxian, his aura became stronger, and the void looming around him formed the embryonic form of a Dao Realm.

Tao domain,

What I stand for is the realm of Tao.

This is one of the symbols of Da Luo Jinxian!

The leader of the monster army, with the help of the forbidden technique, although he has condensed into a real Dao realm, he also has a rudimentary shape.

This means that his power is already infinitely close to Da Luo Jinxian.

A powerful and terrifying aura erupted from the leader of the monster army, and in an instant, the dragon soul and the human masters who besieged him were forced to retreat.

"Drive me!"

The head of the monster race urged the acquired treasure in his hand to blast towards the void. Under the blockade of the Immortal Dragon City, a space channel was opened.

The acquired treasure, the ultimate acquired magic weapon, can theoretically be comparable to the innate spirit treasure. With the full force of the current leader of the demon race, the power that erupts is no less than that of the Daluo Jinxian.

So powerful,

Destroying the Immortal Dragon City cannot be done,

But it is not difficult to break the blockade of the Immortal Dragon City.


With a loud roar, the demon leader used his last strength to kill the human masters to gain time for his tribe to escape.


"The Yaozu will definitely avenge you."

Seeing the escape passage opened for them by their generals with their lives, the demons were moved in their hearts, but their movements were not slow, and they rushed towards the passage.

Although people go,

But the voice came from far away.

Fortunately, they are very self-aware, knowing that with their own power, they cannot avenge themselves in this life, and they put their hope on the monster race.

"Damn it!"

The Terran master was restrained by the head of the Monster Race, unable to step forward to stop him, and could only watch the Monster Race army fleeing, furiously cursing.

"Ha ha!"

"Swear it!"

"While there is still a chance, let's scold as much as you want!"

"From now on, there will be no chance."

"You and others, killed so many soldiers of my monster race, no one can save you from heaven and earth."

"It won't be long before the entire human race will be buried for me."

Amid the laughter, the leader of the monster tribe army was completely turned into ashes, and the innate true spirit also returned to the embrace of heaven and earth.

Burning the soul, the most thorough method of death, even the chance of reincarnation is gone.

"Also a hero!"

A Terran master said silently.

Then there was a moment of silence.

Today, if they lose, the demon tribe army's fate is their fate.

Perhaps it will be even worse!

After a while of silence, the human masters present seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly became excited.

The war is won,

The first thing to do is to clean the battlefield of course!

There are quite a few treasures on the Yaozu.

At the very least, he is richer than them.

Not to mention the acquired spirit treasures on them, but they themselves are all treasures. What kind of scales, feathers, fur, bones, blood... and so on, they are all treasures.

Whether it is alchemy, refining, or formation, it can be used.

Yaozu, all of them are treasures!

Just do it if you think about it, and a group of people immediately started cleaning the battlefield.

As for the monster warriors who fled, they did not chase them either.

It doesn't make sense at all.

Secondly, who knows if this is a trap!

Don't as soon as they chased them out, a group of demons rushed out and rounded them up.

That would be miserable.

This group of monster races is very weak and unreasonable. It is most likely a trap, so I have to guard against it.

On the other side, the monster army did not dare to stay for fear of the human masters chasing them, and fled directly to the heavens.

At this point, the first battle of the **** ended with an overwhelming victory by the human race. Terran did not even use the Chaos Array, which can be said to be an overwhelming victory.

After leaving 6,000 corpses, the Yaozu fled back to the heavens in a hurry. It can be said to be thrown into the face of the Yaozu.




"This battle is over."

"Next, the most difficult test of Human Race is coming."

Humane imperial court,

People's Palace,

Feng Zichen looked inexplicable.

Even though the Human Race killed the Demon Race army defeated, he did not show any joy.

Because he knew that at the moment, the Yaozu did not pay attention to the human race.

Therefore, the army sent is not an elite, and it can't represent the strength of the Yaozu at all.

But now, the monster army is frustrated in the human race, and even suffered heavy losses. Ten thousand troops went aggressively to the wild land to destroy the human race, but instead of destroying the human race, they were killed and defeated.

Ten thousand army ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ only more than three thousand people fled back.

Feng Zichen could already imagine how angry the Yaozu seniors would look when they learned of this.

The Yaozu's majesty is absolutely not to be offended.

Therefore, next time, the human race will face the elite of the monster race.

Perhaps, there will be a big Luo Jinxian shot.

At that time, could the human race really block the demon race?

At this time, the Wu Clan couldn't give the Human Clan much help.

Emperor Jun Taiyi was in retreat, and the ancestors were not idle. Before Emperor Jun Taiyi was in retreat, they were already in retreat.

When the Hou Tu body was transformed into reincarnation, he was baptized with the power of the Great Dao, and all his body was washed away, causing his Pangu bloodline to change and become extremely pure.

Yin Yin is better than the rest of the ancestral witches.

Because of this, the bloodline among the twelve ancestors and witches no longer fits together, and the trump card of the twelve ancestors, the twelve capital gods, cannot be deployed.

Therefore, the ancestral witches closed their doors.

In the future, the essence and blood left before the reincarnation of the soil, combined with the power of the other eleven ancestral witches, will create another ancestral witch in the witch way, so that all the twelve capitals will form a large formation of the gods.

This kind of thing is related to the rise and fall of the witch clan, and the ancestor witches must treat it with caution. It is not a major matter concerning the survival of the Witch clan, and it will never go out.

Therefore, Ancestral Witch can't help Human Race anymore.

After all, the rise and fall of the human race is comparable to the rise and fall of the witch race?

In the eyes of the ancestor witch, no matter how good the relationship between the human race and the witch race is, it is also an outsider.

The entire human race, except Feng Zichen, had no existence that they valued.

Can help the human race,

Only the allies are the innate five races.

But if the five innate clans were added together, they would not be the opponent of the monster clan.

What's more, it is impossible for them to use the power of the whole clan to fight to death with the demon clan for the sake of the human race.

People of the same race cannot work together to defend against foreign enemies, let alone different races.

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