Flooded Star Road

Vol 3 Chapter 454: Selection

Among them, there are two supreme avenues of immortality and magic.

But the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds are different.

Each of the Great Thousand Worlds corresponds to a Chaos Demon God, which is the embodiment of their Tao.

This is the world that Dadao can't bear to lose the inheritance of the Chaos Demon God, and it has evolved specially.

Of course, this is also the back hand left by Dadao for the resurrection of the Chaos Demon God.

After these worlds derive to a certain extent, the Chaos Demon God can return on this basis, and can save countless years of recovery, and return to its peak state in one step.

It may even go further.

After all, it is the son of the Dao, the most noble existence in the chaos, with its own Dao shelter. How could Dadao watch them fall, and it would definitely arrange a way out for them.

In other words, this plan is still the inspiration of Dadao from Pangu's pioneering prehistoric.

Pangu opened up a prehistoric world, confirmed his own avenue, in order to break through to a higher realm.

Dadao saw this, and his backhand was a plagiarism, applying this method to the Chaos Demon God, leaving a way for them.

I have to say that the avenue is real!

It's just that the Chaos Demon God has fallen, and most of its origin has been swallowed by the primordial world, becoming the food for Pangu's promotion. Only a part of the original evolutionary world is left, the potential is really limited, and it is far from reaching the achievements of the prehistoric world.


Chaos Demon God may be able to recover from this,

But it will never achieve Pangu's achievements.

The congenital conditions are too bad!

Moreover, the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds were born on the way of the Chaos Demon God, with relatively single attributes, and the resulting civilization is relatively monotonous, far less brilliant and glorious than the prehistoric world.

Of course, being single also has a single benefit.

At the end of a road, the cultivation civilization that was born is also unique.

The Western myths and legends that Feng Zichen heard in later generations, such as magic, vindictiveness, angels, Mount Olympus, etc., all originated from these great worlds.

There are three thousand worlds, three thousand different ways, countless cultivation civilizations, and all kinds of strange races, each with its own characteristics. It can be said that only you can't think of, there is nothing you can't find.

Among them, there are many worlds that resemble the primordial world, so that the projection of the primordial land is general, but the strength is countless times weaker, and it is unusually miraculous.


Withdrawing his thoughts, Feng Zichen used his supernatural powers to ignite the fire of Yin and Yang, and took out the chaotic stones found from the great chaos outside the realm, and refined them into ancient portals that merged with the void passages floating in front of him.

In a blink of an eye, several years passed, and three thousand ancient and profound portals stood in front of Feng Zichen.

This is the gate!

As the name suggests,

This is the gateway to the great world.

Void channels are not stable after all, it is safer to turn them into reality.

Moreover, refining into a portal is equivalent to locking the position of the Great Thousand World, which is of no use now. But when the Big Thousand World opens up in the future, this will be more useful, which is equivalent to taking advantage of the opportunity ahead of time.

Step by step, step by step!

There are many benefits here.


Feng Zichen flicked his sleeves, and the void shuddered, and a turbulent flow of void emerged, engulfing three thousand gates, and came to a top cave.

It is Zichen Cave Sky!


A block of gates descended from the sky, fell into the Zichen Cave, hidden in the void and disappeared.

The passage to the three thousand great worlds is ready, but choosing who to enter it has always made Feng Zichen a headache.

Whoever chooses is unfair!

Originally, he planned to choose Human Race Tianjiao to enter the Great Thousand World. After all, the better the talent, the greater the achievement.

Choosing Tianjiao to enter it is also relatively safe.

Although this move is unfair, the world is like this, there is no fairness at all.

Besides, it is customary to treat people with good talents preferentially. This is true of all races, and it is not unfair.

Failure to do so will appear to be problematic.

However, when things came to an end, Feng Zichen changed his mind.

Is the Tianjiao that he thinks is still Tianjiao after leaving Honghuang?

Besides, after going to the Great Thousand World, is it possible for Tianjiao, a predecessor to become unaccustomed?

Of course, these are all thoughts of Feng Zichen, and it is still unclear whether they are true or not.

What really made him change his mind was that he suddenly thought of a problem.

The reason why Tianjiao is Tianjiao, in addition to extraordinary talent, there is also amazing luck.

What is Tianjiao?

The proud son of heaven!

This kind of people is born with admiration, with extraordinary talents, and even more enviable luck.

Things such as going out to meet treasures and being in auspicious circumstances are for others a rare adventure in thousands of years, but for the proud son of heaven, they are commonplace.

Otherwise, how can you be worthy of the title of the Proud Son of Heaven?

The problem lies here.

The luck on them was given by the prehistoric world, but if they leave the prehistoric world and head to the great world, who knows if this luck is still there.

If there is, then everyone is happy.

If not, isn't it going to find death?

For the Great Thousand World, they are outsiders and will inevitably be targeted by the will of heaven and earth. If there is no luck, the degree of danger can be imagined.

Although the Great Thousand Worlds share the same origins as the primordial world, the air fortune is theoretically interlinked. But right now, isn't the three thousand great worlds not connected with the prehistoric? One by one is a self-contained system, and may not recognize the great luck.


to be honest,

Tianjiao is just a ray of will of heaven and earth, and it may be promising to put it in a small place, but looking at the entire predicament, it is really nothing.

Because the protagonist of this world is always the innate gods and demons, and this is the existence that is truly favored by the heavens.

No matter how strong Tianjiao is, it cannot be compared with innate gods and demons.

If the innate gods and demons go to the Great Thousand Worlds, they will definitely be protected by the heavens, but Tianjiao, it may not be.

You have to wait until the passage between the Great Thousand World and the Great Thousand Worlds is completely opened and connected to each other, so that Tianjiao can enjoy the same treatment as the Great Thousand Worlds in the Great Thousand World.

Just thinking of this, Feng Zichen hesitated, and he planned to change the selection method.

He moved the three thousand world gates into the Zichen Cave Sky, hidden into the void, and let all the monks of the tribe who had not become golden immortals to search for them.

In this way, everyone is fair by chance.

Moreover, there is another advantage of choosing this way, that is, the Great Thousand World they choose must be the most compatible with it, and there are hidden opportunities waiting for them.

Otherwise, they would not find the corresponding Great Thousand World.

"Everything is ready, you can start!"

With a thought in his heart, Feng Zichen's spiritual thoughts surged out, covering the entire human territory.

In the next moment, all the monks who had not become golden immortals in the human race disappeared in place, and were dragged into an unknown void by Feng Zichen.

Dao Zun is so strong!

"where is this place?"

After returning to their senses, everyone found that the environment around them had changed drastically, as if they were in a mysterious void, and they couldn't help feeling panic.

Looking at it again, the faces around are all familiar human races, which makes them even more frightened.

Who can take them all silently in the territories of the human race?

It's impossible,

Was it the great supernatural powers of the Yaozu who made the move?

A series of negative emotions such as doubt, fear, tension, and anxiety spread in the hearts of everyone.

She was timid, already trembling all over, she couldn't stop sweating. What's more, he knelt down on the ground and made a begging for mercy, and he was thrown into the face of the human race.

Of course, there were also some who performed well. After the initial confusion and panic, they immediately calmed down and looked around in secret to find a chance to escape.

This is a manufacturable material!

Feng Zichen did not show up, but stared at all this with cold eyes.

Seeing the nervous, his face was expressionless;

Seeing the one kneeling down and begging for mercy, he looked disgusted;

Seeing the calm analysis, he nodded secretly, very satisfied in his heart.

But for a moment, he watched all the performances of everyone present.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he sent back the tribes who were nervous in their hearts.

If you want to become a strong person, you must have a strong Taoist heart. If not, no matter how talented you are, your achievements will be limited.

Obviously, these people were unqualified and were screened by Feng Zichen.

After all, the monks below the Golden Fairy Realm of Human Race, UU read too much www.uukānshu.com.

As many as Zichen Cave can't hold it.

If we don't eliminate a batch in advance and let them try batch by batch, I don't know how much time will be delayed.

After that, Feng Zichen waved his hand again and sent the clansmen who were kneeling to beg for mercy to the hunting team as their last chance.

In order to sharpen the tribe, Feng Zichen attracted many fierce beasts in the territories of the human race. Human race is now facing the catastrophe of genocide, in order to seek stability, all unstable factors must be wiped out.

This fierce beast, naturally, can't stay.

Everyone will make mistakes. This time Feng Zichen chose to forgive them, but he couldn't make them feel better.

Hunting fierce beasts is their punishment.

Feng Zichen had already ordered that no one was allowed to help them, let them hunt the beasts on their own.

If they can survive, then they will become a qualified Terran warrior.

If you can't survive, you can only blame them for their bad lives.

What fortune does it do?

"You guys are all good!"

After flipping his hands, Feng Zichen said to the rest of the crowd after sending off the two groups of people.

At this time, those who can still stay here are those with a firm Dao heart and an extraordinary mind.

Suddenly in danger, will not panic, but can quickly calm down. Such a person can live a long time in troubled times.

This is why Feng Zichen left them behind.

"I have seen your Majesty!"

The familiar voice sounded, so that everyone present instantly recognized the origin of the speaker, and hurriedly saluted.

The emperor,

The supreme ruler of the human race!

"Don't be polite!"

"Calling you today is an opportunity to give you."

Reaching out to support the crowd, Feng Zichen glanced at the crowd and said faintly.

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