Flooded Star Road

Chapter 447: Emperor Jun with Flawless Dao Heart (Six Thousand)

Use it to restore the cultivation base, it will be beneficial without any harm.


   is a little extravagant!


   However, for the current Chang'e, restoring the cultivation base is the most important thing. It is more luxurious and nothing.




   After reaching the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, the innate true spirit in Chang'e is awakening, and the power that belongs to Wang Shu begins to recover, trying to break through the seal set by Di Jun and others, and descend into the world again.


   It's a pity that the seal to suppress Wangshu's innate immortal spirit was set by the three of Emperor Jun Fuxi Wangshu.


  How strong are these three gods?


   There are only a few people who can compare with the past and the present. The seal they put together together cannot be broken by non-saints.


   And Chang'e's current strength, but how can he break it when he first reaches the realm of Da Luo?


   Therefore, the power that belonged to Wang Shu, as soon as there was a sign of recovery, had no power to resist. It was suppressed by the seal left by Di Jun and others, and continued to lurch, waiting for the next recovery.


"who is it?"


   At the moment when the marriage was accomplished, in the palace of the sky above that day, Emperor Jun was furious, and his majestic spirit surged out, sweeping the entire predicament.


   Three marriages, explain the secrets of heaven and earth, describe the harmony of yin and yang, the good fortune of all souls.


   Yin and Yang combine to produce and transform, and then reproduce all things, bringing endless vitality to the prehistoric world.


  This is the meaning of endless good fortune.


   Those who can meet the three marriages are all the people who are clocked by the heaven and the earth, and they have the posture of the emperor. Otherwise, why are you qualified to explain the good fortune of yin and yang on behalf of the world?


   Just like his emperor, as the emperor of heaven, he can be married in accordance with the law of heaven.


   The adult married person must be a human being, the lord of all souls, who can shake his position as the emperor of heaven.


  So, how can Emperor Jun not be angry?


   The emperor of heaven was angry, and the heavens and the earth changed!


   At this moment, the world suddenly became extremely depressed, and there was a sense of killing.


   All the creatures in the predecessor have an inexplicable sense of fear in their hearts at the same time, as if facing a terrifying demon, unbearable pressure hits their hearts, and people can't stop shaking.




   Dijun’s divine consciousness fell from the nine heavens, and his unparalleled power exploded, distorting time and space, and even interfering with the movement of heaven and earth.


   In all the places that can not be seen, Di Jun's spirit seems to transcend time and space, standing at the end of time and space, overlooking the changes of time.


   In a trance, time stopped at this moment, and at this moment, everything that happened in the great land was clearly reflected in Di Jun's mind.


   "Feng Zichen!"


   "You are looking for death, do you know?"


   In the middle of his thoughts, Di Jun found the source of everything-Human Race Feng Zichen.


   The next moment, the boundless murderous intent gushes from Di Jun, shatters the boundless void, and rushes towards Feng Zichen.




   On the shore of the East China Sea, the enchantment that Nuwa set up to protect the human race, under the power of Emperor Jun, seemed to be completely useless at this moment.


   The boundless killing intent directly ignored the Nuwa enchantment and enveloped everyone at the wedding scene.


"very scary!"


   "What a terrifying murderous intent."


   "What happened to this suffocating feeling?"


   In an instant, everyone felt the surrounding temperature drop rapidly, like an ice cellar. It was a chill from the soul, which caused a great fear, and the shadow of death enveloped the heart.


   Fortunately, the Nuwa enchantment seems useless, but in fact it is still a bit useful. That Dijun's killing intent, after passing through the Chaos Nuwa enchantment, the strength has been weakened by layers, and it is no longer as good as before.


   Otherwise, everyone present, except for Da Luo Jinxian, no one can live, they will all be obliterated by Di Jun's killing intent. How could it be like now, except for feeling fear, nothing unusual.


   Emperor Jun, he is so powerful.




   Feeling the abnormal changes around him, Feng Zichen couldn't help but snorted, and the invisible force burst out, shaking the void, forming ripples, shattering Dijun's killing intent.


   Although Emperor Jun was strong, he wanted to kill Feng Zichen with only a killing intent, which was impossible. Don't say it's him, even a saint can't do it.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen easily smashed Di Jun's killing intent.


   "Your Majesty, what does this mean?"


   After finishing all this, Feng Zichen asked in a deep voice.


  Di Jun is the emperor proclaimed by Taoist ancestors, and has been recognized by the heaven. Feng Zichen is no exception.


   Above the coast of the East China Sea, the phantom of Emperor Jun appeared silently, staring at Feng Zichen coldly, without speaking for a while.


   Finally, I just listened to him silently saying:


   "You are fine!"


   "The ancestor of the wild sword, the wizard of the witch tribe, the master of Pangu Dadao, the ancestor of the Emperor Zichen of the human tribe."


   "The widow admits that it was the widow who underestimated you before. I didn't expect you to make such a big disturbance, and there is a faint tendency to shake the widow's status."


   "But in the future, the widows will no longer."


   "You succeeded in attracting the attention of few people."




   After finishing speaking, Di Jun did not make a move, but withdrew his spiritual thoughts. This made Feng Zichen, who was secretly vigilant, let out a long sigh of relief.


to be honest,


   He is not at all Di Jun’s opponent.


   Although he is the Dao Zun, Da Luo Jinxian is invincible, but the realm of Emperor Jun is a half-step Hunyuan. He has already transcended the category of Da Luo Jinxian, has mastered incredible power, can subvert cognition, and distort concepts.


   Don't underestimate this half-step, this is the gap between heaven and earth, this is an insurmountable gap. One is to preach the Dao, which is confirmed by the Dao. One is enlightenment, which is Tao in itself.


   Strength is not the same.


   The reason why Emperor Jun did not make a move today, Feng Zichen can probably guess.


   It's not that he was not sure to kill himself, but that he didn't have the courage to fight a full-scale war with the Witch Clan. I don't want to offend the Nuwa behind myself too much.


   After all, Feng Zichen is also a wizard of the Witch Clan, and Nuwa is on the facade of the prehistoric. If Emperor Jun shot him, the 12th Ancestor Witch would not sit idly by, and Nuwa would not sit idly by either.


   In this way, the scope of the impact will be wider, maybe, it will detonate the Lich Battle in advance.


   And this kind of thing, Emperor Jun will never allow it to happen. The monster clan is not ready for a full-scale war with the witch clan.


  Also, even if it can win, the price will not be affordable by the current monster race.


   Thinking of this, Emperor Jun retired and did not kill Feng Zichen.


   Do not kill today, for a better future!


  Wait for the monster tribe to defeat the witch tribe, and a mere Dao Zun, what's the matter?






  Dijun's retreat not only let Feng Zichen breathe a sigh of relief, but also made everyone present sigh of relief, as if the huge boulder hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground.


   The pressure that Emperor Jun puts on them is too great.


   The feeling of involuntary life and death is even more unforgettable.


   Speaking of it, most of the people present have grown up listening to the legend of Emperor Jun. They have lived under his majesty since childhood, and fear of him is inevitable.


   "The Emperor of Heaven, it is still so terrible!"


   At this moment, not only the people at the wedding scene, but also the endless beings, once again felt the power of the Emperor.


   After all, Di Jun shot, killing intent was earth-shattering, and the entire prehistoric land was shocked. Countless creatures shook under his majesty, shivering.


   The scene is too terrifying!


  Who can't be afraid?


   Since the birth of the sixth Christmas, the majesty of the emperor has been deteriorating, so that many new generations of characters have less and more disregarding the emperor, thinking that in the prehistoric times, the saint is the greatest.


   But today, Di Jun used his invincible strength to tell the world clearly:


   This great wilderness is still His world!


   Even if the saint resides in the world, he cannot shake his position.




   "Your Majesty, invincible!"




   The Seventy-two Halls of the Sixth Courtyard of Sannomiya,


   and Zhoutian stars, billions of little stars.


   Above that, the monster race that lived in it, after feeling the majesty of Emperor Jun, suddenly uttered the most pious cry.


  Dijun, that’s their belief!


   Although they didn't know why Emperor Jun was angry, it didn't prevent them from expressing the excitement in their hearts.


As soon as    shot, it suppressed the entire prehistoric land.


   With such a powerful strength, how many people can rival in this world?


   They are Wei Dijun's powerful and cheering.


   "Your Majesty, invincible!"


   "Your Majesty, invincible!"




   In the beginning, this call only spread in the heavens and in the stars.


   As the call spreads, it spreads wider and wider, and the sound is getting louder and louder, gradually connecting into one piece, resounding across the entire starry sky.


   then spread out from the starry sky, resounding loudly over the wild land, resounding in the ears of all living beings.


   "The Emperor of Heaven!"


   Suddenly, in the hearts of all living beings, there seemed to be a majestic image of the emperor, extremely domineering, extremely precious, and shocking people's hearts.


   The ancient memories are resurrecting, and the scene of the emperor's coercion and predominance in the past reappears in the hearts of sentient beings, so that they can understand.


   This prehistoric is still the prehistoric!


   Lich is the real master of heaven and earth. It has always been, and it has never changed. Even if the saints were born, they could not change this, and they had not shaken their rule.


   I have to say that although Di Jun's shot this time has not solved the trouble of Diaofeng Zichen, it has really shocked all living beings, making them feel the majesty of the heavens again, and put away the thoughts they shouldn't have.




   Although Dijun left, the atmosphere of the wedding scene is no longer able to return to the cheerful atmosphere before.


   After all, Feng Zichen has offended the Emperor!


   For a while, the hearts of everyone present fluctuated. Except for the hard-core allies of the human race, many people gave birth to the intention to leave.


   The human race has grown stronger over the years.


   Therefore, Feng Zichen got married. In addition to the allies of the human race, many other races also sent people to congratulate him.


  According to their original intentions, they just came to congratulate them, but such a huge change happened on the scene.


   This is uncomfortable.


  If the emperor remembered them, he thought they were allies with the human race, and if he killed them easily, it would be bad.




  Extremely regretful!


   Knowing that the emperor and the emperor had an enmity long ago, they would not come to join in the fun.

   Their relationship with the human race is not so good that they live and die together.




   "The Human Race has its own Nuwa Empress as shelter. Although the Emperor of Heaven is strong, the Empress is not weak. After all, he has to worry about the face of the Empress, not too much."


   Seeing everyone's expressions, Feng Zichen naturally guessed their thoughts, and couldn't help standing up and saying loudly.


"Yeah yeah!"


   "Not to mention that the Empress Nuwa is a saint, even when the demon clan was first established, the empress was also the demon emperor, and the same respect as your majesty, the emperor will not do too much."


   Everyone thought about it again, and felt that it was the same reason. Otherwise, why would the emperor retreat and just pinch the emperor to death?


   Thinking like this, they put their hearts back in their stomachs and continued to drink and have fun.


   If Feng Zichen talked about other saints, everyone might not be so polite.


   But Nüwa is different. In order to expand the influence of the demon clan, Emperor Jun specially invited the two brothers and sisters of Nüwa Fuxi to join the demon clan and respect them together.


   Known as the four emperors of the demon clan in history!


After   , the heaven was founded, and Fuxi worried that the place of entanglement like heaven would drag Nuwa and make it impossible to sanctify.


   Therefore, Fuxi stepped forward and used his supernatural powers to attribute all the cause and effect between Nuwa and the monster race to himself.


   allows Nuwa to get out, completely cut off the relationship with the Yaozu, and can be assured of sanctification.


   However, although Nuwa is separated from the monster clan, she still has a lot of influence on the monster clan, and Fuxi is still in the monster clan...


   It can be said that Nuwa is still one of the overlords of the Yaozu, and has great power in the Yaozu.


  The Demon Refining Pot is in Nuwa's hands.


   I'm not obedient, do you want to go in and try?


  Of course, this is because Emperor Jun is not involved, and he still respects Nuwa very much.


   But if the foundation of Emperor Jun is moved, let alone Nuwa, even Fuxi will not work. He should or will do it.


   Just like just now, the coast of the East China Sea was shrouded by the Nüwa enchantment. If Emperor Jun really took care of the Nüwa, how could he act brazenly?




   Nuwa's face,


   In Dijun's place, it may not be too useful.


   However, Dijun knew this, Nuwa knew it, Feng Zichen also knew it, but the group of guests below didn't know it.


   This does not prevent Feng Zichen from fooling them.


   Feng Zichen is also very helpless!


   Today is a day of his great joy. If the wedding is halfway through and everyone is gone, then his face today will be greatly ashamed.


   In desperation, Feng Zichen had no choice but to make this tactic and kept everyone behind.


   At this moment, even if someone sees what is going on, they will not leave.


   Because Feng Zichen's words have another important meaning: if you dare not offend Emperor Jun, do you dare to offend Nuwa?


   Therefore, staying and attending the wedding with peace of mind is the best policy.




   "The innate gods and demons bred by the origin of good fortune!"


   "This Pangu Zichen family is also lucky. It's enviable to find such a woman as a husband and wife!"


   In the void, ancient divine thoughts are colliding and communicating.


   These are the great supernatural powers!


   Whether it is the appearance of marriage or Dijun’s shot, it is worthy of their attention.


   Therefore, after Emperor Jun stopped his hand, they deliberately cast a ray of eyes to observe the protagonist of this incident in secret.


   Feng Zichen, of course they are not unfamiliar.


   And Chang'e, it shocked them.


   This is another innate **** and demon that has never appeared before, and it is also an innate **** and demon born from the origin of good fortune.


   is really weird!


   Although there are many innate gods and demons in the predicament, they refer to ordinary innate gods and demons, similar to the top innate gods and demons like Kunpeng Zhen Yuanzi, and the number is still very rare.


   Innate gods and demons with such aptitudes, every time they appear, they are worthy of attention, and the future may not be comparable to them.


   "Fortunately, Niu Wa Niang Niang made preparations in advance, otherwise it would be dangerous today."


   Feeling the gaze focused on the two of them, Feng Zichen frowned, but she couldn't help but secretly rejoice.


   A long time ago, Nuwa had anticipated the situation as it is today. She deliberately worked on Chang'e's body to conceal Chang'e's true identity.


   Otherwise, Chang'e's true identity can never be hidden from the eyes of these old guys.


   Then, Feng Zichen is in big trouble.


   Taking an innate **** and demon with good fortune attributes and marrying an ancient moon **** with a queen fate are obviously two different concepts.


   No matter how forbearing Dijun is, he probably can't tolerate him anymore.


   Fortunately, Nuwa has a deep understanding of good fortune, which can be called the first in the world. He personally took the initiative to cover Chang'e, almost using falsehood and realness, and that the predecessor can see through, no more than three people.


It is true that Nuwa and Fuxi were born by adhering to the innate yin and yang, but they each broke their own boundaries and walked out of their own way. amazing.


   This is one of the reasons why Feng Zichen firmly believes that Nuwa is not easy.


   Everyone in the world said that although Nuwa was the first enlightened among the six sages, because he relied too much on merit, his strength was actually the weakest among the sages.


   From Feng Zichen's point of view, this is undoubtedly very funny.


   Not to mention, among the six sages, which one does not rely on merit to become a Taoist, it is enough to say that Nuwa walked out of her own way early, which is enough to witness his extraordinary.


   If you look down on Him, you will pay the price in the end.


  The merits gained from creating human beings are merits, but the merits gained through teaching are not merits?


  The six sages of the wild, all rely on merit to become sacred, without exception!


   Among them, Nuwa was even more holy by complementing humanity, so she received the humane empowerment. Its foundation is far from comparable to those of the five saints.


  In the predicament, only Hongjun Daozu who had received the heavenly initiation and Houtu Niangniang who received the authentic initiation can compare with them.


  Nuwa's strength, among the saints, is absolutely first-class, far from being as simple as it seems on the surface.






   The sun star, the temple of the sun.


   Dijun who came back here, no matter how hard he was to suppress the anger in his heart, couldn't help but shout loudly.




   "What a jerk!"


   Here is the birthplace of Emperor Jun and Taiyi, the ancestral land of the Jinwu clan, and the supreme holy land of the monster clan, and few outsiders can set foot.


   Therefore, it is only here that Emperor Jun can yell and vent his anger in disregard of his image, so he does not have to worry about being discovered by outsiders and damaging the emperor's majesty.


   "Brother, why be so angry."


   "Although Feng Zichen said that his status was noble, he could only be left and right by a large Luo Jinxian. It was invincible in this realm, and that was also a large Luo Jinxian."


   "As long as it does not exceed this category, then he is a slightly larger ant for the two brothers."


   "Till you and my brothers, take that crucial step, no matter what sword ancestor, Dao Zun, you can perish with just one click."


   "Why don't you take it to your heart!"


   On the other side, after Emperor Jun vented his anger, Taiyi stepped forward and persuaded him.


   In his words, Feng Zichen didn't even take Feng Zichen to heart. As if he was not talking about the great supernatural powers in the prehistoric, but some other ants.


   However, he is Taiyi, the top powerhouse of the prehistoric, the true first person of the monster race, and he is stronger than the emperor Jun Fuxi.


   Others have no right to despise Feng Zichen, he has!


   Although his cultivation base did not reach the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his strength had already reached this level. Daluo Jinxian was indeed not much different from the ants before him.


  Only a strong person who is half-step Hunyuan can be worthy of his exposure.


   Feng Zichen, as a Daoist Lord, is naturally an extremely powerful existence in the eyes of Da Luo Jinxian, but in the eyes of the overlord of Half Step Hunyuan, that's what happened.


   If you don't personally touch the realm of Hunyuan Dao realm, you will never know how powerful that realm is. It is Tao, reason, and Dharma in itself. It has endless power and contains everything.


   The current prehistoric, after all, is different from the prehistoric in Feng Zichen's memory, and the overall strength has advanced by a level. The quasi-sage Dzogchen is no longer the peak under the saint.


   Above them, there is still a half-step Hunyuan existence. This is the current peak of Honghuang.


   But, maybe it won’t be long before the half-step Hunyuan will be eliminated. Because Di Jun Taiyi, Di Jiang, these leaders of the Lich Clan are about to take the final half step and cultivate into a Hunyuan Dao realm comparable to the saints.


   At that time, the saying that the saint is invincible has really become a legend.




   Originally, Feng Zichen should be the strongest existence under the saint after he cultivated into Dao Zun.


   Under his show control, Hong Huang’s strength has been promoted as a whole. This led to his strength, but he was far from being invincible, and he was still suppressed.


   Good luck makes people, nothing more than that!


   "Second brother, you don't understand!"


   shook his head, Di Jun replied.


"I do not understand?"


   "I don't understand again!"


   "Or the eldest brother is worried ~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ He will be one step ahead of our brothers and become the Golden Fairy of Hunyuan Daluo before us?"


   Seeing that Emperor Jun was like this, Tai Yi was really sad. Since the fall of the Nine Golden Crows, Emperor Jun's invincible Dao Heart has been flawed, and he no longer has the previous majestic strategy.


   Therefore, when he spoke, he couldn't help but bring a bit of agitation, trying to reawaken Di Jun's ambition.


   Sure enough, although the method of stimulating generals is simple, it is extremely useful. After listening to Taiyi’s stimulating generals, Di Jun couldn't help but wink his eyes and said in a deep voice:




   "Will a widowed person be afraid?"


   "If it weren't for the Witch Clan and Nuwa Daoists, I could kill him with just one finger."


   seems to be very dissatisfied with Taiyi's words, Di Jun's tone inevitably carries a trace of dissatisfaction, and the aura on his body is unavoidable.




   The emperor at this moment is like a rainbow, the emperor's aura is mighty, the emperor's aura is exhausted, and the universe is overwhelming, sweeping across the world.


   But in Taiyi's heart, there is no joy, only sadness.


Can not go back.


   really can't go back!


  Di Jun is no longer the one before.


  If Taiyi used such a superficial and aggressive method in the past, Di Jun would only smile, instead of having such a big reaction like today.

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