Flooded Star Road

: There is no **** in this book

I saw many people say that this book is an eunuch.

I want to solemnly declare here:

There is no **** in this book!

As I said before, as long as there is one person watching, I will not be an eunuch!

Although, at present, this book is on the street, but some people still read it.

So, for the readers who are still subscribed, I will never supervise it!

I admit that the latest update is indeed a bit weak. I don't even ask for monthly pass or subscription, just don't have the face to ask for it.

I’m busy at work, I can’t help it.

However, I have recovered.

Yesterday I updated 7000 words, today it is about 6000 words, and it will be at least 6000 words in the future.

I hope everyone will continue to support me.

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Dear, click in, give a good comment, the higher the score, the faster the update, it is said that the new full marks are found at the end of the beautiful wife!

The new revision and upgrade address of the mobile station: https://, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, and fresh reading without ads!

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