Chapter 88 They fined me for three drinks

"what is this?"

  Xiao Wenqing looked at the medicine bottle in Wu Tianyi's hand in astonishment, his face changed slightly.

  Wu Tian narrowed his eyes, stared at her for a moment, then laughed haha, but the smile sounded a bit creepy in human ears.

The medicine bottle in his hand turned his head and said calmly: "This is a medicine that can kill people invisible, but the cause cannot be found. You put one pill in the water that Mo Jingteng drinks every day, not three. Month, he will..."

  Wu Tianyi made an action, Xiao Wenqing's face suddenly whitened, and panic flashed through his eyes: "That's not good, kill, but it will pay for it."

   "Wen Qing, you are so ridiculous, you haven't killed anyone."

  Wu Tianyi’s sudden change of tone made Xiao Wenqing’s face stiff, she lowered her head, afraid to look into his eyes.

   "Wen Qing, you wouldn't be reluctant to do something with Mo Jingteng, are you? Is it possible that you really fell in love with him these years?"

  Wu Tian squeezed Xiao Wenqing’s chin one by one, forcing her to look up and look at him again.

Meeting his ferocious eyes, Xiao Wenqing shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, how could I fall in love with him? I seduce Mo Jingteng back then and stay with him, but it's all for you, Tianyi, the only person I love is you One."

   "But you gave birth to a son for him."

   Wu Tianyi gritted his teeth and said, watching her eyes burst with strong hatred. The biggest miscalculation in his life was to let the woman he loves give birth to a son for another man.

   was too angry, and the strength of his men unconsciously increased. Xiao Wenqing suddenly frowned in pain, and shouted in pain: "Tianyi, pain!"

  Wu Tianyi shook her off, turned and got out of bed, walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked at the night sky.

Xiao Wenqing touched her pinched chin, took her pajamas and put it on, got out of bed, walked to the window, hugged Wu Tianyi from behind, and said softly, "Tianyi, it was an accident, if it wasn't because of my birth. Something happened in Xuan's time, and we can also have our own children. All of this is to blame for Jiang Huiyun, a **** woman."

  Back then, Jiang Huiyun made her lose the opportunity to be a mother again. For this reason, she let her pay with her life. What made her most unwilling is that she failed to get rid of her son.


  Wen Ran didn't expect Mo Xiuchen to come back so early.

She came home from the hospital, took a shower, was leaning on the bed, talking on the phone with Bai Xiaoxiao, she heard footsteps in the corridor, she was startled, said'goodbye' to Bai Xiaoxiao, and hung up. Jump out of bed and walk quickly to the door.

  Opening the door, I saw Mo Xiuchen standing upright in the doorway, raising his well-knotted hands, and grabbing the doorknob a second slower than her.

   "Why did you come back so early!"

  Four eyes face each other, with a warm smile and a brisk tone.

  Mo Xiuchen narrowed her eyes, condensed her bright eyes, and asked casually: "What is so happy?"


Wen Ran was startled by his question and realized that she seemed to be too enthusiastic. A flash of shame flashed across her face, and she raised her hand to touch her nose, and said, "No, I was surprised that you came back so early, I thought You will come back in the middle of the night like the previous two nights. Did you drink a lot of alcohol?"

  The wine smelled strong when he penetrated into his nose, Wen Ran leaned to the side, and his eyebrows condensed involuntarily.

  Last night, he also drank alcohol, but it didn’t seem to have as much tonight, and the smell of alcohol was not so strong.

  Mo Xiuchen nodded, stepped into the room, and explained: "I want to leave the table early. They punished me for three drinks, but it’s okay. I can’t get drunk with this little wine."

   "You came back early? Is this all right?"

  Shock flashed through Wen Ran's eyes, and followed Mo Xiuchen to the middle of the bedroom.

Mo Xiuchen took off his jacket and handed it to her, stretched out his hand to pull on the tie, unbuttoned the first shirt button, and unbuttoned the sleeves. "My dad is still there, and A Mu is also there. I will go ahead for a while. It doesn't matter, the dinner is almost over, they will move on to the next show in a while."

  Like this kind of entertainment, it can’t be as simple as eating alone. After eating, there are other programs arranged.

  "Then have you eaten, do you want me to make something for you."

  Although he did not say that it was because of her that he came back early, Wen Ran felt that he came back early, it must be because of her call in the afternoon. There was a trace of warmth in her heart, and her eyes looked at him with concern.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes flickered, and he said faintly, “I really didn’t eat anything. Zhang’s mother is cooking for me. I’ll take a shower first. You can find my pajamas.


   Wen Ran agreed without hesitation. After hanging up his clothes, he strode towards the cloakroom. Looking at her slender back, Mo Xiuchen's mouth curled up with a warm arc, and turned to go into the bathroom to take a bath.

  Handed the pajamas to the person in the bathroom, Wen Ran did not idle, but went downstairs to see if Zhang's mother had cooked.

   "Mother Zhang, I'll take it!"

  When Wen Ran entered the kitchen, Madam Zhang had just cooked the noodles, and heard Wen Ran’s voice, she turned her head and smiled at her, “Mother, I’ll come, don’t burn you.”

  Wen Ran shook his head, walked a few steps to the Liulitai, took the bowl from Zhang Ma’s hand, Zhang Ma let go, and urged: "Grandma, you should be careful, don’t burn it."

   "Don't worry, I won't."

Wen Ran returned to the master bedroom with the noodles. Mo Xiuchen just came out of the bathroom. She put the noodles on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and shouted to him with a smile: "Mo Xiuchen, you came out just right, Zhang's mother cooked it. The noodles are so fragrant."

  Mo Xiuchen's long jade body stood a few meters away, looking at her with deep eyes, crystal lights hitting her condensed skin, smiling with crooked eyebrows, indescribably beautiful.

  His **** thin lips raised slightly unconsciously. Since she moved in, the room is no longer a suffocating silence, and the air is full of warm smells.

   "Is it that fragrant? It's just a bowl of noodles."

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes showed his unknowingly pampering, strode to the sofa, and sat down gracefully on the leather sofa, reaching out and pulling her to sit beside him.

   "It's really fragrant. Zhang's mother's cooking skills are really good. My brother exaggerates that the food that Mom cooks is delicious."

  Wen Ran pushed the noodle bowl in front of him, and moved a little aside.

   "I heard you ate dinner in the hospital."

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at her, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of noodles and fed it into his mouth.

   "Well, did Xiao Liu tell you? Zhang's mother cooks a lot of food for my brother, and he can't finish it alone, so I ate with him in the hospital, and explain something to him by the way."

   "Well, what did you call this afternoon?"

  Mo Xiuchen swallowed the noodles in his mouth, his voice turned, and he looked at her deeply.

   Wen Ran was startled, Qinghong blinked his eyes and said, "There is something wrong, you have eaten the noodles first, and I will tell you later."

   "Say it, I'll eat and listen."

  Mo Xiuchen's tone is calm, with a domineering that cannot be violated.

  (End of this chapter)

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