Chapter 696 She Didn't Hate You

   Seven o'clock in the evening

  Liao Dongxing called again. When he saw his call, Tan Mu directly handed the phone to Jiang Liu.

Gu Yan sat upright, leaning against the sofa, looking straight at Jiang Liu with sharp eyes, Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu also looked stern and serious, Liao Dongxing changed the location on the phone so that they don’t have to go. The club agreed that night.

   "Where does Director Liao want to meet?"

   Jiang Liu asked in a calm voice, with a hint of coldness in the words.

  Liao Dongxing mentioned a location. Jiang Liu did not hesitate, but just exhorted: “No matter where it is, as long as Director Liao guarantees the safety, everything else is easy to say.”

   "President Mo can rest assured, I promise you to see Miss Di Wen in peace."

  "Amu, do you know where the location Liao Dongxing said is?"

  As soon as the phone hung up, Luo Haofeng looked at Tan Mu in doubt. They knew that Liao Dongxing would change the location because Wen Ran was in the hands of the other party and they were passive everywhere.

   Tan Mu Meifeng frowned, his face gloomy: "I know that there is a turbulent river below the mountain. Liao Dongxing asked us to meet on the top of the mountain, fearing that it would be uneasy and kind."

  "Liao Dongxing’s wife and children are with us. It is impossible for him to not know, but he didn’t mention a word just now. This shows that Liao Dongxing doesn’t care about his wife and children at all. He cares most about himself."

  Gu Yan calmly analyzed that Tan Mu told them about the topography of the mountain again, but finally felt uneasy. Anyway, he called his father again.


  A night without stars and moon, the sky is as black as splashing ink.

The wind blowing by the ears, with the breath of rain in the future, when the car was going up the mountain, Tan Mu said to the river on the side: "Don’t be nervous for a while, Liao Dongxing will definitely let you take evidence to exchange warmth. If it were you If you go there in person, they will find that you are fake. I will give them the evidence at that time."

   "Well, I get it."

  Jiang Liu knew that his role was to pretend to be Mo Xiuchen, and Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng would do the rest.

  It may be the reason for the rain. On the top of the mountain, the temperature is a little bit low, and the wind blowing on the face has a hint of coolness, which makes people feel nervous.

  Liao Dongxing and Qin Sen had reached the top of the mountain, and they were far apart when they saw them standing on the edge of the cliff. Tan Mu secretly squeezed his fists, and looked at each other with Luo Haofeng, and several people strode over.

  Liao Dongxing will choose this place. Obviously, he is very familiar with the terrain here, because he doesn't even use a flashlight, but the light diffused from the car lights in the distance is blocked and scattered by trees and shadows, and he can't see clearly.

   Seeing them come forward, Liao Dongxing immediately let people push Wen Ran out, and at the same time someone stopped him: "You guys don't come here again."

  When Gu Yan saw Wen Ran who was **** and gagged, he suddenly cried out worriedly: "Ranran!"

   Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng's expressions also changed. Jiang Liu stepped forward subconsciously. Relying on the dim light, the other party could not see his face clearly, and eagerly shouted: "Ranran."

  Wen Ran can see clearly that the person a few meters away is not Xiuchen.

  It was Jiang Liu. She had never met this man, but now she recognized him at a glance. He was really similar to Xiu Chen, especially his body shape, voice, and the face that was too blurred to see clearly.

In the crowd of the other party, another person came out, thin and thin. Even in the dimness, he could feel the gloomy aura of the other party. His eyes were directed at Gu Yan, and he sneered: "Gu Yan, how dare you? Come."

   Gu Yan's eyes were fierce and resentful, and he stared at the man a few meters away, wishing to poke dozens or hundreds of holes in his body with his eyes.

  This psychologically distorted man, he snatched his daughter and killed his wife, and now, he caused Xiuchen to suffer so much.

"Fu Jingyi, what I dare not to come is that you yourself have been hiding in the dark and dare not show up. Now I am right in front of you. All your grudges and hatreds are directed at me. Don't use those despicable things. Shameless means."

"Haha, despicable, Gu Yan, you deserve to say these two words too? You are a villain who doesn't even understand a friend's wife, you are the most despicable. Back then, if you hadn't lost your memory for a short time while Yuhan, I lied to her heart. How could you be the last person she married?"

  Fu Jingyi said this, and the few juniors present opened their eyes in astonishment.

   Only Wen Ran, with a calm face, seems to have known the grudge between her parents and Fu Jingyi. Both Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng looked at Gu Yan in surprise.

Gu Yan's face changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Fu Jingyi, if you and Yuhan fell in love with each other deeply, even if she lost her memory, she would not fall in love with me. You only resent me for coming in, but I I have never known that the person you like is Yuhan. If it weren't for you, how could Yuhan lose his memory..."

  Others were confused. Gu Yan's words were almost incoherent. I don't know if it was too long to remember, or because I was so sad that I couldn't speak clearly.

His words struck Fu Jingyi’s pain. His eyes flashed with pain and regret. He listened to Gu Yan saying: “Actually, when Yuhan fell in love with me, he already remembered you. She later told me that it was you first. Betrayed her, so I don’t have to feel owed to you. Fu Jingyi, what you have done, you know best in your heart. If you really love Yuhan, how could you do something like that with other women..."

   "You said Yuhan she..."

   Fu Jingyi shook his body abruptly. He thought that Yu Han would never know that he was calculated that night.

   "She doesn't hate you, but it's impossible to accept a man who betrayed her."

  When Gu Yan said this, there was a glimmer of gloom in his eyes. Some things, some people, must rely on self-reliance in order to live safely.

Fu Jingyi seemed to have heard something from Gu Yan's sad words. After a few seconds, he suddenly rushed over. Liao Dongxing's people couldn't stop them. They just let people hold on to Wen Ran and shouted in a deep voice: "Mo Xiuchen, Wen Ran is here, take all the evidence."


  Jiang Liu agreed, but did not personally step forward. Instead, he handed the file bag to Tan Mu. Tan Mu pursed his lips and walked towards Wen Ran step by step.

It was only a few meters away. Liao Dongxing still didn't know why he took evidence to exchange Wen Ran. Tan Mu had already stood a few steps away from them, "Liao Dongxing, let your people put Wen Ran away. "

  Liao Dongxing gave Wen Ran a look. His subordinates brought Wen Ran forward. Tan Mu handed out his credentials with one hand, and the other reached out, preparing to pull Wen Ran. At this moment, a sharp police siren suddenly came from the foot of the mountain. Liao Dongxing's face changed drastically. When Tan Mu was about to pull Wen Ran over, he suddenly stepped forward and pulled Wen Ran to the edge of a cliff two meters away. .

  (End of this chapter)

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