Chapter 686 No matter what time

  Tin Mu looked at Mo Xiuchen and stared at Gu Kai coldly, and couldn't help but laugh with the look of the cherry on his plate.

   "Xiuchen, can you finish eating alone?"

  Mo Xiuchen's eyebrows frowned lightly, his eyes faintly swept over him, and he said nonchalantly: "I can't finish eating today, eat it tomorrow."

  These are the cherries that Ranran picked to him personally. They are rare. He can't finish it by himself. In fact, if you want to eat it, you can eat it in ten minutes.

  But he was reluctant to eat it all at once. When he forgets Wen Ran day by day, he needs to look at all things related to it. Therefore, he wants to keep these cherries, eat a little bit a day, and eat slowly.

  Thinking about it now, he reached out and took a cherry and fed it into his mouth. The entrance was heartwarming and sweet, spreading from his lips to the teeth and spreading to the bottom of his heart.

   "Xiu Chen, A Kai, A Mu, have breakfast."

  Luo Haofeng just said hello to Mo Xiuchen and then went back to the kitchen. He came out of the kitchen and shouted to the three people in the living room.

  In order for them to get used to living here, be more casual. Since Tan Mu took Mo Xiuchen and Luo Haofeng home, Tan's mother followed Tan's father who was on a business trip to another place, and it took at least half a month to return.

  There are no elders. The four of them have breakfast while chatting casually.

   "Akai, why did you come to City A, you went to find Ranran last night, how did you tell her?"

  Mo Xiuchen has no appetite. He drank the porridge gently, and looked at Gu Kai who was sitting opposite him with deep eyes.

  Gu Kai smiled faintly, and said calmly, "I will tell you after breakfast is finished."

  His words were suspected of revenge for Mo Xiuchen for not eating cherries. Mo Xiuchen lowered his eyes and asked Tan Mu with his eyes.

Tan Mu is always the best one. He put down the porridge spoon, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, and then explained unhurriedly: "Xiu Chen, Uncle Gu called me last night. The medicine they developed has passed. After the first trial phase, after discussions with Uncle Gu, Jochenfu, and Professor Brown, they finally reached an agreement to skip the subsequent clinical trials and let you go to country D with Kai today to receive treatment."

Wen Li, Mo Xiuchen's expression changed slightly.

Luo Haofeng on the side also said in agreement: "Xiu Chen, we all think that your illness should not be delayed. Your current physical condition is too poor. If you receive treatment earlier, you will suffer a day less sin and return to Wen Ran earlier. By my side, she also made her worry less for one day."

   Saying anything is not as effective as mentioning Wen Ran's name, Luo Haofeng is still very smart.

  Sure enough, when the word Wen Ran was mentioned, Mo Xiuchen’s eyes changed a little, “Last night, we made an appointment with Liao Dongxing. We will meet tomorrow night and he will hand over Fu Jingyi to us.”

  "Uncle Gu said that it was a grievance between him and Fu Jingyi. He came back and settled with him, so that you can go to country D for treatment with peace of mind."

   Tan Mu interrupted him, his tone was slightly serious.

At present, nothing is more important than Mo Xiuchen’s health. Before he speaks, Gu Kai added: "I booked a ticket when I got up in the morning, Xiuchen, and after breakfast, we went to the airport. My dad. I will rush back to City A before tomorrow night. You don't have to worry about the rest."

  "Didn't the experiment just pass the initial stage of animal testing?"

  Mo Xiuchen did not agree with Gu Yan to see Fu Jingyi. He knew that Liao Dongxing couldn't easily trade with them, and he might have set some traps secretly. Besides, Fu Jingyi hated Gu Kai's bones, and no one knew what he would do when he saw him.

  His body knows that he can't die after another two days. However, Gu Kai did not give him time:

"The next clinical trial is aimed at patients, but it is directly used on you, Xiuchen, I know you are worried about the situation in City A, but if you stay here, not only will it not help, but it may also affect A Feng and Amu, it would be better for you to go to Country D for treatment and recover sooner."

   "Well, I agree, Xiu Chen, you don't want Wen Ran to cry for you every day."

Tan Mu spit out quietly, and all of Mo Xiuchen's persistence disappeared in his words. What he can't see most is Wen Ran's tears of sadness. Now, although she can't see her tears after a distance of thousands of miles, he can feel her miss and sadness.

   "Okay, I'm going to country D. Amu, Afeng, you must be careful, I always feel that things will not go so smoothly."

Tan Mu looked serious and nodded: "Don't worry, Liao Jingyi doesn't dare to gamble on his own life. He just doesn't believe it and doesn't dare to act rashly."

  He didn't tell Mo Xiuchen that what Jiang Liu said to them last night did not want him to delay his illness because of worry. In fact, as Gu Kai said, his current physical condition is very poor and he is not suitable for doing anything.

   "Xiu Chen, of course, said that she will be waiting for you to pick her up in the villa in the country. So, if you recover earlier, she will wait one less day."

  Last night, Wen Ran said a lot to Gu Kai.

   After Gu Kai and Mo Xiuchen made a call, they called Gu Yan again, then booked a ticket, and went directly to the countryside to find Wen Ran and told her that he was going to take Mo Xiuchen abroad for treatment.

He remembered Ranran saying to him: "Brother, in fact, Xiu Chen knows that he can't hide from me forever, and he also knows that I went to country D to see his affairs a few days ago, so you don't have to hide anything from him, you Help me tell him that I will live here until he comes back to pick me up."

"I don't go to country D with him because I don't want to see him suffering from illness. In my heart, Xiu Chen will always be that handsome, decisive and wise man. I believe that he will come back in peace and health. No matter what, I believe that he will not give up on me."

  In the front, the driver drove the car intently, and in the back, Gu Kai repeated what Wen Ran said last night.

Mo Xiuchen listened quietly, with an elegant and stern expression between his brows, his face was gentle and calm, his thin lips pressed lightly with a firm straight line, only the hand that was pressed into a fist on his leg revealed his Thoughts.

  The crooked knuckles were faintly tinged with a blue and white color. Gu Kai said that Wen Ran told him to tell him last night without missing a word. Mo Xiuchen's heart was really full of twists and turns.

He knows him so well, knowing that he does not want her to be with him, because he is afraid that she will be with him, so he loses that determination. She is not by his side. Because of his concern, no matter how painful and unbearable, he will grit his teeth. He promised to go back to pick her up, and he will definitely go back!

   "Xiu Chen, if the treatment effect this time is good and everything goes well, you can stay in country D for at most half a month, we can come back."

  Gu Kai was silent for a moment, then added a little softly.

  (End of this chapter)

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