Chapter 684

  The loud ringtone of the mobile phone rang right at this moment.

  Mo Xiuchen lost his eyesight for a short time, and he was plunged into the darkness. He just pressed the answer button with his finger. He heard the ringtone suddenly break. His heart sank, his hand loosened, and the phone fell back to the bed.

  Tighten his thin lips. For a moment, his heart was empty. He didn't know who was calling, and he didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything.

  On the other side of the phone, Gu Kai made an indistinct voice, but could not hear Mo Xiuchen talking. He couldn't help but his heart tightened, and his voice came with a trace of worry: "Xiuchen, are you okay."

Mo Xiuchen had a terrible headache. The phone fell back on the bed sheet. He didn't dare to pick it up again, because he was afraid that he might accidentally touch the hang-up button. He could only try to stay calm, most likely to make his voice sound calm: " I'm fine."

However, due to the headache involving the internal organs, his eyes were still blind, and his voice slightly changed. After the phone, Gu Kai heard the strangeness for the first time, and became more worried: "Xiu Chen, you are It’s not that the headache is recurring."

  Mo Xiuchen is strong, but there are also times when he is fragile.

  Especially when he was tortured by this kind of illness, he heard Gu Kai’s worried words and he let out a weak ‘um’.

  Gu Kai was silent on the other end of the phone.

  He was in pain, and he couldn't share it for him. All the comforts seemed pale and weak. What's more, everything that Mo Xiuchen endured today was because of his sister.

  If it wasn't for Mo Xiuchen to transfer the virus from Wen Ran's body to him, maybe the one who was tortured now was Wen Ran. Thinking of this, Gu Kai squeezed the strength of the phone and tightened it for a while.

   "Akai, I have new symptoms again."

After a while, Mo Xiuchen spoke, his voice tired and weak.

   "What are the symptoms?"

  Gu Kai's voice came immediately, and the tension in his tone made no secret of it.

Mo Xiuchen's eyes regained light. He closed his eyes and opened it again. It was finally not in darkness. The panic in his heart slowly dissipated. Then he reached out with a trembling hand, picked up the phone, and said softly, "Just now , I was temporarily blind."

   "Blind...I see."

  Mo Xiuchen knew that Gu Kai was not only shocked, but also panicked like him.

   "It was only short-lived, it's okay now. Kai, you tell dad about this new symptom..."

  Mo Xiuchen raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead due to the pain. He felt very laborious to speak at this time, and each headache was more unbearable than the previous one.

  It's torture that can't survive, and can't die.

After hanging up the phone, he leaned tiredly on the bedside, opened the phone album, and looked at the photos in the album. It was taken in Bali last time. One of them was compared with the scissors gesture that Wen Ran used to make when taking pictures. , I wear a simple diamond ring on my finger.

  He was staring at the diamond ring with a daze, and Ying Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. Why didn't he remember when Ran Ran bought the ring on his finger.

He thought hard, searched his memory hard, but no matter what he thought, he just couldn't remember. Instead, a panic spread from his heart, instantly spreading from his limbs and limbs, and the blood on his face finally recovered. At a moment's notice, he retreated again cleanly.

  Deep and wise eyes were filled with dazed pain at this moment. His long fingers touched the phone screen tremblingly, and his fingers stroked the smiling face of the woman in the photo, but his heart felt painful.

  Of course, if I forget you one day, you must not be sad.

  He muttered to himself, his voice full of helplessness and pain. He was afraid, afraid that he would really forget her little by little. He would rather forget himself than his favorite woman.

  Fu Jingyi said that this virus will not only erode his internal organs in the shortest time, but the cruelest thing is that it will swallow up his memories little by little. The memories he cares about most, the people he loves, will be forgotten little by little.

  He also said that he gave this virus a very beautiful and romantic name, called ‘Qing Qing’.

Fu Jingyi’s grinning laugh at the time echoed in his mind again: "Haha, Mo Xiuchen, did you know that I gave this virus a very romantic name called "Wen Qing", and asked what love in the world is, just called Life and death go hand in hand. Originally, I wanted to use it on Yuhan to test whether Gu Yan would die for her. However, later I regretted that I would not be able to give Gu Yan a chance to die for Yuhan. So I use it on his daughter. Either his daughter will die, or her daughter will watch her favorite man forget her and die again..."

"I really want to know if that girl sees you forget her a little bit, and finally dies in front of her, will she break down. Mo Xiuchen, Gu Yan owes me this, it should be his daughter to pay it back, haha... "

Mo Xiuchen shook his head vigorously, shaking off Fu Jingyi's voice in his mind. He didn't want to think of Fu Jingyi's abnormality. He would not do as he wished. He would not let Ranran watch him forget her, and then watch him die. In front of myself.

  Furthermore, Fu Jingyi was caught the night after tomorrow. No matter what method he used, he asked him to tell him how to treat it.


   Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng returned home, it was half past eleven in the night.

  He pushed open the door of Mo Xiuchen's room. Mo Xiuchen lay on the bed sideways, still holding the phone tightly in his hand, his eyes closed tightly, his breathing was long, and he did not know when he fell asleep.

  Tin Mu stood at the door for a while, walked gently to the bed, Mo Xiuchen was sleeping soundly, tiredness was faintly visible between his eyebrows, and his face was a little pale. Presumably, he had a headache after they went out.

   A touch of sadness flashed across his eyes, his eyes stopped on the phone he was holding tightly, and his heart was mixed for a while.

  These days, what Mo Xiuchen sees most is his mobile phone, because it is full of photos of Wen Ran and pictures of the two of them.

In fact, there are very few group photos. Most of them are single-person photos of Wen Ran. In different locations and different expressions, Mo Xiuchen often looks at the photos in a daze, not knowing whether he is missing the person in the photo or the person in the photo. Carve it into your heart and don't let yourself forget.

   He sighed, dispelled the idea of ​​waking him up, turned around and walked out of the room. As soon as the door was closed, the phone rang.

  The call was made by Gu Yan from Country D. Tan Mu's eyes changed slightly, his thoughts turned, his long finger pressed the answer button, and his voice was filled with joy: "Uncle Gu, did the experiment succeed?"

  "Amu, Akai called me just now and told me that Xiuchen now has new symptoms. The headache is accompanied by temporary blindness. You and Xiuchen are together. I want to know the most detailed situation."

Tan Mu was startled, and the joy in his eyes turned to surprise. He turned his head and glanced at the door. He took a few steps before lowering his voice and said, "Uncle Gu, when did Akai tell you? I don't know. Xiu Chen didn't tell me."

  (End of this chapter)

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