Chapter 679 Negotiations

  Just as Wen Ran's voice fell, Shen Yuting's cell phone rang again.

  This time, it’s information.

  Shen Yuting pursed her lips, reached for her mobile phone and unlocked it. The message was sent by Jiang Liu. It was not an explanation, but told Shen Yuting that he was going on a business trip for a few days. After he came back, he would explain to her.

The signature of    is ‘The Flow of Love’.

  Shen Yuting was touched by the inscription, staring at the words, feeling uneasy for a long time. Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran looked at each other, but did not speak.


  City A, at night

  In the VIP room of a private club, the atmosphere is a bit stagnant. .

On the high-end leather sofa, Mo Xiuchen, Tan Mu, and Luo Haofeng were sitting together. On the opposite sofa, two men over fifty years old were sitting. One was Qin, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of City G. Sen, the other one, is Liao Dongxing.

  Behind the sofa they were sitting on, two men in black were standing guards of Liao Dongxing.

Liao Dongxing stared at the three people on the opposite sofa, especially sitting in the middle. The handsome and thin Mo Xiuchen was really like what Fu Jingyi said. There was a faint look of fatigue between his eyebrows, and he should be suffering from illness. tired.

  "You have spent so much time and effort, just for a Fu Jingyi?"

   Liao Dongxing let out a cold voice, with doubts.

   When he said this, his eyes turned away from Mo Xiuchen and fell on Tan Mu on his left. In his opinion, even if he handed over Fu Jingyi, they couldn't let him go. You know, he and Tan Mu's father are rivals.

There was a sharp flash in Tan Mu's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "You don't have to doubt anything, as long as you hand over Fu Jingyi, we are not in the mood to expose those things. But if you don't hand over Fu Jingyi, I promise that not only will you be ruined," It's the same with your wife and son."

  His voice is not high or low, but his words are cold and cold, and he can do it when he says it.

  Liao Dongxing's face sank, "Even if you have evidence of my mistake, it is impossible to affect my wife and children, Tan Xiaozi, you think this can scare me."

Mo Xiuchen curled his lips coldly, and took the words, but in a casual tone: "We not only have evidence of your mistakes, but also know the storage places of those dirty money, and the products of Qin Ming Beauty Salon contain toxic chemicals. Test report of the object, and there are witnesses."

   "What toxic chemicals, don't spray people with blood." Liao Dongxing sternly scolded, but his face changed.

   "Is it not clear whether you are yourself?"

Mo Xiuchen sneered, turning his eyes to Luo Haofeng and said: "Afeng, show him the product test report. The beauty salon your wife runs on the surface can make people look immortal and youthful forever, but actually, those beauty products Contains chemicals that cause dysfunction of elastic fiber metabolism in human skin and rapid skin aging."

   "To put it bluntly, those high-spending VIP customers are just Fu Jingyi's living experiments."

   "Maybe, you really don't know these, but the beauty salon is run by your wife, and the legal representative is Ling Gongzi. Once this matter is exposed, Director Liao should be aware of the seriousness of the consequences."

  Luo Haofeng took out the test report from his pocket and handed it over. Liao Dongxing reached out with a trembling hand and took the test report. After reading it quickly, his old face also paled slightly.

On the side of   , Qin Sen's face alternated with blue and white, with faint perspiration flowing out of his forehead, he looked at Liao Dongxing worriedly, and then quickly dropped his head.

  In Qin Sen's view, all the evidence in Mo Xiuchen's hands was Lu Zhihui's investigation. Last time, he had a chance to get rid of Lu Zhihui, but due to a little mistake, he let him escape.

  Liao Dongxing gave Qin Sen a fierce look, staring at Mo Xiuchen and others with a cold look, "Is it because I handed over Fu Jingyi, you can keep the secret."

   "Yes, I just want Fu Jingyi. The rest of people and things have nothing to do with us."

  Mo Xiuchen looked indifferent and didn't explain much.

   "Okay, I will hand Fu Jingyi to you, but you have to give me some time."

   "Two days, two days later, at this time, I want to see Fu Jingyi, otherwise, everything about you will be exposed. Use a Fu Jingyi for your official career and the safety of your family. If you dare to play tricks, you will be at your own risk."

   "Okay, this is the private room at this time the next night, I will give you Fu Jingyi."

   Liao Dongxing gritted his teeth, extremely annoyed in his heart.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled with satisfaction, stood up, and said lightly: “Then see you the next night, Director Liao and Deputy Bureau Qin play slowly, let’s go first.”

   Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng also got up, and the three of them walked away gracefully.

Not a few steps out of the private room, I heard the sound of smashing wine bottles coming from the private room. Tan Mu looked back at the direction of the private room and said in a low voice, "Xiu Chen, Liao Dongxing is a sinister and vicious person. He promised. Handing over Fu Jingyi, I’m afraid it’s not like that in my heart. When we come to see him the next night, we have to make arrangements in advance to save him.

Mo Xiuchen's thin lips were pressed tightly, and his deep eyes were dark and unseeable. After listening to Qin Mu's words, he was about to say something, but his brow suddenly wrinkled, his handsome face changed color slightly, and he only faintly uttered a word: "Ok!"

   "Xiu Chen, what's the matter with you, are you having a headache again?"

   Aside, Luo Haofeng saw the change in Mo Xiuchen's expression in his eyes, his tone anxious and worried.

Tan Mu also tightened his eyes, and instinctively stretched out his hand to support Mo Xiuchen's arm. He had a headache at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He was worried that Liao Dongxing and Qin Sen were dragging him for too long in the private room just now. Xiuchen will suddenly have a headache.

  Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips and said nothing.

Mo Xiuchen's tall body shook a bit, and Luo Haofeng, who was walking on the right, also quickly supported him, shouting worriedly: "Xiuchen, can you persist?"


  Mo Xiuchen let out a nasal sound, his thin lips bite tighter, his eyes squinted due to pain, and his big, well-knotted hands pressed hard against his forehead.

   "There is no one in this private room, let's go in and take a rest."

  A few steps away, Tan Mu saw that the private room in front was half open. The waiter had just finished cleaning and left. He immediately helped Mo Xiuchen into the private room, closed the door, and helped him to sit down in front of the sofa.

  Just as Mo Xiuchen sat down, he heard someone talking in the corridor outside. Tan Mu strode to the door, opened the door, and saw a group of people approaching. One of them looked a little similar to Mo Xiuchen.

  His eyes were slightly surprised. The man who was headed by him knew him, and he immediately greeted with a smile. The other party was first happy, then stunned, and looked back at the waiter behind him.

  Tin Mu knew it, and explained faintly: “Mr. Li, you did not go to the wrong private room. This is the place. We were going to leave. Just because my friend suddenly became uncomfortable, we came in and rested.”

  The man called President Li suddenly realized: "So, Shao Tan, your friend is uncomfortable. Do you want to see the hospital."

  (End of this chapter)

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