Chapter 675 Only responsible for watching jokes

  Mo Xiuchen raised his handsome eyebrows and looked at her inquisitively: "Of course, you are not poor Cheng Jia, why do you care about her so much?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Wen Ran's eyes, and he sighed lightly in Mo Xiuchen's deep vision, and said, "I'm thinking, is Cheng Jia being bullied by those gangsters, is it unintentionally unlucky, or is it because of offending people and being bullied? Intentional warning."

   "Oh? Who did she offend?"

  Mo Xiuchen is even more curious.

  Is there anything that happened these days when he was absent, so that he was so concerned about Cheng Jia's affairs? Thought flashed under Mo Xiuchen's eyes, his eyes locked tightly on Wen Ran's white and clear cheeks.

  Luo Haofeng was also aroused and looked at Wen Ran with interest: "Wen Ran, do you know who Cheng Jia has offended? Could it be that she offended you?"

  He ridiculed, and when he said this, he looked at Mo Xiuchen from the corner of his eye.

Wen Ran rolled his eyes, his tone was indifferent, with three points of carelessness: "Am I that kind of vicious person? Even if I offend me, I can't find a few gangsters to destroy her, Luo Haofeng, you Isn’t it well-informed, why don’t you know?"

Seeing her eyes suddenly become sharp, Luo Haofeng laughed and said disapprovingly: "Why should I know, whoever she offends, as long as the woman Cheng Jia is abused, I'm happy. I'm only responsible for reading jokes, and then Tell you this joke, everyone can have fun together."

   "Your joke has already been told to us, A Feng, you can go back."

  Mo Xiuchen, a man with no conscience, he hadn't even stepped into their house before he had a sip of water. He issued an order to expel the guest. Luo Haofeng opened his eyes in disbelief and stared at Mo Xiuchen.

Wen Ran couldn't help but couldn't help but listened to Luo Haofeng complaining: "Xiu Chen, don't take you like this. As soon as I heard that you came back, I immediately ran to see you. You didn't even let me in, you just drove me away. Do you still consider me a brother?"

   "I and Ranran have already eaten, you stay, and there is no food for you. Why don't you go back now or find a place to eat."

  Mo Xiuchen spoke calmly, completely ignoring Luo Haofeng's grievance.

  Luo Haofeng grinds his teeth fiercely: "Okay, I won't disturb your two-person world, Xiuchen, tomorrow I will go to City A with you."

  He finished speaking, turned into the car, and left.

   "Xiu Chen, will Luo Haofeng be angry if you drive people like this?"

  Wen Ran looked at the car shadow that disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye, and raised his head to ask Mo Xiuchen.

  He smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, and his eyebrows were clear and gentle. Seeing her looking up, his eyes were also smiling: "No, of course, let's go back."

  While taking a warm bath, Mo Xiuchen took medicine.

  She came out of the shower, and he spoke with her for a while, and Wen Ran urged him to sleep.

  Mo Xiuchen's spirit was not as good as before, plus two consecutive days of flight itinerary, even though he had a rest halfway, he still felt very tired, so he didn't insist anymore, hugged her, and fell asleep deeply.

When the phone rang on the table in front of the bed, she was quietly watching Mo Xiuchen who was sleeping next to her. His handsome eyebrows glowed with a faint halo under the light. They were handsome and gentle, which made people immovable. Open your eyes.

  The phone coming in was Mo Xiuchen’s phone.

  Wen Ran originally sat on the side of the bed, with Mo Xiuchen separated from it, not very far away, she lay down on him, and reached out and took the mobile phone.

  Wen Ran's eyes changed when he saw the call, and his eyebrows slightly raised.

   "Hey, Chairman Mo."

  The call was made by Mo Jingteng. Wen Ran didn't know what he had done with Mo Xiuchen, but she knew that Xiu Chen didn't like being disturbed by Mo Jingteng.

   "Why is it you, Xiuchen, let him answer the phone."

Mo Jingteng's voice was three-pointed displeased, and it came through the radio waves, and a cold color appeared on Wen Ran's face. Mo Jingteng wouldn't think she deliberately prevented Xiu Chen from answering his phone, right? The tone makes people listen so uncomfortable.

  "Xiu Chen has fallen asleep. If you have anything to do with Chairman Mo, you can tell me that it is the same if I tell Xiu Chen."

Wen Ran secretly thought, Mo Jingteng called, fearing that it was for MS Group. Since Mo Xiuchen left the group, the operation of the group has been problematic. Now it is not just Haochen who has robbed many customers of MS Group, other companies, I also want to take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

  The so-called crowd pushed the wall down.

  Mo Zixuan has struggled. If things go on like this, MS Group will definitely disappear from City G.

   "You ask Xiuchen to answer the phone, I have something very important to tell him."

  Mo Jingteng's voice became more severe, obviously he was extremely dissatisfied with Wen Ran's answering the call.

But Wen Ran didn’t mean to compromise. Her tone was firm and could not be changed: “I said, Xiu Chen is resting. He has just returned from a plane for more than ten hours. What is the chairman’s inconvenience? If you say it, just wait until tomorrow to call Xiuchen."

   Before she hung up the phone, Mo Jingteng had already hung up angrily.

  Wen Ran looked at the call log displayed on the phone screen, curled his lips, and put the phone back on the table.

  I thought that Mo Jingteng would really wait until tomorrow to call again. I didn’t want to. After about ten minutes, his call was made to Wen Ran’s cell phone again.

  Blinked in surprise, watching the display keep flickering, she hesitated for a few seconds before lazily pressing the answer button, and lazily speaking: "Hey!"

  This time, even the title of chairman was omitted, because he repeatedly disturbed the world of her and Mo Xiuchen.

  Although Mo Xiuchen fell asleep and could neither talk to her nor do anything, she felt that as long as he was by her side, even if he fell asleep deeply, she was happy and at ease in her heart.

  She likes to look at him like this, watching him quietly, so she doesn't have to suffer from longing. However, Mo Jingteng destroyed her peaceful warmth.

  How can she give him a good tone!

   "Wen Ran, come out, I have something to tell you."

  Mo Jingteng's words are straightforward, his tone is no better than Wen Ran, even a sub-command tone, when she is the superior chairman, she is not his small employee.

  "Excuse me, Chairman Mo, I'm not free now. If you have anything, I will talk about it tomorrow."

   "Wen Ran, you come here now, I have very important things to ask you, this matter is related to Xiu Chen."

Mo Jingteng's voice suddenly rose, almost roaring, she was startled with fright, she narrowed her eyebrows, and after thinking about it, she refused: "Chairman Mo, if you have anything to say, please speak on the phone. , Or wait until tomorrow."

  The implication was that she would not go to see him.

  Mo Jingteng on the other end of the phone was so angry that he vomited blood, but he couldn't help it with Wen Ran, so he could only curse a few words in his heart, and finally threw the phone angrily.

  (End of this chapter)

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