Chapter 672

  Wen Ran watched the change of expression on Shen Yuting's face, pursed her lips, and said softly: "Sister Ting, Jiang Liu called me this morning."

  She didn’t know how to persuade Shen Yuting, or whether it was a misunderstanding between her and Jiang Liu, or whether Jiang Liu really did something to sorry Shen Yuting.

  Shen Yuting is not a little girl who knows nothing. She was with Jiang Liu, not because of love at the beginning, but for more reasons, I am afraid that Jiang Liu looks a bit similar to Mo Xiuchen.

  This kind of beginning, two people can continue for a few months, and she still tries to love him, which shows that even if she doesn't understand his past, she should know that Jiang Liu is not a man without a past.

  If it was just because he had a relationship with Cheng Jia, she wouldn't have to break up with him so badly.

  Shen Yuting looked at Wen Ran in surprise. She didn't expect Jiang Liu to call Wen Ran. Why was he embarrassed to call Wen Ran.

   "Of course, don't pay attention to anything he tells you, you know?"

Shen Yuting’s voice was depressed, and Wen Ran’s eyes flashed, and she was more concerned: "Sister Ting, Jiang Liu said that you misunderstood him because of Cheng Jia. I don’t know if what he said is true or false, but , I could hear from the phone that he was very anxious."

  Shen Yuting sneered, “Of course he is anxious. He also wants to use me to get more news before telling Cheng Jia.”

  Wen Ran was shocked: "Sister Ting, did he use you?"

  She doesn't fully understand what Shen Yuting's words mean, but Cheng Jia is concerned about the matter, and she can guess something about it. What Cheng Jia wanted to know was that there was news about Mo Xiuchen.

  Shen Yuting nodded, but didn't want to continue speaking. Just as the voice came from the radio, she said lightly: "Of course, let's pick up Xiuchen and Amu first. I'll tell you the details later."


  Seeing that she didn't want to talk, Wen Ran stopped asking.

Although I only met Mo Xiuchen in Country D two days ago, at this moment, when he saw him coming out of the security check channel, Wen Ran's heart still suffocated severely. Then, he thumped and jumped wildly, as if he would be at any time Burst through the chest, just like jumping out of the mouth.

  Behind the crowd, Mo Xiuchen's deep gaze precisely locked her gaze, and his eyes touched each other. At that moment, all people and things disappeared from his eyes. In his sight, there was only the person he loved.

  Wen Ran pressed her lips tightly, ignoring the warmth from her heart slapping like a wave, but could not stop the soreness of her nose, her eye sockets were warm, and the handsome face in her sight got closer and blurred.

  The body was held by a pair of arms, and fell into the familiar and warm bosom. The man whispered in his ears in a low and gentle voice, "Ran Ran!"

Wen Ran's heart trembled, and when his hands were tightly embracing his thinner waist, a sharp pain instantly spread from his heart. Just looking at it was far worse than she felt his thinness with her hands. Distressed.

Mo Xiuchen felt Wen Ran's hand around his waist stiff, and his heart also tightened, and his big hand gently stroked her soft hair, and said softly, "Of course, I miss you these days, people are thin. Up."

  The tears of gentleness came from this disguised word.

  She wanted to control her tears, but she was so powerless and unable to control it. Once the tears flowed out, it would be like a lake bursting with a bank, out of control.

What you can do is just tighten your lips, stop crying, and tell yourself over and over again in your heart, Wen Ran, you can’t cry, you shouldn’t cry, you like this will only let Xiu Chen continue to conceal yourself. Condition.

  But, she couldn't help it.

  As if I can’t help but feel heartache, forgetting that this is the airport, tears wet the fabric on his chest.

   "Of course, there are so many people here. If you want to cry, wait until you get home."

   A slight sigh fell in his ear, and then Mo Xiuchen's slightly teasing words covered his distress, and he could hear the smell of pity.

  Wen Ran broke into a smile, raised her tearful eyes, "Who let you make yourself thin?"

Mo Xiuchen smiled helplessly at the corner of his mouth, and touched her face with a big hand, rubbing her tears with his rough fingertips, and self-examination: "I am not good, I shouldn't make myself thin. Coming back makes you cry."

   Gu Kai, Qin Mu, and Shen Yuting were afraid to speak, but looked at them quietly. In their hearts, they couldn't express the complex emotions.

  Wen Ran gave him a look, and said domineeringly and unreasonably: "It was originally your fault, you have to promise me not to lose weight anymore."

   "Okay, I promise you that you won't lose weight anymore."

  The voice paused slightly, he leaned over her ears, lowered his voice and murmured, “If I lose weight, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold me.”

   Wen Ran's face flushed.

  His ‘My Ranran’ sentence filled her eyes with tears that made her hard to retreat.


  Finally, Shen Yuting’s suggestion to invite Ranran to eat at the beginning was dispelled. When several people came out from the airport, they saw Qingfeng and Qingyang coming to pick up Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran got into their car, while Gu Kai carried Shen Yuting and Tan Mu.

   "Xiu Chen, although I haven't seen you for so long, I guess I don't want to eat with us. You go home first, and I will send A Mu and Yu Ting back."

  Mo Xiuchen let Wen Ran get into the car first. At this moment, he stood in front of the car and listened to Gu Kai's words. He just nodded slightly, did not speak, and stooped into the car.

   "Xiu Chen, you must be very tired after flying on the plane for so long. Close your eyes and rest for a while. When you get home, I will call you again."

  As soon as the car hit the road, Wen Ran whispered that she hadn't completely calmed down yet. At this moment, she just wanted to snuggle him quietly and feel that he was by her side.

  If chatting, she can't guarantee that she will say something that shouldn't be said on the impulse.

  From his joke just now, "I want to lose weight," she knew that he still didn't want to tell her, let alone let her accompany him to overcome the illness.

  It hurts, it hurts, but he doesn’t want to say it, and she can’t say it either.

Mo Xiuchen looked at her with a smile. After so many days, he was reluctant to look away from her, let alone close his eyes and go to sleep. The big hand that took her shoulders picked up a strand of her long hair, and said softly, "Ran Ran , Your hair is growing again."

   Nodded gently, with clear eyebrows, and a soft smile: "Yes, my hair is growing again. You have been away for more than 20 days since you went to City C."

   "Is it so long?"

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes flickered, and a look of surprise floated on his handsome face, but in his heart, he remembered clearly.

   Wen Ran nodded: "Of course, the outside world is very tempting-confused, are you having fun, so I don’t think it has been so long."

  (End of this chapter)

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