Chapter 669 I miss you very much

   "Brother, I am not afraid that they say that you are bullying your sister, but that they say that I pretend to be pitiful and abduct their dream lover."

   "Haha, that's right, then you can stop crying under the public courtyard in the future."

  Gu Kai laughed loudly, turned her big hand over, held her hand, pulled her to the parking space, opened the car door, and stuffed it into the car.

   "Of course, let's go to dinner first, after dinner, we will take you home later."

  Gu Kai sat in the main driver's seat, and while pulling the safety belt, he spoke softly, looking at Wen Ran with a smile in his eyes.

Wen Ran raised her eyebrows lightly, and smiled on her delicate cheeks with a clean and beautiful smile: "Of course, my stomach has long been hungry. Not only is it difficult to eat things on the plane, but also foreigners’ food. Pin Xuan, I like to eat there."

   "Sit down, I'm going to drive."

  Gu Kai raised his hand and rubbed her head. Wen Ran wanted to hide, he smiled triumphantly.

Wen Ran pouted and wanted to say something, but the phone's ringtone rang at this moment. She took out her phone and saw the call, her eyes changed slightly. Gu Kai in the driver's seat moved her face to see what was displayed on her phone screen. When he said his name, he curled his lips and said: "Xiu Chen beat him, he should be telling you that he wants to come back."


  The moment Wen Ran saw the caller ID, her heart skipped a beat. She stared at the screen of the phone, and she answered. Fibrin finger pressed the answer button, and her voice briskly overflowed her red lips: "Hey, Xiu Chen."

   "Of course, are you asleep?"

  Mo Xiuchen’s voice penetrated the eardrum through the electric wave, deep and familiar, magnetic and gentle, listening to Wen Ran’s ear, there was an illusion that he was not on the phone, but whispering in his ear.

A light smile appeared on her face, her voice was three-point laziness, and she was about to say that she was going to sleep, but when a car ahead overtakes, she honked her horn. When she reached her mouth, she changed her words again, "I'm still there. Outside, what about you, what are you doing now?"

   "Outside, is it your business trip place?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked, his tone of concern.

   "Well, I will go back tomorrow."

   "Don't work too hard."

  Mo Xiuchen said on the phone, except for her gentle and distressed voice, she couldn't hear anything unusual.

  This kind of him, if Wen Ran knew his current situation, she was afraid that when he really left, she would know that he was pretending before.

Ignoring the pain in my heart, Wen Ran asked softly: "Xiuchen, when can you come back. We have found out that there is a problem with the beauty products. In fact, we can use this to negotiate terms with Liao Dongxing and let him tell Fu Jingyi." 'S whereabouts."

She had three points of longing, two points of acting like a baby, and one point of waiting for grievances. Hearing Mo Xiuchen's heart tightened, she originally wanted to give her a surprise but was dispelled by the blurted words: "Of course, my two I'll go back one day."

  He was talking about going back, not going back.

  With two more words, the meaning is completely different, but Wen Ran immediately exclaimed with joy: "Ah, Xiu Chen, are you really coming back, when?"

  Aside, Gu Kai quietly listened to Wen Ran talking on the phone, her eyes staying on her face gently, thinking in her heart, of course, she can also act.

Mo Xiuchen chuckled softly on the other end of the phone. His laugh was low and deep, very textured, and unspeakably sweet: "Of course it is true. I am mainly going to City A this time, just like you just now. That said, talk to Liao Dongxing. However, I will return to City G first, and then call you when I get to City G."

  He explained unhurriedly, paving the way for him to leave later, it is normal to go back to see her first, and then leave.

  Wen Ran understood his intentions in his heart, and said: "Well, even if you come back to see me and leave, then you can be regarded as coming back to see me, and still thinking of me and thinking of me."

   "Of course, I am not thinking of you, I am thinking of you, but I miss you very much. However, there have been so many things recently and I don't have time to be with you."

Mo Xiuchen corrected her, and Wen Ran felt a touch of sorrow and grief in his heart. She was suddenly tired for Xiuchen and uncomfortable for him. Every time he said and did everything, he would have to think about it several times and promise not to make peace. The behavior behind oneself contradicts.

  Wen Ran pretended to smile briskly: “It’s okay, after you finish this time, just compensate me well.”

   "Well, it can only be done like this. Of course, it's late, you go back to rest early."

Mo Xiuchen wanted to end the call, but Wen Ran was full of reluctance. She was silent for a moment, thinking that he also needs a rest, and whispered: "When you come back, you must call me in advance and I will pick you up at the airport. ."

   hung up, the smile on Wen Ran's face also faded away.

  Gu Kai said jokingly, “Xiuchen’s call is really timely. If you call earlier, your phone will be turned off.”

  Wen Ran looked at Gu Kai in a daze, thinking about what he said just now, suddenly a guess flashed in his heart, and a bitter smile appeared on his lips.

   "Of course, you laugh so ugly."

  Gu Kai frowned and stared at her pretendingly.

Wen Ran still smiled, but an indescribable emotion seeped into his smile, "Brother, maybe, Xiu Chen is not just instinct, but he already knows that I have gone to country D and that I just got off the plane. He didn't want to call Tell me he is coming back."


  Gu Kai looked at Wen Ran in astonishment.

"Didn't you say that Xiu Chen didn't see you? Could it be that A Mu made a move. This is impossible. A Mu's mouth is very strict. If you don't let him tell Xiu Chen, he will never tell him. ."

  Wen Ran pursed his lips, changed the subject and said, "Brother, let's drive."


  Seeing that she didn't want to talk more, Gu Kai didn't force him to start the car on the road, Wen Ran turned his head out of the car window, his brows were calm and indifferent.

  Until the two were sitting at Yipinxuan and eating delicious dishes, Wen Ran spoke softly and said to himself: "Xiu Chen called just now, just wanting to know if I can return to G city safely."

  Gu Kai was drinking soup. Hearing Wen Ran's words, he immediately raised his head and looked at her: "Ranran, how are you so sure that Xiu Chen knows that you have gone to D country."

  Wen Ran smiled faintly, "Brother, I know Xiu Chen, I know him better than you guys, do you believe it?"

  Gu Kai did not speak, obviously not believing.

  He and Mo Xiuchen have known each other for 30 years, and with his understanding, he is no less than himself.

  Now, Ran Ran said that she knew Xiu Chen better than them, and he couldn't believe it.

Wen Ran saw his doubts in his eyes, and said to himself: "Xiu Chen knew that I had gone to country D, because he and I had always been in good spirits. He didn't call when he decided to return to China, nor did he get on the plane. Call. Ordinarily, you should wait until you return to City G to surprise me directly. However, he didn't. He just called me at this time..."

  (End of this chapter)

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