Chapter 665 I feel it

  At noon the next day, Wen Ran finally saw Mo Xiuchen.

  That is all the credit of Tan Mu.

  On the way back to the hotel last night, neither of them spoke, and was silent all the way.

  Tin Mu sent Wen Ran to the door of the room, took the room card to open the door for her, and said softly: "Don't think about anything, rest well, tomorrow, I will let you see Xiuchen."

  Wen Ran heard what he said, and immediately raised his head to look at him. There was a little expectation in his watery eyes, "Do you have a way?"

   Tan Mu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a reassuring smile: "I have a way."

  Wenran had no dreams all night. I don’t know if it was because of exhaustion, or because she was in the same city with the man she loved, only two hundred meters away, and she slept peacefully outside.

  Tin Mu took a rest for one night, and his face looked much better without the tired look of yesterday.

  Because of getting up late, the two had eaten breakfast, and it was already ten o'clock. After arriving at the hospital, Wen Ran went to the cafe next to the restaurant where they had dinner last night.

   is still the window position on the second floor.

  'S line of sight, she could just see the gate of the hospital. After waiting for about twenty minutes, she saw the familiar figure and face.

  At that moment, she held her breath, her eyes fixedly looking at the man coming out of the hospital, and she couldn't bear to blink her eyes.

  In my heart, something is rolling, like a tide, flowing through the nose and reaching the eye sockets.

  She tightened her lips, raised her hand and wiped her eyes, trying her best to open her eyes as much as possible, looking at the figure for a moment.

  "Today's sunshine is very strong, Xiuchen, let's go sit there."

   Tan Mu glanced at the bench under the big umbrella not far in front, and said to Mo Xiuchen beside him. When he went to the ward, he happened to have a headache. Fortunately, he didn't keep talking with Wen Ran today. Otherwise, she would have been sad to cry again.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and replied indifferently: "Okay." After two steps, he suddenly frowned, raised his head, and looked across the street.

   "Xiuchen, what's wrong?"

   Tan Mu suddenly stopped when Mo Xiuchen saw Mo Xiuchen, he was slightly startled, and he stopped, and asked with concern.

  A trace of doubt flashed in Mo Xiuchen’s deep eyes, and he said to himself: "I seem to be looking at me."

   Tan Mu heard the words, and his heart chuckled.

   "Wen Ran?"

  His appearance was funny and surprised. Mo Xiuchen glanced at him somewhat displeased when he made a joke, and strode forward.

Tan Mu lowered his eyes and followed.

   At the cafe on the second floor across the street, Wen Ran held his heart tightly with one hand, where he thumped and jumped very hard.

   Just now, when Mo Xiuchen looked across the street, she almost instinctively pulled down the curtains. For some reason, her instinct told him that Mo Xiuchen noticed that she was watching him, so she looked over.

  But he did not look upstairs, his eyes were just sweeping the pedestrians across the street, and no familiar figure was found. There was a flash of loss in his eyes. When Tan Mu talked to him, he withdrew his gaze.

   Her heartbeat eased slightly, and she trembling hands again, gently raised a corner of the curtain, and looked at the opposite bench through the glass window, like a thief and a thief, cautiously, but greedily locked the figure.

  He is thin, and the outline of his face is a little sunken, but he is handsome and handsome, but with a touch of exhaustion and sickness.

  He was leaning on the back of the chair, his legs turned up casually, his eyes drooping slightly, and he was a little far apart. Wen Ran couldn't see his expression clearly, but he couldn't bear to move half of his eyes away from him.

   "Xiu Chen, tomorrow I will return to China to negotiate with Liao Dongxing and let him hand over Fu Jingyi."

Tan Mu looked at Mo Xiuchen firmly. Last night, Mo Xiuchen obtained evidence from the winery. In China, he has found the hiding place of Liao Dongxing's dirty money. Coupled with the test results of the beauty products, he believes that Liao Dongxing Is willing to sacrifice a Fu Jingyi to save himself.

  Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips lightly, not knowing what he was thinking, and did not hear Tan Mu's words.

  He waited for a few seconds, but he couldn't help but squinted his eyes and called him "Xiu Chen?"

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyes, and met Tan Mu’s probing eyes, hesitating flashed deep in his eyes, and said calmly: "I will go back to China with you and negotiate with Liao Dongxing."

Tan Mu suddenly frowned and shook his head in disapproval: "Xiu Chen, your current physical condition can't run back and forth. Fu Jingyi may be in country D. You wait here. I can go back and find Liao Dongxing."

Mo Xiuchen smiled indifferently, ignoring Tan Mu's worried eyes. He said lightly: "It's useless for me to live in the hospital now. Those chemotherapy and other things won't work. I made a bet with Fu Jingyi, January I must get him out in this matter."

  In addition to wanting to participate in this matter personally, in fact, he also wants to take advantage of his physical strength to withstand the toss and toss of this back and forth, and then go back and take a look at the person he is thinking of.

  Yesterday, Qing Yang called to tell him that he was on a business trip.

  He was a little worried. She didn't let them follow. Although Qingfeng and Qingyang did not follow when she went to City C last time, she was looking for him at that time.

  This time, I heard that she went to D city, he called Wen Jin again, and scolded him, saying that he shouldn't let Ranran go on a business trip.

  Wen Jin was scolded and had to accept it.

   Thinking of this, Mo Xiuchen suddenly looked across the street again. When he remembered Wen Ran, he once again felt a pair of eyes looking at him.

  His heart suddenly missed a beat. The tall figure leaped up from the chair.

   Tan Mu was taken aback and asked, "Xiu Chen, where are you going?"

  Mo Xiuchen has already taken two steps. Hearing his voice, he turned his head, his eyes were as deep as a pool, shining brightly under the refraction of the sun: "I really feel that I am nearby."

   Tan Mu widened his eyes in astonishment. He couldn't believe that the certainty in Mo Xiuchen's tone was whether he and Wen Ran were too sensitive, or Mo Xiuchen was too allergic.

  His instincts have always been very accurate. Since he reunited with Wen Ran, he has always firmly believed that she was the little girl back then. Later, he did everything possible to prove it.

   Tan Mu was taken aback, the tall figure of Mo Xiuchen had already crossed the road and reached the other side of the street.

   "Xiu Chen, wait for me."

   Tan Mu recovered, three steps in two, passing through the moving vehicle, chasing after Mo Xiuchen, he was looking around.

   "Xiu Chen, Wen Ran is now in China, how could it be possible to come here? You must be thinking too much."

Mo Xiuchen's eyes stopped sharply on Tan Mu's face. After looking at him for a long while, he suddenly closed his eyes and used his mind to sense the strong feeling just now. In his ears, Tan Mu's voice could not bear to sound: "Xiu Chen, if Wen Ran comes to you, he will tell you."

  (End of this chapter)

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