Chapter 649 Aren't You Crying?

  Wen Ran was lying on the spacious bed alone, looking at the empty place beside him, without the embrace and temperature familiar to him in the past, let alone the gentle and charming smile of that person, nor could he hear his low magnetic voice.

  Nuo's master bedroom suddenly became empty and deserted. She remembered that she went to live in Wen's house not long ago and Mo Xiuchen lived here alone. Isn't it the same as she is now, lonely and sad.

I am used to the life of two people, I am used to being pampered, hurt, and in love by one person, and I am also used to seeing each other all the time, staying with each other day and night, and suddenly only myself is left. She feels that this early summer In the night, a chill came from all directions, penetrated into the first pore of her body, and then gathered in the cage toward the heart. The chill gave her a shiver.

  I was thinking about it all by myself, and the phone's ringtone rang suddenly.

   Seeing the call, Wen Ran smiled and pressed the answer button: "Hey, Xiaoxiao."

   "Of course, Mo Xiuchen went to City C, are you alone and unaccompanied?" On the other side of the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao's voice came from a strange yin and yang, with a strong sense of ridicule.

  Wen Ran replied amusedly: "Yes, I'm alone for a long night without a companion, Miss Bai Xiaoxiao, would you like to come with me?"

   "I just called and I have been in the conversation. Have you and Mo Xiuchen been talking on the phone?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao did not answer the question.

Wen Ran leaned on the bedside and slid down a bit, half-lying, and the phone was turned on and placed on the quilt beside him. He casually said: "I'm talking on the phone with my dad, and you, Luo last night. Hao Feng sent you home, or did you go to the hotel?"

   "Wen Ran, can you be a little purer in your mind, do you think I am you?"

Bai Xiaoxiao protested over the phone, and chuckled gently: "Just because you are not me, I asked if you have gone to the hotel to spend a good night. Xiaoxiao, seriously, I think if you are with me Luo Haofeng uncooked rice and cooked mature rice, Aunt Qiao might not want you to separate from him."

  Bai Xiaoxiao cut with disdain, "Of course, do you think my mother is so easy to be dealt with?"

  In fact, she didn't even know how her mother would be stubborn to such a degree this time, resolutely opposing her and Luo Haofeng.

   "Of course, my mother has found Luo Haofeng."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was silent for a few seconds on the other end of the phone, and said dumbly.

   Wen Ran was startled slightly, "You know?"

"Well, last night, he sent me home. We chatted and talked. We didn't know why we had some disputes. Actually, I was not good. I didn't control my temper for a while. Then, he told me, my mother. I found him and told him not to pester me."

  Wen Ran could hear that Bai Xiaoxiao was sad and contradictory.

  She had been chasing Xiao Yuting for more than ten years, making her mother worried, but she was obsessed with it.

  Later, when Xiao Yuting was so wounded, she finally wanted to drive. Now, she likes Luo Haofeng, her mother is more opposed than before, and her attitude is tough.

   "Xiao Xiao, didn't you let Uncle Bai convince Aunt Qiao, what did Uncle Bai say, he didn't agree with you and Luo Haofeng?"

   asked Wen Ran softly.

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, "It's useless. My dad always listens to what my mother says. Although he also thinks that Luo Haofeng is not bad, Luo Haofeng has been in love a few times before. He said that Luo Haofeng's feelings It won't last long."

Wen Ran raised his hand and stroked his forehead, and suddenly felt a headache: "Of course, Aunt Qiao and Uncle Bai are for your own good, but feelings, such as people drinking water, know how warm and cold they are. What kind of person Luo Haofeng is, he is right Whether your feelings can reach the old time, don't talk about you and me, just him, I'm afraid I can't guarantee it."

   "Of course, that's what Luo Haofeng said last night. I know that he is telling the truth, but I feel uncomfortable."

  Bai Xiaoxiao recounted the conversation with Luo Haofeng last night with Wen Ran. When she told Luo Haofeng her father's opinion, it was not that he would like her promise to love her for a lifetime.

He said: "Xiao Xiao, I have been in love a few times before, and even every time I am serious. Why did I break up in the end? There are many reasons. Now I like you. I really can't guarantee that I will like you forever. I just know , At this moment, I like you very much and want to be with you..."

   "If one day, I don't feel anymore for you, maybe you don't like me anymore, I will tell you or accept it calmly."

  Wen Ran felt a little sigh after hearing what Bai Xiaoxiao said.

  Luo Haofeng is indeed a veteran in love. He will not easily promise a woman for a lifetime, which is actually very sincere.

"Of course, you know what, I actually envy you and Mo Xiuchen. I really hope that Luo Haofeng can treat me like Mo Xiuchen did to you. Even if the promise he made cannot be fulfilled, it will at least make me happy at the time. Moved."

  Wen Ran gently pressed his lips.

  A little moisture condensed in her watery eyes, which made her eyes more and more sparkling. After a moment of silence, she said quietly, “I hope Xiuchen is not so good, and I hope he loves me less.”

   "Of course, what silly things are you saying? How can any woman want her husband to love herself less, and hope that her husband is not so good? You really don't know the blessing in the blessing."

  Bai Xiaoxiao scolded her on the other end of the phone, and was very embarrassed for Mo Xiuchen.

  Wen Ran did not refute, just smiled softly.

  Across the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't see her expression, but could only hear her laugh. She didn't know it. Her smile was bitter and sad.

  I hope that person loves herself less, but because she loves herself too deeply.

  If Mo Xiuchen could love her less, be less good and selfish, then they would not be separated between the two places now. Maybe, when she was about to leave, he would not stop her.

  Without her, he can start a new relationship and live a happy life.

   "Of course, Mo Xiuchen is the most affectionate and dedicated good man I have ever seen. Don't think about it anymore. If you don't want to live with him, you can chase after him to C City."

  Bai Xiaoxiao is the first person to say this, Wen Ran no longer remembers.

There were tears in her eyes, and in her heart, she didn't know what it was like, and said jokingly: "He went to City C and I am finally free. Why should I chase after him foolishly, Xiao Xiao, if you like Luo Hao Feng, just like him. Regardless of whether you can stay together for the rest of your life, enjoy the process of a relationship."

   "Of course, are you crying?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't answer the question, she seemed to hear something wrong with Wen Ran's tone through the phone.

   chuckled softly, and the laughter was crisp: "Why, you heard me wrong!"

  (End of this chapter)

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