Chapter 642

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran arrived home, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng waited here for more than an hour. If she hadn't called to urge Wen Ran, she had no plans to come back.

   "Of course, more than an hour ago, you said on the phone that you were almost home. Did you come back with a car along the way?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao complained dissatisfied, until Luo Haofeng took a bag of cherries from the car and said with a smile: “Xiao Xiao, don’t be angry, first taste the cherries, this is what Xiu Chen personally planted when he was young.”


  Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it.

  These cherries were formed by a cherry tree planted by Mo Xiuchen himself. She blinked her eyes and asked suspiciously, "Where is his grandmother's house?"

   "Xiao Xiao, if you find it delicious, next time I will take you and climb to the tree to pick one and eat one. It's more interesting than eating like this."

Wen Ran smiled brightly, and didn't care about Bai Xiaoxiao's complaint just now. As she said, she took out her phone and clicked on the photo she took of Mo Xiuchen. "Look, there are so many cherries on these cherry trees. Very, I’m just getting acquainted now. I guess I’ll go there next weekend more than I do now.”

   "Wow, so beautiful, so many cherries." Bai Xiaoxiao exclaimed happily.

  "Tsk, you can’t see that handsome guy, you only see cherries."

  Luo Haofeng tweeted. Although the photos were taken with a mobile phone, they were taken very well. The Mo Xiuchen on each one was very handsome.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at the two of them, and handed the remaining bags of cherries to Ma Zhang, stepped forward and pulled Wen Ran over, then pulled her away.

   "Advanced House."

  Luo Haofeng smiled and went to pull Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Mama Zhang took the cherries into the living room, Mo Xiuchen asked her to take a bag, and gave Qingyang, Qingfeng, Xiao Liu and others a taste.

  Bai Xiaoxiao fastened her bag, reached out and grabbed the other bags on the coffee table, "I’ll try these bags."

  "Xiao Xiao, these are all owned by the owner. You want to eat, then go to the countryside with me and pick them by yourself." Wen Ran glanced at her, and quickly removed the other bags of cherries.

   "Who is it for?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't grab it, and pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, staring at the bags of cherries, intending to wait for the machine. Take advantage of Wen Ran not paying attention to grab.

  Mo Xiuchen took Wen Ran into his arms and said calmly: "This is for A Kai, Wen Jin, and Shen Yuting."

  Just now, in order to come back later, they sent the share for Li Qian to Li Qian's house, and chatted with her for a while before they came back.

   "Why is there no Luo Haofeng?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked.

  "Xiaoxiao, didn’t you realize that your bag is twice as large as the other bags? Luo Haofeng’s copy is here for you."

   looked at her with mild contempt.

   "Um, Brother Wen, I will help him eat. Gu Kai, a big man, would not like to eat this."

  Bai Xiaoxiao laughed happily, and Wen Ran resolutely forbid her to **** it: "Will they want them? You can ask yourself when someone comes, now, don’t move."

   "Xiao Xiao, if you like to eat cherries, next time I take you to the countryside, I know that place." Luo Haofeng smiled and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao. He didn't expect that she likes eating cherries so much.

   "Okay, when do you want to go, tell Ranran to let her give you the key, so you can stay there for a few days and come back when you have enough."

  Mo Xiuchen squinted his eyes, and said something meaningful.

  Wen Ran winked at Bai Xiaoxiao ambiguously, Bai Xiaoxiao must have thought of something he shouldn’t have thought of, and her white cheeks were flushed, and she stared at Wen Ran fiercely.

  A few people talked and laughed, Gu Kai and Wen Jin arrived, and they still came in together.

   "Of course, this guy Xiu Chen is too eccentric. When the cherries were ripe in previous years, he always invited us to go to the countryside to spend the weekend together. With you this year, he didn't even mention a word to us."

  As soon as Gu Kai entered the living room, he saw the cherries on the coffee table. There was a faint smell of cherries in the air.

  Wen Jin was a little surprised, and asked curiously: "Does Mo Xiuchen still have a cherry base?"

Gu Kai explained: “This is from Grandma Xiuchen’s house. He spent most of his childhood at his grandma’s house. He planted cherry trees in front of and behind the house. In recent years, when the cherries are ripe. , He will call me, A Feng, and A Mu to go to the countryside to eat cherries together."

   "Didn't you call you this year?"

  Wen Jin, this is a well-known question.

  Gu Kai glanced at him and said faintly, “I mean people like Xiuchen. What’s wrong with your fingers? It’s not just picking cherries and hurting your fingers.”

  He saw Mo Xiuchen's hand wrapped around Wen Ran's waist with his index finger attached to the band-aid.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows and said lazily: "Cut vegetables accidentally."

When Gu Kai heard the words, Meifeng frowned slightly, and his thoughts were interrupted by a gentle voice, "Xiu Chen gave me the key to the country house. Anyone of you who wants to eat cherries, please come to me to sign up. , We will go again next week."

   "Haha, it's still good."

  Gu Kai laughed loudly. Wen Ran said with a smile, “I can’t finish eating so many cherries by myself. I didn’t call you yesterday because the cherries have just begun to ripen and won’t be ripe until next weekend.”

   "Well, I will go to City C tomorrow. If you want to eat cherries, you will find Ranran."

  Mo Xiuchen inserted a sentence, and his eyes swept over Gu Kai inadvertently.

  "You are going to City C tomorrow, in such a hurry?"

  Aside, Luo Haofeng asked in amazement, and Mo Xiuchen nodded, “Well, Haochen has been busy during this period. An Lin has been working hard by herself. I will be there tomorrow.”

   "Well, won't you go with you?"

  Gu Kai asked with concern, Mo Yu's eyes looked at Wen Ran.

   Yesterday, he suggested that Mo Xiuchen leave for Country D immediately, but he refused, saying that it would take him half a month.

  He thought that he spent half a month to dispel any doubts, but now listening to what he said, it's hard to come by, it took half a month to deal with official affairs.

  Wen Ran smiled and shook his head, "I want to stay at the pharmaceutical factory to work, and not go with him."

   Gu Kai heard her answer, and he felt relieved, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

   Obviously, just as puzzled as Mo Xiuchen, why would she not go to City C with him.

   "It doesn't matter if you don't go, of course, Mo Xiuchen has gone to City C. You can move back home to live and work closer."

  Wen Jin spoke calmly, with a gentle tone.

Wen Ran still shook her head. She raised her eyes to look at Mo Xiuchen and said softly, "No, I like to live here. Besides, Xiu Chen can come back to see me at any time. As for work, there are Qingfeng and Qingyang. Me, brother, don’t worry."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled softly, and swallowed when he reached his mouth.

  When Wen Jin made this proposal just now, he originally wanted to agree to it, but she didn't give him a chance and refused.

  (End of this chapter)

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