Chapter 636 Must go abroad for treatment

  Shen Yuting's eyes flashed with emotion, as if struggling, but also sad.

  Psing her lips, she took Wen Ran's hand and said earnestly: "Ranran, listen to me, don't live apart from Xiuchen."

  A trace of confusion appeared between Wen Ran's eyebrows, Qinghong looked at Shen Yuting with water, and answered the question: "Sister Ting, you seem to have something on your mind. Is it about Xiuchen?"

   "No, I just sent it out of feeling."

  Shen Yuting denied without thinking.

  Wen Ran just smiled and didn't intend to get to the bottom.

Shen Yuting did not dare to persuade her to go to City C with Mo Xiuchen. The two talked about other topics. When they talked about her and Jiang Liu, Wen Ran said with a smile: "Sister Ting, when will you Jiang Liu introduced it to us."

  Shen Yuting smiled and promised: "Okay, but he works overtime every day during this period, so let's wait for this period of time!"

"no problem."

  Wen Ran readily agreed.


  "Xiuchen, you must go to country D for treatment."

  In the office, Gu Kai looked at the inspection report with a solemn expression, with a tone that was more serious than ever.

  Mo Xiuchen eyebrow Yu Qingjun, his expression is indifferent, at first glance, he has no emotional changes. It's just that the eyes are getting deeper and deeper, and the color is like ink.

Hearing Gu Kai's words, he did not immediately answer, but glanced towards the door, and listened to the movement outside the door. Seeing what Gu Kai wanted to say, his voice sounded low and calmly: "Akai, you Be quiet, I don't want Ranran to know."

  Gu Kai was choked by him, and when he reached his mouth, he swallowed again.

   His mouth was slightly opened, and he looked at him like that, his eyes looked like annoyed and resentful.

  Mo Xiuchen ignored his emotional ups and downs. He leaned back on the sofa with a long body, his legs cocked up casually, and slowly explained:

  "Not now, I need at least half a month. After half a month, I will go to country D."

   "Mo Xiuchen, are you kidding about your life?"

  Gu Kai suddenly raised the volume, staring at Mo Xiuchen ferociously. This man really has the ability to drive people crazy.

The corner of Mo Xiuchen's mouth evokes a shallow arc, not caring about Gu Kai’s anger. He stretched out his hand and made a calm gesture to him, “A Kai, I didn’t make a joke about my life. If I remember correctly, I I also promised you that I will wait until the day when my dad develops the drug."

   "Then why don't you go to country D right away?"

  Gu Kai asked in a cold voice, his expression did not relax at all.

  The same virus has completely different properties in his body and in Wen Ran's body.

   "I still have very important things to do. I won't stop taking my medicine during this time. Besides, it's no use going to country D now."

  Gu Kai doesn’t know what to say about him. What is more important than his life. He pursed his lips fiercely and said, "If you are worried but do not want to go abroad immediately, I can assure you that if you are not in the country, I will protect Ranran and prevent her from being harmed in any way."

   "Of course, if you are willing to tell Ranran the truth now and let her accompany you to country D, that would be the best."

   "Don't tell Ranran."

  Mo Xiuchen's tone sank suddenly, although his expression on his face didn't change much, the firmness between his brows was clearly visible.

   "Xiu Chen, I actually don't agree with you hiding it. When she was leaving you before, didn't you also refuse? Now, why are you unwilling to tell her, are you afraid of her guilt?"

  If it is sad, then Mo Xiuchen's concealment, Wen Ran is not sad for the time being, and when he knows it, he will be sad.

  They toss like this, not only are they mildly sad, but the people around them are also sad. The only thing that is not sad is that Fu Jingyi is the only one who is abnormal.

   Thinking of this, Gu Kai's expression suddenly sharpened, "Xiu Chen, did Fu Jingyi talk to you on the phone and tell you how to save it?"

Mo Xiuchen nodded calmly. Now, there is no need to hide: "Before he called you, he had already called me. He told me that I was the only one who could live. In fact, at the beginning, I was the only one who could live. He was a little hesitant."

  Gu Kai's expression has changed several times in a moment. Fu Jingyi's pervert is really hiding in the dark and trying every possible way to toss them.

Mo Xiuchen sighed and said softly: "The reason why I hesitate is not because I am afraid of death, but because I am afraid that after I die, I will be alone, but he told me that as long as the virus in Ranran's body is cleared, she can do it in the future. Being a mother. Although I'm dubious, I can't help but try."

   "You are dead, where will she go to be a mother?"

  Gu Kai growled.

"Akai, don’t let Ranran know about my situation, I don’t want to feel sorry for me. I have a way to hide from her until the end, if I am lucky, then I will naturally have a group of lovely children with her. If I die , You let her start a new life."

   "Xiu Chen, it's unfair for you to behave like this."

  Gu Kai's heart aches, as if being blocked by something, making it hard to breathe.

Mo Xiuchen smiled sullenly and said faintly: "Yes, in the case of Ranran, I tried every means to force her to come back to me, but now, when I change me, I don't want to let her know that I am not so much. Great, in fact, I am selfish. I don't want to bear the pain of losing Ranran as life is worse than death, but I believe you can let Ranran start a new life."

  If love enters the bone marrow, how can it be forgotten by deleting the memory.

  Her memory has been blocked since she was a child. Doesn't his figure appear in her dreams the same? What's more, now, she loves him like her life, how can she forget it easily.

  He knew that she might suffer the pain that he couldn't even bear, but he still did. Today's concealment will only make the pain even more severe on the day when the truth arrives.

  Gu Kai's face turned pale, and word by word came out from between his teeth:

   "Okay, I promise you that if you die, I will let Ranran forget you, let her marry another man, and have children with that child, and grow old."

  He said these words, and he successfully saw the peaceful cracks on Mo Xiuchen's face, and the pain in his jet-black eyes was too thick to dissolve.

  In the corridor outside the door, there was the sound of footsteps, accompanied by low voices.

   "Ranran and Yuting are here."

  Gu Kai got up and opened the door.

   "I guessed it was you after hearing the footsteps." Gu Kai opened the door, and Shen Yuting and Wen Ran just walked to the door.

  His eyebrows are smiling, and his voice is cheerful.

Wen Ran smiled at him, his eyes crossed his shoulders and looked at Mo Xiuchen who was sitting on the sofa. His eyes seemed to have been waiting there. The moment they met, there was an inexplicable sweetness in her heart. .

  (End of this chapter)

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